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3 hours ago, Merzbow said:

I still think there's more chance he does something on one or more of those modern freakshow fight cards with all the YouTubers, Punk Vs a Paul alone would likely bag him a tidy sum of cash.

That sounds about right, to be honest. WWE don't really need him; they're chugging along fine, and don't even need to consider putting up with his histrionics.

A Celebrity Shit-Boxing match, however, would draw more than enough cash to warrant swallowing whatever bullshit they get from Jagged Little Phil.

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24 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

That sounds about right, to be honest. WWE don't really need him; they're chugging along fine, and don't even need to consider putting up with his histrionics.

A Celebrity Shit-Boxing match, however, would draw more than enough cash to warrant swallowing whatever bullshit they get from Jagged Little Phil.

Imagine the meltdown if he gets fucking battered by Jake Paul though, which I'd expect as the lad isn't terrible.

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5 hours ago, Loki said:

As others have said, modern corporate WWE is probably the perfect environment for Brittle Phil.

 He could have a Lesnar style deal where he does a limited number of dates a year.  He can turn up just before his match or segment, and head off straight afterwards.

 The less time he spends around the locker room the better.  Keep him isolated from everyone, in his own private suite.  No input into anything other than his own feud.  

 It all comes down to whether you think he has the value of a Lesnar, Cena, Goldberg.  Personally I don’t.  I doubt HHH does but Endeavour might.

Yup, WWE is the place for him. As I said a while back, it's entirely ironic that the "voice of the voiceless" has finally grown up and seen that the corporate structure that he railed against is actually what is needed for a competent, productive workplace.

He at least knows that the individuals who have corporate titles in WWE have sensible haircuts and only wear Jordans on Dress Down Fridays.

While a lot of the locker room in WWE won't actively hold him in high regard, you have to believe they know the score enough to treat him with some sort of basic courtesy and respect, which is all he can ask for. 

And he'll pull in his audience. There are fans who will always tune in to see him, and he'll likely shift a fair bit of merchandise. It's a win/win for both sides.

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1 hour ago, Vamp said:

Yes, when I think Punk I think "grown up."

Well, he may be a complete dick, but he's older and less tolerant of younger people who like to do things their own way. He's a good fit for the corporate structure WWE has I think.

While most wouldn't resort to trying to strangle 90210 Junior, I think there are many top wrestlers in their late 30's and early 40's who would find it difficult to work in AEW with how things are run there. 

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Might be easier to feel like he's being the "rebel" within the tightly constricted, rule driven conglomerate than the less regulated, free thinking, relaxed alternative I guess. Perhaps he needs the corporate structure to have something to push back against in the end?  Can't have a rebellion without a power-hungry overlord. Can't be the "voice of the voiceless" in an envirovent where people are listened to! 

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2 hours ago, David said:

think there are many top wrestlers in their late 30's and early 40's who would find it difficult to work in AEW with how things are run there. 

What makes you think that?

Looking at people who broke into wrestling around the same time as Punk and even earlier, the fact that Billy Gunn, Sting, Christian, Danielson, Jericho, Dustin Rhodes, Paul Wight, Mark Henry, Schiavone, JR, the Hardys, Jeff Jarrett, Arn Anderson and countless others all seem to be doing perfectly fine working for AEW would indicate to me that renowned titty-baby Punk losing his head and trying to choke out a colleague is more a him issue and less a company-wide AEW issue.

Obviously we're not privvy to backstage or personal conversations and maybe all of the above do have issues working for AEW. But it seems far more likely to me that the narcissist who constantly whines and bitches no matter where he works is more at fault than anyone else.

And I'm a Punk fan!

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10 hours ago, David said:

I think there are many top wrestlers in their late 30's and early 40's who would find it difficult to work in AEW with how things are run there. 

If AEW is run so terribly how come literally the only person whose had any major problems is the one guy with a history of being difficult and causing problems?

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13 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Fair. But the point still stands. 

To be honest, I think it’s a different point. If anything, I’d say if you compare Vinces WWE and AEW, which one (in terms of man managing) is a frat boy macho bollocks pay your dues know your place environment and which actually resembles a corporate structure? People who are used to the former are going to struggle working in the latter. 

Things might be different now in WWE if Vince isn’t hovering over it like some sex pest Alex Ferguson and it may benefit performative Phil and his attitude. AEW certainly has its pecking order / caste system and when a self proclaimed locker room leader isn’t at the top of that order, and people he doesn’t think should be are ahead of him, he’s going to struggle with it. Same goes for any used to the old ways. And hopefully those old ways are quickly becoming a thing of the past. 

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