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The Tony Khan Is A Twat Thread

Keith Houchen

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I’m not familiar with how defamation laws work in the States compared to here (outside of there being a greater allowance for freedom of speech), but is his idiotic comment potentially defamatory?

Either way, he’s once again proven himself to be the personification of an internet troll, without being smart enough to moderate himself when the anonymity of the internet is gone. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

I’m not familiar with how defamation laws work in the States compared to here (outside of there being a greater allowance for freedom of speech), but is his idiotic comment potentially defamatory?

Either way, he’s once again proven himself to be the personification of an internet troll, without being smart enough to moderate himself when the anonymity of the internet is gone. 

Tony is a massive tit and what he said was utterly classless and pathetic but WWE ARE currently being investigated for sex trafficking right now.

Honestly WWE have done such a great job of convincing the mainstream that everything is fine now the bad man is gone that there's a large bit of me that is happy there brand gets exposed for what it was. Just not by this tit, in this way.

The fact is mainstream news outlets have entirely ignored WWE's involvement which is travesty.

EDIT - I would think if once the dust settles on the lawsuit if WWE were to have found to have done nothing wrong then maybe they would have a case against Tony the tit.

Edited by DEF
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"We're Pepsi and they're Coke" isn't going to get the headlines or people online talking like the Weinstein line has and that's likely all there is to it. It doesn't change the fact it was unprofessional and embarrassing, and like others have said maybe he should look inwards at his own company.
It's straight out of the Eric Bischoff Monday Night Wars playbook to be fair to him.

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Once again I find it hilarious that the focus is completely on what he said rather than the overall picture. 

Pearl clutching twats who have said little to fuck all about the lawsuit getting angry because he brought it up. Sums up both wrestling journalists and fans (especially the most tribal).

I’m  not saying I agree with him saying it, I’d rather he said nothing about them, but he ain’t wrong. I’ve seen a lot of “well achtually they fired Vince and so Tony is wrong to say that”, forgetting that 1) the lawsuit has both Vince and WWE as defendants and 2) we already know who some of the redacted individuals are that are named in the lawsuit.

When the outrage is more about what Tony said than what Vince and WWE is accused of, you know the balance is wrong. He’s a twat, but there are bigger twats in wrestling.

In other unrelated news wrestlings other famous Khan, Nick, put all of his TKO shares up for sale yesterday.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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1 hour ago, DEF said:

Honestly WWE have done such a great job of convincing the mainstream that everything is fine now the bad man is gone that

Exactly this. No amount of public arse licking of Triple H should make people forget that the majority of people in positions of power who enabled a culture where someone can be raped in the office ARE STILL AT THE COMPANY. Including that cunt Triple H himself. 

As for Tony Khan's comments, yeah they're incredibly stupid but I don't really feel like they're anything really major or earth shattering in the grand scheme of things. Everyone laps it up when CM Punk talks shit but gets weirdly upset when Tony Khan does it.

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Exactly this. No amount of public arse licking of Triple H should make people forget that the majority of people in positions of power who enabled a culture where someone can be raped in the office ARE STILL AT THE COMPANY. Including that cunt Triple H himself. 

As for Tony Khan's comments, yeah they're incredibly stupid but I don't really feel like they're anything really major or earth shattering in the grand scheme of things. Everyone laps it up when CM Punk talks shit but gets weirdly upset when Tony Khan does it.

I just think the ending of WrestleMania 40 could age like spoiled milk. At least they can cut them out of it. 

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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15 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Everyone laps it up when CM Punk talks shit but gets weirdly upset when Tony Khan does it.

Thing about TK is he's out there pretending to be better. To be presenting an alternative. To be doing business better. And yet he's got people on his books that we know have done wrong things. He's been sinking further and further in his behaviour and taking unnecessary shots when he could take the high ground but he doesn't.

For me thats where the disappointment lies. In seeing a guy who had a chance to be better and show better and make a positive change actually end up in very similar shitty behaviours to what has come before him.

Obviously there's a shit ton of other people and worse historic behaviours and blah blah blah. We know that. But the 'well THEY did this..' argument doesn't really justify anything.

Edited by DavidB6937
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I’m going to point out the obvious again here. Before you allege anything online, maybe ask yourself the question of whether you could prove it, should someone opt to take legal action against you. Because that’s how defamation laws work in the UK - the onus is on you to prove the allegation is true, not on the individual to prove that it’s false. And in the case of one person mentioned here, they’ve not even been mentioned in lawsuits, so good luck with that.

And yes, it might be unlikely that legal action is taken against you - but I’d point to the online recklessness surrounding Baby Reindeer - this certainly can happen.

32 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

When the outrage is more about what Tony said than what Vince and WWE is accused of, you know the balance is wrong.

You’re speaking as if people aren’t sickened about the Vince McMahon allegations - of course they are. It’s possible to be utterly sickened by the McMahon allegations, and hold your head in your hands over something Tony Khan has said. 

And the upset isn’t ’more about’ Khan than Vince, you can treat each separately. It’s an addition to, and yes, obviously people are more disgusted by Vince than a stupid comment. I’d also suggest looking at the context of his flippant comment, and consider why people might be upset or frustrated. 

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It's a bit much to pull the "tribal" card when I'd wager a lot of AEW fans also think he's a colossal muppet for saying it. 

Ignoring the fact that it's a shit analogy (he'd have a point if he'd have said something smarter about how WWE is like Hollywood for enabling Weinstein but he didn't, because he doesn't actually care, he just trivialised a real issue to get people to go "oooooh"), why should I watch AEW now? Their owner had a chance to tell me and he didn't bother. 

That's why it was shit. Forget the fact that his own promotion is hardly squeaky clean, forget the fact that he compared innocent people that work there to a sex offender, forget the fact that it's the kind of argument that a Twitter troll would make, forget the fact that a man who has booked sex offenders just trivialised sex offenders to say something he thought was edgy, he also didn't put over his company while doing it.

To be honest, AEW fans should probably be more upset than anyone. 

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I'd honestly have popped at the comment, I love that kind of crass shit spouted by supposed professionals (especially while wearing that neck brace) but it's Tony with all his own sex pests so yeah, he's a twat.

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