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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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2 hours ago, Nick James said:

It's the beard that makes Wardlow. 

Bloody hell, he looks like a pre-pubescent EC3. 

Overall, I enjoyed the show, and I thought the ladder match was strong. However, both Sammy and Cody received mixed reactions; showing, once again, how dangerous the Cody character, as he stands, could be. Like Cody, Sammy is better off as a heel. I think that's hard to argue. However, up until last night, he'd not been in a situation where he has been booed as a babyface. 

If the booing for Sammy gets louder, much as the cheers did for Malaki Black, that's another character directly affected by the utter mess of a character that is Cody Rhodes. 

Cody had a good match last night, but overall, I'm convinced that AEW is better-off without him. 

I actually enjoyed the Punk/MJF segment, just as I've enjoyed their feud on the whole. The announcement of Punk/MJF in Chicago feels a bit sudden though, and it's a match that feels like it merits more than one week's promotion. Perhaps the intention is to avoid a proper finish; but it would be odd for them to do that in Chicago. 

2 hours ago, Nick James said:

As much as I like the Danhausen character, I have a feeling that it is going to be a very 'small doses' thing, like OC.

Totally agree with this, I think he has real potential to grate on people. He's an acquired taste that I have not acquired, I don't "get" the humour at all. Maybe he'll win me round in the short term, as OC did. 

The Lights Out match was fun, but the fact it doesn't count towards win-loss records made it hard to care. What's the point of a match, where the result doesn't count towards anything? WHY should the result not count? I absolutely hate that stipulation. 

JR was also poor. Pointing out the "invisible wall" when Statlander stopped after chasing down Hirsch - something that's happened in wrestling for years; meaning most people likely weren't thinking too much about it - was so counter-productive. Great save from Excalibur, though - pointing out that Statlander was likely concerned for Red Velvet. 

Finally, what the hell was the Britt Baker segment all about? It didn't seem to serve any purpose at all, there weren't even any lines that came close to hinting at what her next feud would be; it was quite an odd one. Why would no one take the opportunity to interrupt her? We're close enough to the next PPV now for that to be a logical thing to do. 

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When the Lights Out was announced I figured there was a decent chance of OC winning. Hopefully this is the end of the Best Friends/Elite Era. Although i'm worried it might still spill over this. Danhausen bit was decent. Still got a noticeable hobble which should mean I can continue to avoid seeing him actually wrestle.

Enjoyed the Ladder match opener. There's an online Cody interview that I can't stomach myself to watch as the headline on the article is that it confirms he's working on a "handshake deal". I couldn't stand the Russofication of WCW and that's what this feels like.

Jericho tag told a story. I'm just not that interested in seeing it play out.

Britt's segment didn't make a ton of sense. I'm guessing it was Thunder Rosa chants that popped up a couple of times during it. I would have thought she might appear. If it wasn't for the hype videos they've been doing for for Rosa v. Mercedes Martinez. They've also separated Reba/Rebel and Jamie the last couple of weeks. Not sure where they're going with it all.

The Team Taz interview at the beach was class :)

Rampage is looking solid.

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53 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

Imagine waiting all night for Gargano and getting Danhausen. I mean it's not AEW's fault. They're just in that position where everyone's expecting anyone and everyone to debut in these places.

Danhousen - very nice 

gargano - very evil


Gotta gave the people what they want Tony. Surprised how big a pop he got live. 

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Gargano has recently said with Candice being close to giving birth, he isn't taking bookings at the moment as he doesn't want to be away from home. I presume that's why he's on Twitch etc and keeping some money rolling in. 

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17 minutes ago, JimmyAnderson said:

What are the chances of TBS talking John Cena into a AEW appearance or two given they're on the same network with him doing Wipeout for them. 

More chance of seeing the Popes dick. 

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4 hours ago, Nick James said:

Adam Cole must be regretting turning down the lucrative contract to move up to Raw to be able to do 'real' pro wrestling. 

I think Adam Cole sees the comedy stuff as being a major part of what he likes about AEW. I didn't much like what I saw of him in NXT, whereas I find him genuinely quite funny as the straight man to the weirder characters in AEW - I've found his stuff with Jon Silver in BTE really enjoyable (where he's pushed them away, and now really misses them, and wants to be their friend, but has to be cool around his mates and bully them).

Adam Cole as a serious cerebral assassin with ongoing soap operas, I don't have time for. As the guy who thinks he's this in-control genius, but is easily floundered and frustrated by the likes of Orange Cassidy, Jon Silver and Danhausen? So much more fun. I may not like his SHOCKED face, but I do enjoy his horrified responses to idiots. And it means I don't mind if he gets serious every now and then.

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The ladder match was spectacular and outdid anything that GCW attempted on last weekend's Hammerstein show. Always leave it to Cody for some big dick-swinging when it comes to ruffling feathers.

Can't say I'm keen on that Danhausen signing. I just don't get him. There's "funny" and then there's "funny in the context of pro wrestling", and DH hits neither target for me. In fact, AEW rarely hits when it's comes to their attempts at comedy. Oh boy.

It's an unpopular opinion on this forum but I'd have preferred Gargano, mainly because I'm a work-rate pervert. He's one of my faves and I want to see him wash the stink off from his 2018-2021 NXT run.

Edited by Accident Prone
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Really enjoyed the show this week. I do think they could do with sprinkling the interview segments more throughout the show and not loading so many up in the second hour and before the main event.

Hear that Danhausen pop? Very nice, very evil. Actually, the crowd were great after a pretty middling crowd in Washington DC. Their reactions to some of the ladder match spots were wonderful.


Edited by 69MeDon
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