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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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4 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

This may be a "hot take" but outside of that one lovely promo about his kid FTR are the absolute most boring face team, and Dax's singles matches have been fine I guess but hugely overrated and come across as nothing but exhibitions with it being far too obvious that they're going for a classic rather than having a contest with something on the line.

Depends how you like your wrestling. I genuinely think they are the best in the world right now. Not as flashy as your Bucks, Penta/Fenix, less fun then your Acclaimed, New Days or Alpha Academy, but in terms of performance they are hard to top.

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I don't mind FTR, but the “held down” narrative their fans shout when they are walking about with 3 titles and get adequate time for interviews and matches rubs me the wrong way. 

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I still enjoy Dynamite most weeks but this best of seven series can fuck off. Haven't enjoyed one of those since WCW. 

Can't say I'm particularly hyped for Winter Is Coming.


Interested to see where they are going with Hobbs. 

Edited by The King Of Swing
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1 hour ago, Merzbow said:

 Dax's singles matches have been fine I guess but hugely overrated and come across as nothing but exhibitions with it being far too obvious that they're going for a classic rather than having a contest with something on the line.

You always know he's losing too 

37 minutes ago, The King Of Swing said:


Interested to see where they are going with Hobbs. 

Nowhere is my guess.

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2 hours ago, Merzbow said:

Dax's singles matches have been fine I guess but hugely overrated and come across as nothing but exhibitions

They because all have outside of the Owen Hart Cup matches. Think the closest to a storyline reason was against Ospreay in the build to Forbidden Door as it kind of played into the tag match against United Empire.


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I enjoy FTR and Dax's singles matches. I find it weird that nothing is made of the fact that Dax is always preferred in singles matches over Cash, though. Regardless of it being the case that Dax is a much better singles wrestler (from what I've seen, he isn't), it just shits all over Cash and makes FTR look worse as a tag team to me. It also doesn't make sense from a storyline perspective that Cash wouldn't be put out at all by it.

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Man oh man, this promotion's wheels are falling off completely. Almost nothing makes any sense. I've hardly any idea who the faces and heels are supposed to be anymore. The whole shades of grey thing should have died a death over twenty years ago. It's one thing to have ONE tweener on the show. A late 96/early 97 Austin, an early 96 Diesel. But this shit? Everyone is flip, flopping and flying more than The Blues Brothers. 

People randomly appear and disappear. Matches thrown out there all of a sudden that should mean more. Lack of follow up to most things that they do start.

What's odd is that one of the only times they have done a big angle, went to break and then came back to it - was this week. They used that to sell the attack on Regal. So they did something to put over the strength of an angle, something I and others criticise them for a lot. Yet they choose an absolute mess of a story and segment to give that treatment, which kind of further enhanced it's shitness instead of helping. That was one of the worst things young Max was ever involved in. Bored to tears after five minutes I was and it just went on and on. 

Please be to God, they get this back on track shortly. Max beats Stark's and the build for Danielson starts. Bryan hopefully will try his best to stay away from his smarmy, dickhead tendencies in order to be a likeable foil for MJF. Hangman and Moxley can settle their differences. Maybe we'll get to the end of this best of 7 series and figure out if one of these teams is supposed to be good and one is supposed to be bad. Because if they are all still wankers I'll have mightily lost the will to give any shits. 

Get Jungle Boy back. Proper blue eye. Have him beat another confused Muppet Samoa Joe and get rid of a belt in the process. Fold the BCC when Claudio starts wearing the purple hat and hopefully by the new year some life will have been breathed into this thing if some of this can be sharpened up. I'm not going to hold my breath though. 

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Writing up some nominations for the year end awards, and trying to figure out why AEW feels so cold overall these past twelve months, I realised that almost every pay per view for over a year has seemingly been cursed! Going all the way back to late last year, it seems to have become a pattern that for one reason or another they’ve failed to capitalise on any momentum coming out of the big shows.

Full Gear 2021 features the conclusion to the greatest story ever told in this medium, Hangman Page raising gold…only for him to get completely lost in the shuffle in favour of CM Punk and all the ex-WWE lot flooding in. He never truly recovered. Think of every single second they wasted on Bobby Fish rather than my boy Hangman. Criminal.

Double or Nothing 2022 sees CM Punk win the World Title, kickstarting another Summer of Punk, whilst Wardlow concludes a phenomenal feud with MJF. The War Dog looks set to be the next big star, with people talking about him as a future World Champion…and then Max cuts that stupid shoot promo, undoing almost everything that came before it. And then Punk breaks his foot and we’re left scrambling to such a degree that Kyle O’Rielly is being portrayed as a potential World Title contender.

All Out 2022 sees them reset everything, with Punk back as champion and MJF coming back as the hottest act in the world…and then Punk’s brain breaks worse than his ankle and everything turns to shit once again.

And finally Full Gear 2022 sees them rebuild and set a new stall out, with the next three to six months writing itself as the Blackpool Combat Club and Eddie Kingston seek revenge against the dastardly duo of MJF and William Regal…and then Regal fucks off to listen to Metallica with Triple H and everyone’s left looking a bit of a knob head.

I just want my old AEW back. They went from a company built on a foundation of cohesive, well-thought out, satisfying stories and became the company constantly stumbling and pivoting from one pay per view to another. I keep hoping this will be the time when things calm down and they get back into a steady rhythm but it’s as if the industry as a whole was so boring for so long that it’s making up for lost time!





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I was reading back at the beginning of this topic. Thinking how excited I was for the future of Dynamite and AEW. But you've summed it up perfectly there. What an absolutely mental year for so many bad reasons.

I know it's a wrestling company so eventually shit sneaks through because wrestling. But it was genuinely such a joy to watch for a good while.

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CM Punk coming in was the beginning of the rot noticeably setting in but in retrospect it was just one ex-WWE star too many.

I got interested in AEW because it was a genuine alternative to WWE, with fresh stars you’d not see up north - like Omega, MJF, Hangman.  Yes you had familiar faces like Jericho or Cody but they were part of a larger show.

I think it was the stream of NXT guys arriving and being treated like main eventers that really started the change.  It signalled that Khan saw them as more valuable than his existing stars, and that sucks if you’re one of those who main evented early doors.

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I've been rewatching pandemic era AEW recently and it's absolutely delightful, especially once they figure out the balance. So much shit happens in wrestling I almost forget that Sammy Guevara once got chased and absolutely mullered by a golf cart. No one should forget that. 

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49 minutes ago, Chili said:

I've been rewatching pandemic era AEW recently and it's absolutely delightful, especially once they figure out the balance. So much shit happens in wrestling I almost forget that Sammy Guevara once got chased and absolutely mullered by a golf cart. No one should forget that. 

AEW certainly hasn't, I think it's happened 3 times now? Something like that. Certainly happened during All Out to start the mixed tag.

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