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2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

That's the problem with these guys like Komander, they do some amazing shit and everyone thinks they're great....then within a month you realise that "amazing shit" is all they can do and you don't care anymore. 

Exactly how I felt after seeing that Vikingo or whoever. Did a million flips on moves that didn’t need them. Was over him before the match ended.

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It's exactly the reason why AJ Styles made for a great highlight reel early on in TNA but only in later years really became the full package. He learnt to tone it down and make that stuff mean something.

Tony is signing far too many guys that might make for great GIFs on Twitter but he can't book them all in meaningful feuds or anything because they're just not capable. And he's diluting them all by having so many of them. He really doesn't understand what makes them special.

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I’m in the minority and had a lot of fun watching this show. Enjoyed most of the matches and most of the angles, and it had my attention for longer than most of the Dynamites the last few months.

I was so certain the Pillars thing was leading to a Fatal Four Way - I’ve no trouble believing MJF could beat any one of the others in a title match, but dealing with all three of them adds just enough uncertainty to want to see how he can possibly retain.

But then they announced a tournament even though they’ve only got three people and if they’d had to, could have done a triple threat I guess. So I was certain, the way Perry and Guevara were actively trying to break their own necks, we were heading to a non-finish that still resulted in a Fatal Four Way.

But then Sammy won. Okay, by countout, but he still won. And they might work from there towards a Fatal Four Way again but it seems a lot less likely. My interest in the World Title picture just decreased.

Away from that - I’m fine with Wardlow getting the TNT back, I think it’s okay to have one belt that gets passed around loads and it may as well be the newly christened Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat Championship. Joe, Hobbs, Wardlow, Luchasaurus, keep this going.

Elite/BCC segment probably my favourite of the night. When they finally meet it’s got to be some crazy gimmick match, regular wrestling won’t do this feud justice. I’m looking forward to it.

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It won't happen because we've had 30 years of WWF/E and WCW telling us everyone on the roster is a Super Star, merch mover and potential title contender, but it'd be great if they were brave enough to allocate part of the roster as the lower midcard exhibition guys, a la the original cruiserweights. No angles, special individual entrances, or guarantee you'll see them next week - just jog out there, do your gnarly shit for 5-8 minutes, then get out of the way for the following promo segment. If all anyone can think of for you is a title match, you're just not interesting enough to get invested in. You can teach anyone to wrestle but that doesn't make them a wrestler.

The Four Pillars angle feels like they've managed to hotshot 3 or 4 angles at once, and I fear all this is going to do is show up the gulfs in talent between them. That's especially if it's going to be build on this snarky, bitchy bullshit. If the lads are having a say in the content, it's a classic case of young wrestlers being stuck in the bubble and thinking that the only way to get heat is to get actually personal. It's another facet of the lack of personality issue re: the cruisers.

On the flipside, I'm all in on baby face Cole. Actually being the decent, humble guy we see in his podcasts and interviews combined with his massively over entrance, it's clear he just needed to get out of his own way. The fiery underdog suits him far better than dominant ass kicker heel.

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12 hours ago, Loki said:

I think I missed something here in the MJF/Sami promo.

Sami needed to beat Jack Perry and Darby to get a shot at MJF, so instead MJF offered him a blank cheque, and a shot at MJF...   So what's MJF getting out of this deal? Isn't he just giving Sami a ton of money to do exactly what he was going to anyway?  Makes no sense.

I think the deal was, if Sammy lays down at the PPV for MJF then he gets the cheque. Hence MJF helping Sammy at the end because he thinks if Sammy wins the tournament MJF essentially gets a free pass at Double Or Nothing.

They've done the old WWE thing of taking a red-hot angle and throwing in unneccesary detours along the way to pour water on the storyline. Just book a Fatal Four-Pillars Way for fucks sake, no need to make it all so convoluted.

Anyway, Ricky Starks spear was beautiful. 

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11 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:


Away from that - I’m fine with Wardlow getting the TNT back, I think it’s okay to have one belt that gets passed around loads and it may as well be the newly christened Big Meaty Men Slapping Meat Championship. Joe, Hobbs, Wardlow, Luchasaurus, keep this going.

 Bring Miro back in too and there's a cracking little division built there for, I dunno, a renamed 'heavyweight' title?

Miro, Luchasaurus, Butcher, Joe, Hobbs, Wardlow, Lee, Archer, Big Bill isn't a bad division really. Not great,.but not bad and certainly watchable 

Edited by Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete
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Not watched AEW in months now consistently but checked out the Darby/Jungle Boy/Sammy promo this morning with my brekkie and it was painful. None of them seem overly confident on the stick, but when Sammy Guevara's far and away the best promo in the ring then I don't think that's quite enough to carry what is essentially your coming of age, break-into-the-main-event feud. 

The warts were on show with Jungle Boy and Darby in particular because both of them doing a balls out, slagging match promo just seems so out of character for them. Jungle Boy's the heart on sleeve underdog, Darby's the silent punk kid underdog. And they were both closer to Sami's character in that segment, out there just trading barbs because they've been chucked into a storyline together. It just doesn't seem like something they'd do, which made the delivery of all the lines all the worse. 

"The only reason your here is because you didn't make it as a skateboarder!" is going to take some doing as the worst line of the year!

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As bad as the four pillar storyline is going, it falls into the category of there being too much to kill between the PPVs in AEW. 

If Double or Nothing was a four weeks after Revolution then we'd probably get the simple Fatal-4-Way in a very basic, simplistic way. But because it's coming ten or eleven weeks later we end up with another storyline that just gets a little messy and overbooked for the sake of it. 

Also away from the actual in-ring promo tripe, the fact that the commentators were trying to put over the ranking system after all this time made it more laughable. And Schiavone saying that all three men had won their last two matches really made it feel daft. Whoopty do, they've won two matches in a row and that somehow gives them the right to challenge for the World Title. 

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I think there definitely could have been an interesting story there where you could have had MJF trying to manipulate each man against eachother to protect himself from three different threats but now that they basically had all Darby, Sammy and Perry sniping at eachother like twats for no reason whatsoever they've basically fucked that and now they have five weeks of TV to kill before the inevitable four way. Hopefully they come up with something interesting to keep the story going.

Edited by LaGoosh
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4 hours ago, JimmyAnderson said:

As bad as the four pillar storyline is going, it falls into the category of there being too much to kill between the PPVs in AEW. 

This is something I have been thinking about for a while. I think they should move to 5 PPV’s a year, basically bi monthly with a 2 month break after Double or Nothing. I think that would work better for Storylines 

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I feel like they did the initial 4 pillars promo battle a little too early into the build-up, to be honest. If the past few weeks of TV had been MJF not showing up because nobody is at his level, whilst Sammy, Darby and Jungle Boy go about picking up wins while stating they want a title shot, then they did that 4-way promo they did a month ago, I feel like that would've been a bit more effective. As it is, they did the initial 'we all want a title shot' promo then none of them interacted for 3 weeks whilst they went about picking up wins to justify the title shot. 

It's been a really strange story so far as you had the 'fuck, they're doing the four pillars match!' moment, then all 3 guys did their own thing for a few weeks, then last week got it back on track with the MJF/Sting promo before this week where they've gone 'nah, lets have a 3-person tournament'? It shouldn't have to be this hard to book a four-way between these guys.

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I guess none of us will ever know for sure exactly what WWE would have done with Jay White in his first month on the roster.

But surely it'd have been better than knocking about with Juice fucking Robinson and going up against Shawn fucking Spears.

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