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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Mox wears himself down with multiple title defenses of the Interim title. During this time Eddie rises to no.1 spot post All Out. He calls out his friend Mox, brings up 2020 and how he lucked into his couple of title shots after technicalities. Now he's earned it and the legit number one contender and there's only one place to do it. He wins the Interim title at Grand Slam.

The following Dynamite. Eddie comes out, the crowd loves him. He soaks it all in. Gets all choked up. Just about to find the words....and CM Punk walks out. There's then the month of promos on the build to Full Gear for the unification.

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I'm happy to admit I don't really follow AEW bar bits and pieces however the barbwire deathmatch main event got me intrigued.

Kingston Is fucking brilliant and seems to be really over, however I think there's a reason no one was begging too see Chris Jericho at this age in a deathmatch.

It was very very stop and start with a few decent moments mixed in like the walls of Jericho on the barbwire table was genius had it been the finish but it ended up being so awkward, Kingston holding the barbwire chair then Jericho reversing with the code breaker only to have the barbwire chair fall on his face was something to be seen.

But the finish with the team being brought out the cage only for the key not to fucking work so they just left through the bars was a different sort of dumb then you see abit of a beat down and then the camera shows nothing of the conclusion.

Then finally sammy Guevara comes out but decided to enter the ring on the bit wrapped in barbwire and then fucking got tangled on the barbwire table....... 

It wasn't terrible but as a casual fan it was so stupid and filled with botches and plagued with some of the worst camera work I've ever seen for a wrestling company that size 

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I enjoyed the barbed wire match but it was definitely a bit of a clusterfuck. They quite clearly had to rush through a lot of it because of time issues (a common AEW problem they really need sorted by now) and that led to a fair few fuck ups. I think the match was only about 12 minutes long when a match like this really needs at least 20 minutes to sell the drama and to let things breath. 

Really enjoyed the first two matches. King ragdolling the shit out of Darby was fun. Bit weird that Miro came out to do a staredown and not much else. Best Friends vs BCC had a good story to it which I wish they had set up better by a promo before the match or something. Another common AEW problem they should have sorted by now.

Willow Nightingale, Athena and Jade Cargill are good. Kiera Hogan is very very not good. Also can Britt Baker please fuck off now?

FTR promo was brilliant, what a great team.

The Swerve/Lee celebration was absolutely fucking shit. Dreadful. 

I love Ricky Starks but that angle could have been done better. Instead of Starks going 10 minutes with some nobody he should have squashed him in 2 minutes, made another open challenge and squashed another jobber in 2 minutes and THEN on the third challenge have Danhausen come out. Great pop though and a cool moment. 

They really, really need to give Hangman Page something to do.

I didn't watch the Christian bit cause my newborn started kicking off but as it involved Brian Pillman Jnr I assume it was bad.

Edited by LaGoosh
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1 hour ago, Jacko said:

AEW is a bit of a mess at the minute in my opinion with lots of turns and swerves 

What "swerves" have there been, outside of Strickland? I may be forgetting, but I can't think of any at all. For all its faults, AEW does tend to follow a fairly logical booking pattern. You could argue that the Luchasaurus angle was a "swerve", but it really depends on what they do next. I suspect that he won't go back to being a babyface as if nothing happened next week, and that this is part of a wider battle; and that the idea is that he couldn't bring himself to attack his long-time friend...yet. 

2 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

It wasn't terrible but as a casual fan it was so stupid and filled with botches and plagued with some of the worst camera work I've ever seen for a wrestling company that size 

A barbed wire match isn't ever going to be for me, and the sudden addition of Ruby Soho to the Kingston act feels unnecessary. On the whole, I'm fine with AEW trying something like this, rather than sticking to a bland formula. AEW takes risks with its matches, promos and angles. Sometimes these pay off, sometimes they don't - but it means that each show, good or bad, is at the very least interesting. 

I'm intrigued by Ricky Starks vs. Danhausen next week, because I can only imagine that it's heading in one direction - Starks vs. Hook for the FTW belt. This might explain why Hook hasn't been with Danhausen in recent weeks, to maximise impact for their eventual confrontation. Hookhausen has almost - but not quite - been forgotten about. 

