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Gig Etiquette


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2 hours ago, 5pints said:

If they had of done it from the start then that's a different story but they were drunk, getting handsy with people. Putting their arms around people and trying to shake hands.

Well, if only you'd made that clear from the start. There's nothing more frightening and unsettling than someone going around trying to shake folks hands. Such uncouth behaviour should be left to politicians.

And Masons.

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A tallish couple (everyone’s tall at gigs when you’re 5’6) came and stood in front of me during the first song of the main act at a gig. I managed to get them to leave quite quickly by screaming along with the instrumental bit at the end of the first song with the most obnoxious caterwauling I could manage. It was only fair. I stopped as soon as they left. 

I saw Doves at Folkestone years ago, but still way after their heyday. There was moshing and fighting going on. It was the Doves. 

Also in Folkestone at a seated folk gig, some chap in my row singing along, actually drowning out the singer, for about 80% of the show. Yes I’m a hypocrite but that guy can fuck off and I’m never going to Folkestone for a gig again. 

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I went to see Status Quo a few years back when they were doing an acoustic tour, think it might have been the final tour they did before Rick Parfitt died.

We were sat towards the back so could see more or less the whole audience. An all seater show but that didn’t stop this pocket of people towards the front right of the stage wanting to get up after the first few minutes. One guy was having a great time and constantly turning round telling everyone to get up and gesticulating with his arms. That’s one thing but doing the same to the guy in a wheelchair and telling him to get up is a big no-no

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Gigs are much like every other part of life - the majority are sound but there's always a dickhead ready to ruin something.


My last gig (ZZ Top 2019) had people smoking indoors next to us which was a nuisance - we moved. Problem solved.

Front row for a small Magic Numbers gig (don't judge me) and some turd pushed ahead - tutting and moaning didn't change anything so I just got on with enjoying the music.

A Darkness gig (Yeah, my taste is balls) had somebody drop several bottles of beer at my feet - I told him to pack it in and he moved. 

Did it ruin my enjoyment of the gig? No. Do I remember it because it's dickhead behaviour? Yes. 

If you're front row, be prepared for physical contact - just make sure you NEVER shake somebody's hand. That is a hangable offence...

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Interesting topic, shame about the opening story. If you go to a big gig and want to be within 5 meters of the stage then really you have to expect a lot of pushing, shoving, sweatiness as people have said. When I started going to gigs in my teens I used to try and be at the front because that was the place to be apparently. By age 19 i'd realised I would come out sweaty, deaf, tired and having no enjoyment of the gig. From then on I've been at least half way back with a pint in my hand enjoying the show. I like the space.

I did once go to a Motorhead gig where some huge men had helped get their friend in a wheel chair to the front and formed a protective circle. Halfway through Slayer (the support) a floppy haired skinny teen was running and jumping into the people in front trying to push in. These gents gave him one warning that they had their friend in front and that he should piss off.  Seemingly unable to understand this kid decided to go for another running jump and ran into an elbow following which someone scooped him away and dragged him off. 


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12 hours ago, hallicks said:

A tallish couple (everyone’s tall at gigs when you’re 5’6) came and stood in front of me during the first song of the main act at a gig. I managed to get them to leave quite quickly by screaming along with the instrumental bit at the end of the first song with the most obnoxious caterwauling I could manage. It was only fair. I stopped as soon as they left. 

As a tall bloke myself, this fucks me off. You know what you do when someone taller than you stands in your way? Find somewhere else to stand you passive-aggressive knob. Being tall doesn't relegate you to standing at the back like a school photograph.

Edited by Accident Prone
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13 hours ago, hallicks said:

tallish couple (everyone’s tall at gigs when you’re 5’6) came and stood in front of me during the first song of the main act at a gig. I managed to get them to leave quite quickly by screaming along with the instrumental bit at the end of the first song with the most obnoxious caterwauling I could manage. It was only fair. I stopped as soon as they left. 

Well that's fucking cunty behaviour. As a tall person I'll stand where I like at a gig, just because I might block some short arses view doesn't mean I should have to stand at the back. I paid for my ticket as much as anyone else. If you can't see then just fucking move. That's what I do. Don't be a fucking dickhead about it. Especially as at 5'6 you are going to be shorter than most people. Deal with it.

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From a metal perspective, the trait that I've occasionally seen that annoys me the most is the Over Protective Boyfriend. This guy will be with his girlfriend near the front with his arms around her, seemingly always stood directly in front of the pit. At frequent intervals, someone behind this couple is pushed forward a couple of steps by someone from the pit, inevitably causing a domino effect which leads to people falling into him him and his lady. A pretty obvious inevitability given the situation, but this guy seems to take it as a direct attack on his lady and gets on the hyper defensive - turning around glaring at all in the vicinity, suddenly lunging backwards with pointed elbows outstretched, on sometimes even lunging towards an unassuming bystander and pushing him backwards. Definitely a twat thing to do. 

The other stuff that annoys me like suddenly having my pint thrown out of my hands by an unexpected crowd surge or having to always keep one eye on what's happening behind me lest I get a boot to the head from a crowdsurfer or something all comes with the territory. 

Edited by SpiritOfTheForest
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I did that this past weekend at New Order ? the guy is about 6'4, 18 stone and I'm 6'3. In fairness, it wasn't my idea and I felt I didn't deserve to be up there as I barely know any New Order songs so came down after a couple of minutes.

In general I don't mind people on shoulders as it adds to the atmosphere for me.

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I steer clear of anyone wearing a band t-shirt. What kinda loser wears a t-shirt of something they like? 

Then you've got the ones who try and talk to you about why mainstream bands are so lame while they bang on about some Japanese metal band you've never heard of.

And don't get me started on those fuckers who start chanting "this is awesome" five minutes into a fucking set. 

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4 minutes ago, Vamp said:

And don't get me started on those fuckers who start chanting "this is awesome" five minutes into a fucking set. 

I won’t because I don’t believe that that’s ever happened outside of wrestling


   5 minutes ago,  Vamp said: 

What kinda loser wears a t-shirt of something they like? 

Most people?

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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