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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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That first hour had the vibe of Dynamite from last summer. White hot crowd, electric action and pop after pop after pop. Show had the usual pattern of falling off in the second hour but it was still decent until the end. Cole vs Lethal was a good heated match, Lambert wearing the TNT title cracks me up and I mostly skip the women's stuff anyway. Still don't know what to make of the Jericho faction though, and whether them being such an odd fit works or not. I love 2.0 but they have always been weirdly overpushed. Still, I can't fault them for trying to mould Garcia into a future top level star.

Something Sammy G will never be. Gosh, his instincts are just TERRIBLE.

Minor thing but I really like the videos setting the stage for Rampage matches. Better and easier on the eye than the dreaded backstage beatdown.

Also, William Regal rules. He can do it all. I was disappointed he didn't speak or slap the shit out of anyone this week. Already non-wrestler of the year.

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39 minutes ago, 69MeDon said:


What did Sting see out the window?

A dog running through the car park. Highlight everyone still has from school when that happened 

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Hangman should be desperate for this Punk feud. His reign has been lukewarm so far largely because its so often felt like Punk's programme is the real main event. Get Page in front of him and see if he sinks or swims. If the former then a Punk reign gives them plenty of options anyway.

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It wasn't how the announcers were selling it but it seemed clear to me after his match that Punk's going after Hangman. The noose motion I interpreted as "Hangman" rather than a reference to the dog collar match, and his belt motions are clearly for the World Title. He's not trying for Scorpio Sky or the tag belts no matter what Man In A Mask might say.

As others have said, the first hour this week was superb, one hit after another. Punk and Dax. The Hardys getting a superstar reaction. Backstage Brawl Sting. A cracking MJF/Wardlow segment. Regal on commentary. The BCC being brilliant and elevating the Blonds by being in there with them. 

Second hour was a step down - I don't care much about Lethal, Cole, Hirsch or Statlander and the end of the show didn't achieve anything we didn't already know about the JAS. But that first hour was as good as Dynamite's ever been.

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The show felt like it was booked upside down. Silver & Reynolds main eventing while Punk Vs Dax opens?Made no sense. The whole evening felt like diminishing returns throughout. There was so much going on in the tornado tag match it almost felt like watching WWE with all those camera cuts to try and keep up with the action. 

JR must have been having flashbacks to the 90s when he accidentally called the Varsity Blondes the Hollywood Blondes. Regal was fantastic again on commentary. 

Turns out Reynolds & Silver are ranked number 1? I don't think I've ever seen them win a match on TV. 

Those Texans chanting Jesus at MJF was stupid. Shows what a good heel he is though. 

Presumably from all their talking about Lethal's achievements in Ring of Honor he's off there next week and won't be in AEW much afterwards. 

Tay & Sammy actually spoke for a change, and I wasn't arsed. 

Wheeler Yuta Vs Trent Beretta could be a decent match, especially if Yuta does make some kind of hookup with the Blackpool Combat Club and gets a few wins under his belt to make him feel a bit more competitive beforehand. It's a shame Cassidy is injured at the moment, otherwise you could do a six man, unless they got Rocky Romero in for it? 

Red Velvet & Layla Hirsch played out to crickets. Not even Stardust Statlander turning up at the end could save it. 

Is Nyla Rose the Kane feud of the women's division? 

Jericho and his Boy Stable did some great heel stuff. I still reckon Daniel Garcia would be a fantastic fit in Ring Of Honor, but can only benefit from this association as well. Silver & Reynolds do some. Great stuff, but because they've presumably picked up all their wins on Dark & Elevation and I haven't seen any of them I just can't buy them as a top team, in spite of the commentators and rankings telling me they're the number 1 contenders. The outcome of the match was never in doubt. Good to see Garcia pick up the win though. 

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12 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

. Silver & Reynolds do some. Great stuff, but because they've presumably picked up all their wins on Dark & Elevation and I haven't seen any of them I just can't buy them as a top team, in spite of the commentators and rankings telling me they're the number 1 contenders. The outcome of the match was never in doubt. Good to see Garcia pick up the win though. 

But that’s on you. If you choose not to watch those shows, that’s your choice. But they still count which is why they always show the results of both Dark and Dark Elevation during Dynamite. Now, I do dip in and out myself, but I know what’s going on and anyone that has seen the matches Silver & Reynolds have had will know they are great and been on a roll. That said, they weren’t beating JAS in their first match. So I agree on the outcome but that doesn’t take away them being given the main event.

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26 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

But that’s on you. If you choose not to watch those shows, that’s your choice. But they still count which is why they always show the results of both Dark and Dark Elevation during Dynamite. Now, I do dip in and out myself, but I know what’s going on and anyone that has seen the matches Silver & Reynolds have had will know they are great and been on a roll. That said, they weren’t beating JAS in their first match. So I agree on the outcome but that doesn’t take away them being given the main event.

This is where some kind of 10 minute wrap up segment would help. Reynolds and Silver are ranked #1, but I've never seen them win a match on Dynamite or Rampage so it makes their tag division look like a joke. Where do the actually undefeated Sting & Darby Allin rank? Or Blackpool Combat Club? 

Throw to some guys in a studio saying "here's what you missed on Dark/Elevation this week" and a few minutes of highlights from them beating people and establishing why they're the number one ranked team. They used to be able to do it on WCW Worldwide 30 years ago with Bischoff/Tony Gillam in front of the green screen with the WCW Magazine segment, so why can't they do it on Dynamite? It'd add to the "sports style presentation" they keep talking about wanting to present, plus it's got the potential to make people more aware that Dark/Elevation are there to be watched and possibly get more views for the YouTube shows.

If they're going to show a box out saying "Silver & Reynolds defeated local job guys/team of people you didn't even realise were in AEW" do it during a promo segment as opposed to a match, because if I'm forced to choose between watching what's going on in the ring or reading a little box with some writing in it I'm going to be choosing to watch the action in the ring. I guess that's on me as well, though. Shame on me for not being able to pay attention to two things at once. I struggle enough to concentrate on the matches if the stream I'm watching decides they're sticking the adverts on when they cut to picture in picture. 

Where's Lance Archer storming out during the Adam Cole segments saying "hang on, you've had your turn and it says I'm number 1 ranked, so I should be getting another shot before you get another one." Sammy Guevara's too busy playing at being Cody Rhodes to obviously care about his shot, but again they decide to have these rankings and hope people let them just slide. I dread to think what could happen when Tony's booking Ring of Honor as well. He really needs to get some people in to oversee some of this stuff. 

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