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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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2 hours ago, Louch said:

If MJF didn’t want to work he wouldn’t have flown to LA to do a show and cut a promo insinuating that he didn’t want to work. He would have went home 

Yeah but then he’d have had to pay the fee for changing his flight, probably wasn’t worth it

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Wow. What a disappointment after last week’s great show. One of the worst episodes in as long as I can remember.

Crap battle royale with a rubbish winner, another fucking tournament for another fucking belt, shitty Will Ospreay turns up, a pointless, crap Women’s title match and the continued attempt to force Jeff Hardy to die via painkiller overdose continues. Crap, crap, crap. Segment after segment of their worst tendencies. They couldn’t even just do a simple, big moment with Hangman challenging Okada. They had to have Adam Cole shit all over it.

Urgh. I can’t remember the last time Dynamite put me in such a bad mood. If last week felt like Tony was three days deep into a cocaine bender this week was definitely the inevitable comedown. I see now he’s sobered up he’s also realised there’s absolutely no way to follow up on something like that MJF promo because worked shoots are dog shit that always fizzle out to nothing.

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4 hours ago, Supremo said:

Wow. What a disappointment after last week’s great show. One of the worst episodes in as long as I can remember.

I totally agree with this. Even when Dynamite has a bad episode, there's usually something good to say. This week, I have nothing. The most frustrating thing about when Dynamite is bad is that the decisions made that contribute to a crap episode are so obviously the wrong ones to make. 

Take the Casino Battle Royale. When this was announced, I assumed they had something interesting planned. I hadn't thought for a second that Tony Khan was planning to book a foregone conclusion. The fact they booked this match with so many big names omitted was just frustrating. It's a battle royale, there's no need to "protect" people like Adam Cole, Miro, Hangman Page, Jungle Boy, Samoa Joe, Sammy Guevara, Chris Jericho, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Malaki Black, Scorpio Sky or even Hook. There's no storyline logic to giving Tony Nese the chance to win the belt, but not any of those four. Even if the outcome was the same, the match is instantly more interesting for having those wrestlers in it. 

Wardlow's logic for not participating was really dumb. "I want to face CM Punk". Fine, then win the Interim Belt and beat him in the unification match. I've always been cynical about Wardlow's long term prospects, and his abysmal promo here did not remove those concerns. 

The actual winner, Kyle O'Reilly, was objectively a terrible choice. No one takes him seriously, and no one thought there was any chance he'd win. When we reached the final two, I assumed Yuta would win. The result would still have been a foregone conclusion, but it would have been a more exciting match that would have elevated Wheeler. But fuck, you could have had a blockbuster main event. Hangman, Jericho, Kingston, Malaki Black, Hook, Joe or Keith Lee, for example, would have been intriguing opponents for Moxley, and a loss to him would not have caused irreparable damage to them. 

Next up, the All-Atlantic belt. Is the end game for AEW a belt for everyone? What's the point in this? It simply devalues the TNT title. 

The New Japan stuff meant nothing to me. I didn't know who most of these wrestlers were, and the explanations as to why I should care were pretty lacking. 

4 hours ago, Supremo said:

I see now he’s sobered up he’s also realised there’s absolutely no way to follow up on something like that MJF promo because worked shoots are dog shit that always fizzle out to nothing.

Even if this were true, he absolutely should have, in some way. Even if it was just the announcers saying he had been suspended indefinitely, they should have done something. The lack of follow-up instantly kills the buzz and momentum this promo created. 

I disagree with what you're saying, though. MJF said he wanted to be fired; so that's your story. He should have done something to make Khan want to fire him. Attack Moxley and - ugh - O'Reilly in the main event, causing a no contest. Have him do something heinous, like attack an announcer, unprovoked as they announce a match. Have him interrupt the Battle Royale and cause chaos. Whatever the case, do something to follow up the most talked about moment from last week's show. At this point, I'm wondering if Tony Khan didn't just give him a live mic to air his grievances as he thought it would pop a rating, not because he had any plan or outcome in mind. 

Edited by RedRooster
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I didn’t watch Dynamite live, so my entire reaction to having a clip of the main event show up on my Twitter was “Fucking Kyle O’Reilly?”

Ugh. I know NXT didn’t create him or his UE colleagues, but putting them front and centre really makes AEW feel like a bad NXT clone.

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The All-Atlantic Championship? For the world and has the flags of Japan and China on it 🤯

Maybe should have workshopped the name before making the belt. Then not bother making the belt since it really doesn't feel needed.

Just think there's Trios and Women's Tag titles in a drawer somewhere.

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This goes overlooked all the time, but I think it's worth adding. I don't think Tony Khan will ever view The Acclaimed the way that the live audience appears to. Seeing an exciting, entertaining wrestler like Max Caster getting treated like he's Peter Avalon on a weekly basis, while the likes of Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish get pushed is just deflating. The Acclaimed and The Gunn Club deserve better!

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Yep, absolutely dull and pointless show this week. Only thing I enjoyed was the Eddie Kingston promo.

I knew it was inevitable and I've dreaded it for years. Fucking Will Ospreay. He's so crap. Him coming out with his generic "How to be a heel for Dummies" act. I can't wait for this New Japan shite to be done with.

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Seems to be a lot of talk about Kyle vs. Moxley being a great match. I’ll have to watch it again in isolation. Such a slog of an episode, I wasn’t in the mood at all by the time the main event rolled around, barely paying attention. There isn’t a match on the planet that could have cheered me up by that point.

The year is 2025. Every member of the AEW roster has a belt on their shoulder. Nobody can keep track of anything. The entire two hour show is just Excalibur screaming out information from a spreadsheet as fast as possible. Jeff Hardy’s corpse main events the show. It’s thrown off another ladder.

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Just now, Supremo said:

Seems to be a lot of talk about Kyle vs. Moxley being a great match. I’ll have to watch it again in isolation. Such a slog of an episode, I wasn’t in the mood at all by the time the main event rolled around, barely paying attention. There isn’t a match on the planet that could have cheered me up by that point.

The thing is, it's impossible to remove it from the context in which it was booked. The wrestling was very good, but I find it hard to view a match as "great" when the outcome isn't in doubt and one of the participants is an irritating bore with no apparent upside. Ultimately, this was a match for a short at the World Title. And Kyle O'Reilly was in it, over a plethora of more interesting and exciting options, on the tail end of an abysmal show. Not that you're doing this, but fuck throwing Tony Khan a bone for that. "Booker of the year" material this was not. 

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In response to @Supremo 


And JR sitting in the corner mumbling incoherent nonsense while Chris 'CJ1' Jericho makes his return from WWE to take over announcing to replace Tony Schiavone who's been released after THAT scandal upset TK enough to fire him. 

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21 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

This goes overlooked all the time, but I think it's worth adding. I don't think Tony Khan will ever view The Acclaimed the way that the live audience appears to. Seeing an exciting, entertaining wrestler like Max Caster getting treated like he's Peter Avalon on a weekly basis, while the likes of Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish get pushed is just deflating. The Acclaimed and The Gunn Club deserve better!


The Acclaimed are fantastic and the fact they’re where they are on the card should be a sign to AEW ultra’s that their shit can stink too.

Max Caster is one of the most genuinely exciting characters in modern wrestling.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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