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2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Will people believe it, though? I’d be wary, if I were them, about creating a ‘boy-who-cried-wolf’ type situation where fans don’t trust that any MJF face turn is in anything more than a ruse.

Imo it already feels like fans want him to turn face so I reckon they'll buy it if/when he actually turns.

Obviously they should avoid teasing it too much or for too long. 

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4 hours ago, David said:

I guess it depends on who they're trying to market to really, doesn't it?

I'm much like you, in that I want to see in-ring storytelling, proper interviews, and so on, but as we've been told numerous times by people in the business, AEW can't survive on just appealing to the nerds who post on message boards and mark out at NJPW appearances. 

I'm not watching AEW as if it's business that I'm invested in. I'm watching AEW because I'm a message board pro wrestling nerd, and AEW hit a certain sweet spot when it came to scratching those wrestling nerd itches.

So I don't care about what "people in the business" say. I'm not going to watch some sub-par cheesey garbage whilst faking a smile and muttering some empty-pleasantries about casual fans. I'm not watching for anybody else but myself.

Also, it's weird how these arguments about not catering to the internet nerds get trotted out only a few weeks after the critical and commercial success that was Forbidden Door. Almost like people will recognise a good wrestling show as a good wrestling show regardless of how "nerdy" it is. Fuck Max Landis and his "wREStliNG ISnt WREStlinG" bootlicking bollocks.

4 hours ago, David said:

I can only go on what I'm seeing, but what they're doing is clearly working. And the truth is, guys like you and me are gonna be watching regardless. People like my other half? They will just stop watching if shit gets too serious or nerdy. 

Just my take on it.

Clearly working? That's something you're going to have to explain. You got some stats to go with that? Clearly working as in "Well they're still on the air..." or clearly working as in "Well RATINGS ARE THROUGH THE ROOF for MJF and Adam Cole's segments that are filmed like a run-of-the-mill porno!".

The part in bold I had to highlight too, because the days of watching wrestling just because it's wrestling are behind me. I haven't watched WWE in years. I haven't touched TNA with a bargepole (Peter Kay wink) in God knows how long. The indies lost me when they went all meme-heavy (and then half of them turned out to be abusive shits). I feel like I haven't been this disinterested in wrestling in as long as I can remember. Like a lot of people, AEW is really the only modern wrestling that I consistently watch. I know this is all very 'old man shouts at cloud' but God fucking damn those clouds used to be fucking GOOD.

How many times did you hear that argument; "It doesn't matter, you'll still watch regardless". Trust me when I say, I've got no qualms with dropping AEW like a dribbly catshit kebab if the product continues down this path of emulating WWE and NXT (not even GOOD WWE and GOOD NXT, for fucks sake).

I've got faith that they won't swallow the fed-pill, that they'll still keep an even balance between the good and the bad, but the second that balance shifts in the direction of more overly-scripted, cringey skits and overly-long non-wrestling segments (I don't want to see a forty fucking minute TRIBAL CHEIF segment, for example) then I'm gone and so is my interest in any of the current offerings.

So while it's good for them that they'll sell a few t-shirts and get some more advertisers because they look more like what's on the other channel, I'll just see it as another casualty of something promising chasing the leader in today's modern media hellscape instead of forging their own path and sticking to it.

Edited by Accident Prone
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That's all very well, but at the end of the day it IS a business intending to make money and profit, and the owner will always have that in mind.

So if that's trying to "emulate*" the biggest brand of all time, then that's what will happen. 


*Will have to take peoples word on this.

Edited by SuperBacon
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Dynamite should feel different right now. It's the flip side of Collision being created. While Collision gets nitpicked for the small roster that has been used. It's meant that the TNT, Tag, and Trios titles have all been split off from Dynamite and Rampage so far.

You would at least get some random defenses for appearances sake, and those shows have largely missed all of the Owen tournaments. Dynamite would be a lot more chaotic if they were squeezing all that in the last month.

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Just now, Accident Prone said:

I'm not watching AEW as if it's business that I'm invested in. I'm watching AEW because I'm a message board pro wrestling nerd, and AEW hit a certain sweet spot when it came to scratching those wrestling nerd itches.

In case there was any confusion here, I am also one of those wrestling nerds. I'm right here on this message board with you, and have been for far too fucking much of my adult life, like many on here. 

Just now, Accident Prone said:

So I don't care about what "people in the business" say. I'm not going to watch some sub-par cheesey garbage whilst faking a smile and muttering some empty-pleasantries about casual fans. I'm not watching for anybody else but myself.

Here's the thing, if I thought what they were putting out there was "sub-par cheesy garbage" I wouldn't tune in. Fuck, there's more than enough shit to watch these days without labouring through something if you think it's sub-par. 