The Swerve/Lee angle was a bit odd. I'm all for Championship celebrations, but this felt very WWE. Lee has a Cody-like tendency to dig through the thesaurus, and use words that don't sound very natural in his promos at all. Swerve, on the other hand, seems to have a charisma about him, but it's yet to translate into even an average promo in AEW, yet. In short, I think they made a big mistake putting the titles on this team, as opposed to going with FTR/The Bucks for all of the belts at the next PPV. That would have been a main event worthy match, and FTR really does deserve to close a PPV in a title match at some point this year. 

3 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Really enjoyed the first two matches. King ragdolling the shit out of Darby was fun. Bit weird that Miro came out to do a staredown and not much else.

King is a lot of fun to watch. I'm assuming we're heading towards Darby, Sting and Miro vs. The House of Black, which should be a lot of fun. They did cut away from the Miro staredown quite quickly though, and it made it feel like that angle didn't really conclude. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be Miro threatening Malaki Black, or if the idea was to create a sense of ambiguity. 

9 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Willow Nightingale, Athena and Jade Cargill are good. Kiera Hogan is very very not good. Also can Britt Baker please fuck off now?

Britt Baker needs to dump the female Vince Russo gimmick and turn babyface before she's beyond salvage. Thunder Rosa is disastrous on the mic, but may benefit from a heel turn and manager. 

But fuck, the TBS title feels far more important than the Women's World title right now, and Jade Cargill feels far more important than Rosa and Baker combined. They really should just bite the bullet and give Cargill both belts. She's brilliant. 

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4 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

AEW's always been a bit of a sucker for some celebrity involvement.

And that's totally fine - they absolutely should make the most of the celebrities who show up for Dynamite. That wasn't the problem with this celebration, though. 

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35 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

I'm intrigued by Ricky Starks vs. Danhausen next week, because I can only imagine that it's heading in one direction - Starks vs. Hook for the FTW belt. This might explain why Hook hasn't been with Danhausen in recent weeks, to maximise impact for their eventual confrontation. Hookhausen has almost - but not quite - been forgotten about. 

You'd better be right about this.


I really enjoyed this episode. The Christian promos in recent weeks really haven't been for me, but Jungle Boy's return was perfection. Luchasaurus stepping aside, the chase into the crowd - felt like he was the biggest babyface in the world.

And then FTR came out and, okay, maybe they are the biggest babyfaces in the world. Dax's story gave me a tear in my eye and I could have stood up and applauded at the end of it. 

And then Eddie Kingston - who might actually be the biggest babyface in the world. I just ... want him to win. And when it comes down to it, that's all you need from a good guy. Gutted that he didn't manage it.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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It's far from perfect and most of the ROH stuff is crap, but even without their biggest stars AEW's still better than it's been in many months for me. They're having a bit of a WCW 2000 moment aren't they. 

Whatever bit Sting was in, FTR's promo and Jungle Boy giving chase to Christian were all banger segments. Regal's surely a shoo in for best colour man of all time if that's the road they want to go down. 

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I will never tire of Regal calling someone a swine. Speaking of commentary, could really could do without JR getting his own entrance every week.

Rumours abound that it's not long til Kenny Omega returns. Genuinely can't wait. Omega, Punk, Danielson and Samoa Joe (and potentially MJF at some point) returning as Dynamite regulars is an insanely exciting thought.

Edited by LaGoosh
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That clumsy ending to the barbed wire match was so deflating. But to be fair the match in general was overbooked trash, disappointing stuff.

If Kenny comes back soon I can see him, the Bucks and Hangman all coming together again. They're definitely leading to the Bucks and Page at least.

Edited by Merzbow
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On another note this company really need to start formatting their women's division segments backstage. Virtually every single one of them seem to start absolutely nowhere and stay there. It feels like being pissed on the couch at a house party, watching other pissed people pretend to have the same conversation with each other. 

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