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Case of trying too hard in this case. 

The brilliance of MJF's origin story promo this time last year was that he was the wronged party and it brought attention to real world scenarios of anti-semitiscm. Last night felt like a plot point stolen from a television show that has a rich kid character in it. 

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You have to hand it to Tony Khan, whether you like AEW or not he has certainly give us something to talk about with his Billionaire 1PW wrestling promotion. At some point though he is going to have to get a grip on the talent and start putting them to better use. I'm not the biggest Omega fan in the world but has to be in a better programme than fucking about in the trios division. 

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1 hour ago, Nick James said:

I fail to see what Cody's promo on Raw has got to do with an MJF promo on Dynamite? MJF's promo was ill-thought out and in bad taste, but what has Cody's promo got to do with it? AEW indeed have had worse promos, but it doesn't make this promo any better. Nor does people maybe going a little over the top in praising Cody's promo.

It's tribalism at its finest. 

Yeah I am badly explaning it. I don't think it was absolutely terrible (though the Jay Brisco situation certainly makes it worse in hindsight), nor did I think it was great, but it has come in the same week as Cody and Paul's excellent promo and when this was the counter reaction (i.e. to play up to the next big main event on PPV for each company) there was a clear winner, but also why compare Apples and Oranges, both exist in their own universes and some only watch one or the other anyway, so I'll take the L for this one.

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Saraya is one of the worst characters in AEW at the moment.  So awful, local indy fed nWo rip off.  Is there any evidence she'd increased viewership at all?  One of AEW's first bad top hires imo.

Particularly when you have Hayter on the roster!  Decent match until Bunny forgot to jump on that suplex.  I'm slightly worried that now she's a face it might mute her offence - she was playing the babyface in peril more than usual.  Bunny looked fucked up afterwards.

FWIW I was in the "dislike" camp for MJF's promo but to be honest I'm not enjoying him as champ at all.  He's quite skippable for me.  There are bigger stars on the show, and it feels like that - I think @Supremosaid earlier that when The Bucks and Kenny come out, business picks up.

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While Kenny as a singles star is money, him and The Bucks are stealing the show in the trios division and until they buff that division up I’m happy for him to stay there.

AR Fox won me over in that match and Top Flight seem to have found their confidence.

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They need to hurry up and pull the trigger on a BCC vs Elite feud pronto. Build the shows around it, a different dream match every week for 3 months straight. MJF can do his indulgent hokey heel act for 10 minutes a week, no one will care.

Eddie going off on Twitter at the moment. It's going to break my heart when he gets fired.


Edited by LaGoosh
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39 minutes ago, Loki said:

FWIW I was in the "dislike" camp for MJF's promo but to be honest I'm not enjoying him as champ at all.  He's quite skippable for me.  There are bigger stars on the show, and it feels like that - I think @Supremosaid earlier that when The Bucks and Kenny come out, business picks up.

MJF has had absolutely no upgrade (i.e. production support) in presentation since he won the belt, so although he has got himself into phenomenal shape, his swaggering poser demeanour just isn't enough to fill the arena. He felt like a bigger deal in the Pinnacle, surrounded by heavies, being shown getting out of private jets, and having silly shit like coming out on a throne that one time. He hasn't got any of that, so he's just a streaky-tanned guy in pants and a big belt.

The Elite always feel big because they have big curated entrances, with hooky intros, coordinated trons and pyro. *cough cough* EVPs *cough* They need to chuck a bit fo that (appropriately) at their main eventers, otherwise they'll always feel like placeholders until the stars they're actually investing in can take over.

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5 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

MJF has had absolutely no upgrade (i.e. production support) in presentation since he won the belt, so although he has got himself into phenomenal shape, his swaggering poser demeanour just isn't enough to fill the arena. He felt like a bigger deal in the Pinnacle, surrounded by heavies, being shown getting out of private jets, and having silly shit like coming out on a throne that one time. He hasn't got any of that, so he's just a streaky-tanned guy in pants and a big belt.

The Elite always feel big because they have big curated entrances, with hooky intros, coordinated trons and pyro. *cough cough* EVPs *cough* They need to chuck a bit fo that (appropriately) at their main eventers, otherwise they'll always feel like placeholders until the stars they're actually investing in can take over.

I watched Dynamite for the first time in a long time today and to be honest, this is both a brilliant point and also - for me - indicative of a wider trend on the show.

Everything felt like it had been downgraded a bit from a presentation standpoint. It was all a bit dimly lit and cheap.

And, yeah, that promo was absolutely crap and needlessly vile and try hard. Shite.

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