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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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The fact it's a tribute at all constitutes that there has been planning and foresight into telling a story and paying homage. 

I'm surprised at some of the negative reaction to this - I fucking love all of it. I love FTR, I love the callbacks, I really enjoyed the match. 'Twas all fine and dandy. 

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AEW is very good at making promo videos but they have a horrible habit of just assuming people watch everything, regardless of where they put it. They've done entire angles based off the BTE show which is never even shown or referenced on the main show.

Vignettes and pre taped promos are a huge part of wrestling and they are idiots for not incorporating them properly. They are the easiest way to build characters and angles in a controlled way. Imagine going to the effort of making a great 7 minutes promo for a match then never actually putting it (or a condensed version) out on your A-show. 

Pat summed it up perfectly. There's plenty of matches that could lose a minute or 2 without suffering. You used to get the same build up videos shown on Raw and Smackdown and it was never detrimental. 

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I don't know what I was dreading more, hotshotting the TNT title or Sammy retaining. 30 seconds in I knew I hated the thought of more Sammy than I did the devaluing of the belt.


Shida and Deeb put on a decent show, but Shidas outfit was just funny to me. I loved her doing the street fight trope of jeans, but they were so highly cut off it was utterly pointless as anything other than a knowing wink at the convention, but then it also made the rest of her outfit look like she was having a very nasty wedgie- front and back. 

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I'm actually for the TNT title switch. Last week they transitioned the title as a device to turn Sammy heel and it worked. Sky winning it back, as a babyface, opens up a number of possibilities - potential rematches with Sammy, the promised title shot for Kazarian, and they've already started teasing dissension with Page. Regardless of how long it lasted, both title changes went down well on the evening and make sense to me. Page going heel on his own is tremendously exciting - his promos are excellent, so any further spotlight they can give on that alone is worth the wait.

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The "We all love the Harts" thing is definitely in danger of becoming one of those lovely subtle touch things that's becoming too much a part of the actual product. But it's the Owen cup, I guess. I'll put it down to tis-the-season. 

Gear that siphons off other wrestlers designs and logos is one of those minor things that chaps my ass, though. Especially when its variants of the nWo logo, which I see FTR have done. 

nWo designs should be lifetime banned from wrestling. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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FTR go wrong when they copy 90s designs as they are meant to be an 80s throwback. Also annoyed me that they both had the same design. One could have been pink and the other black for contrast. Hate two wrestlers in clashing outfits at the best of times, worse when it’s a tag team going against each other 

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I thought the biggest news coming out of this show was how the World Title finally has main event energy about it. An almost tangible sense of, “right, the proper stars are fighting for the belt now.”

Between the pop the Punk vs. Hangman graphic got, followed by Punk’s brilliant promo, I honestly don’t know how Adam Cole even showed his face later on. I’d have retired out of embarrassment. Cole’s entire run in the Title picture has felt like when someone stays at your house long past their welcome and won’t take the hint to leave. We’ve all had run just suffer through it and wait for him to fuck off. It’s such a relief that he’s finally gone.

I can’t figure out where the Jericho Appreciation vs. LAX thing is heading. Blood & Guts? Or another Stadium Stampede? I do like the idea of Daddy Magic doing some mad skits around the stadium, coked out of his mind. I also can’t figure out who Kingston is going to being in to even the odds. Danielson and Moxley felt like the natural fit until Yuta joined the Blackpool Combat Club. Maybe FTR?

Edited by Supremo
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26 minutes ago, Supremo said:

I thought the biggest news coming out of this show was how the World Title finally has main event energy about it. An almost tangible sense of, “right, the proper stars are fighting for the belt now.”

Between the pop the Punk vs. Hangman graphic got, followed by Punk’s brilliant promo, I honestly don’t know how Adam Cole even showed his face later on. I’d have retired out of embarrassment. Cole’s entire run in the Title picture has felt like when someone stays at your house long past their welcome and won’t take the hint to leave. We’ve all had run just suffer through it and wait for him to fuck off. It’s such a relief that he’s finally gone.

I can’t figure out where the Jericho Appreciation vs. LAX thing is heading. Blood & Guts? Or another Stadium Stampede? I do like the idea of Daddy Magic doing some mad skits around the stadium, coked out of his mind. I also can’t figure out who Kingston is going to being in to even the odds. Danielson and Moxley felt like the natural fit until Yuta joined the Blackpool Combat Club. Maybe FTR?

Because it's the kind of thing that Tony Khan would mark out for and it would fit in with Kingston's canon my mind went to who would Eddie call if he was more desperate than he'd ever been? Who has he fought before that he hates, but that would stand up for Pro Wrestling against the evils of Sports Entertainment? 

Well, Garth, he might call on The Kings of Wrestling. 

With all the people in and around AEW in good positions, I'm honestly shocked that neither is in already. Of course the major question is what shape Hero is in or if he's left the house yet?

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