I'm not muttering anything, I'm simply explaining that while people like you and me will watch for the most part (I know you said you don't watch, but most of us wrestling nerds will watch, then moan like fuck afterwards) the company needs to appeal to those casual viewers if they want to grow. It's that simple.

And those casual viewers like the kind of cheeseball nonsense that you're talking about. What do you think fans are talking about after the show on Wednesday? How good the matches were? Or the "hilarious" segment between MJF and Adam Cole? 

Personally, I'm happy to have it all. It's only when the comedy skits are replacing the excellent in-ring matches that I'll start to really grumble. That hasn't happened yet. Not in my opinion anyway.

Just now, Accident Prone said:

Also, it's weird how these arguments about not catering to the internet nerds get trotted out only a few weeks after the critical and commercial success that was Forbidden Door. Almost like people will recognise a good wrestling show as a good wrestling show regardless of how "nerdy" it is. Fuck Max Landis and his "wREStliNG ISnt WREStlinG" bootlicking bollocks.

Look, you don't need to convince me about the brilliance of Forbidden Door. I ended up paying over the odds for a ticket for it, so I'm all-in (pardon the pun) when it comes to excellent wrestling shows. But, I also realise that just like Christmas, this event comes along but once a year, and there's a reason for that. 

Just now, Accident Prone said:

Clearly working? That's something you're going to have to explain. You got some stats to go with that? Clearly working as in "Well they're still on the air..." or clearly working as in "Well RATINGS ARE THROUGH THE ROOF for MJF and Adam Cole's segments that are filmed like a run-of-the-mill porno!".

If you've been bored enough to read any of my posts on ratings you'll know I don't put much stock in them, but what I do put stock in is the interest of television companies in a product as a whole, and there's a reason why AEW got another slot at a good time on a Saturday night, and why apparently they're being pushed by WBD to increase PPVs to become a monthly concern as part of a new television deal. 

Because as a whole, what they're doing now is working. And why working I mean they're clearly appealing to advertisers and TV execs. I know that may not be your criteria, but outside of personal preference, it is THE criteria that matters.

Just now, Accident Prone said:

How many times did you hear that argument; "It doesn't matter, you'll still watch regardless". Trust me when I say, I've got no qualms with dropping AEW like a dribbly catshit kebab if the product continues down this path of emulating WWE and NXT (not even GOOD WWE and GOOD NXT, for fucks sake).

Sadly, AEW will be quite happy to lose one fan in you if it means they attract multiples of the other type. Although, I don't think they're emulating WWE all that much. I stopped watching the 'E a while back due mainly to it being shit, but I'm honestly finding AEW the most entertaining it's been in ages at the moment. I like the fact they've diversified a little and went with some comedy skits and suchlike alongside the excellent wrestling. Maybe that's because I've now got my other half watching along with me for those "big laughs" instead of scrolling on her phone, asking when she can stick Below Deck:Sailing Yacht on the telly or whatever.

The thing is, I think most people on here who post in these AEW threads on the reg are being entertained by what they're seeing. Me included. I'm not gonna say you should be watching or anything as mental as that, and fully understand that if it's not for you it'll be a case of turning off and moving on. 

To each their own and all that.

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If this MJF/Adam Cole thing is a tribute to WWE scripting then it’s the equivalent of someone smarter than you copying your homework and then getting a better mark.

We’ve seen a million, “can they co-exist,” storylines in the fed and they’re always the absolute worst. Always the same old dull, boring bickering and in-fighting. Everyone constantly arguing, nobody ever getting along, a bunch of bitter, bitchy, horrible characters you hate anyway, so hurry up and just turn on each other. I saw a Raw report recently that even Imperium and Judgment Day are now teasing ANIMOSITY? Fucking hell. What a drag.

By contrast, this thing with MJF and Cole has been the complete opposite. Silly, daft, wholesome fun. Far from waiting for it to end, I’m dreading an eventual turn. I want them to go the whole way! Hit that double clothesline on Dax and take the titles, bay bay! Pow-er-slam! Pow-er-slam!

That’s the joy of the MJF character. I know he’s a horrible, manipulative little prick, but he’s so layered with flaws and vulnerabilities that you get sucked into it just as much as the babyfaces themselves. I don’t for a second think less of Adam Cole for buying into his shit. I’m buying into it too! Him muttering how he’d never had any friends in order to play a multiplayer game?! Jesus! I was ready to hand him an N64 controller myself! Come on, Max! This is it! You can finally change! We’ll start with Mario Kart, Goldeneye and then finally No Mercy!

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Swerve is a star. I hope they’re planning to get a singles belt on him soon. Nick Wayne didn’t do much for me (though having a backstory helps him stand out from the other ultra generic flippy guys) but if he’s there to further a Swerve-Darby storyline that gets them into a big grudge match at Wembley… yes please.

