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Will Smith just slapped Chris Rock (no sold it)


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53 minutes ago, Loki said:

There is not one tiny bit of this that's Chris Rock's fault.

Of course it is. Making jokes about somebody's physical appearance is the height of cuntery, even more so when it's due to a medical condition.

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The location and relationship between the act and the audience also plays into it in my opinion, if people have paid to see Chris Rock at a gig they are (or should) all be going with the exception of him possibly taking the piss and all the audience being fair game for being butt of a joke, but this isn't a comedy club and they weren't there to see him. 

Doesn't excuse either side, it was a shit joke first (unless we quantum leaped back to 98) and not really in good taste either, but you would expect people to handle it better than that still. 


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There’s some real hyper masculinity around this. It’s not like on Buzzcocks when Amstell was taking the piss out of someone’s wife who wasn’t there, Chris Rock said it directly to her and Will Smith laughed. Then he got all Johnny Concrete when he saw she didn’t find it funny to try and claim back some masculinity after getting cucked for years. Don’t worry little lady, I’ll take care of this regardless of if you want me to or not. 

It was a shit joke. It was made during a traditional playful jibes at the stars monologue but wasn’t playful. It was more suited to those awful comedy roast things. For me, Will Smith is the bigger arsehole, Clive. 

I’ve seen a few people saying Rock was mocking her disability. Is alopecia a disability? When did that happen?

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29 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Of course it is. Making jokes about somebody's physical appearance is the height of cuntery, even more so when it's due to a medical condition.

Being a cunt doesn't excuse physical assault, I'm surprised to see people victim blaming like that.  Attacking a comedian or indeed any performer onstage, is not on no matter what they've said.  in fact, assaulting someone is not on in any circumstance.  Real life isn't WWE.

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There’s also the racial element to consider. There’s a lot of chatter about deserving a slap for what he said but you just know if someone had done this to Gervais, the same people would be all “Ooh snowflakes can’t take a joke, it’s just a joke”. But when an uppity black man makes a joke, he deserves to be taken down a peg or two. Even if that slap came from the whitest black man in  showbiz. 

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Did Rock know about Jada's alopecia? I had no idea myself. Maybe he should have been more aware, but he kinda just seemed to say it on the fly not like he was planning it. It wasn't a very good joke, but it also was hardly the most insulting thing anyone has said.



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