Loved the closing angle. So pleased PAC is back, I was hoping for that ever since it got suggested on here. Brilliant to have his Gatesheady tones back… “you broke my nose bone!”

And then the Kota announcement. Like everyone else, I thought of @Supremo and honestly I think a lot of my excitement is for him.

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Using the Cole/MJF segments as evidence that AEW is now copying WWE seems a bit weird to me. This isn't the first time they've done stuff like this. Most of the Jericho/MJF story was like this. Have people forgotten the Las Vegas trip or the Dinner Debonair? And really, it's only one part of the show so if you don't like it don't worry about it because the next thing you'll see will be completely different.  Apart from the annoying additions of the LED screens entrance way and people watching TV backstage I think AEW is pretty much the same as ever for the most part. Saying they are becoming more like WWE when next week they have a 10 man gorefest being headlined by a debuting Japanese wrestler sounds ludicrous to me. 

As for Swerve I think they should be planning his ascension to being the top heel. He has that special something. He feels genuine and cool (not just wrestling cool, actually cool) but is believable as a nasty piece of work you could never trust. They need to book him like the wrestling equivalent of Ashur from Spartacus. The man looks the absolute business and feels unique. He's more likely to be a crossover star than anyone on the roster I can think of. Heroic cowboy Hangman Page vs evil rapper Swerve for the World title feels like a main event story to me. I was really surprised when he didn't beat Cassidy for his title, I'm hoping they run it back at Wembley and he get's the big win there. I've got all my fingers crossed they have something big lined up for him.

Edited by LaGoosh
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My main takeaway from that show is Swerve Strickland might have the biggest upside in all of pro-wrestling. Seriously. He looks the absolute fucking business. Moves flawlessly, wrestles well, never loses the sneer.

Find the quickest route to the top of the card and send him on his way. 

You could see him having crossover potential too, with just how current his presentation is. Brilliant.

Good show, no real notes. I think the double clothesline will be the turn point for MJF and Cole… they signal for it, crowd goes wild, one of them steps back, the other hits a single clothesline, turns back sad and confused and gets waffled by the other. Heartbreaking stuff.

I wouldn’t rule out Cole being the one to turn, either.

Really enjoyed that tag match. That powerslam spot was superb.

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I hope it’s a good thing people thought of me when Kota’s gorgeous face popped up! I can assure you this was me and the dog in our living room at 3am.


Even more exciting than that ridiculously talent-stacked Blood and Guts match is how many dream matches Ibushi could have if he’s sticking around. Has he ever wrestled Pac one-on-one? Or Takeshita? Or Danielson? Or Mox? Claudio? Fenix? Darby? Orange? The list is endless!

I’ll explode if he’s at Wembley.

On Wednesday, I’m hoping for that spot where Ibushi suddenly stops selling and starts murdering people. The idea of him doing that to Wheeler Yuta, locked in a cage, is equal parts terrifying and orgasmic. Like Wheeler’s whole run as the Combat Club’s little shit has been building towards it. Remember last year when Michael Cole kept shouting about nothing mattering in a War Games match until all participants are in? Let’s see what happens if a man is murdered. See if that matters. RIP Wheeler. You deserved it. Clap, clap. Clap clap clap.

Edited by Supremo
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Building up Darby's protege for a couple of weeks, then having Swerve fucking murder him while looking at Darby, is one of the best bits of booking I've seen in a while. Absolutely tremendous stuff and really shows what a big deal they think Swerve is. I think they know exactly what they have in him and they're not rushing it.

But they should rush it - World Champ Swerve, pls. What a great, nasty, piece of work.

Also, loved that last segment. Pac being another great nasty bastard, and then Kenny laughing about the fifth member as he's about to be murdered. Absolutely brilliant stuff.

And yeah, I'm also down for the MJF/Cole stuff - it doesn't feel like previous odd couple partnerships, because it plays so much into their longer-term characters. 

That entire episode flew by.

Edited by Chris B
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14 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

at the end of the day it IS a business

"Well, you see....

At the end of the day...

In this BUSINESS...

And the fact of the matter is...

Whether you like it or not..."


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Got a bit of a rager at the end there. One of the big reasons I bit the bullet and went to Wrestlemania this year, other than to see Cody win the title (sob), was Kota Ibushi being announced for Bloodsport. I bloody love the mad ageless twink. 

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25 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I wouldn’t rule out Cole being the one to turn, either.

If Punk turns coming up that could be telling in how the Cole/MJF story goes. With Roderick's part in it already and the potential of Kyle O'Reilly waiting in the wings. I wouldn't be shocked in the Undisputed Era being reunited. Just please forget about Bobby Fish this time.

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