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2 hours ago, Shy Dad said:

Always love Trees for just the random bands I find. Buzzing to see Kneecap in the Forrest on Saturday night too.

I fucking hate that they've made the forest stage a proper stage. I miss the days when it was purely acoustic acts from BIMM and full of hammocks.

I am looking forward to it not being absolutely blisteringly hot like it usually is, but no looking forward to the rain thats forecast. I'm too old for festivals really, never mind wet festivals.

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48 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

I fucking hate that they've made the forest stage a proper stage. I miss the days when it was purely acoustic acts from BIMM and full of hammocks.

I am looking forward to it not being absolutely blisteringly hot like it usually is, but no looking forward to the rain thats forecast. I'm too old for festivals really, never mind wet festivals.

Forecast seems to have updated to dry but not a sweat pit like last year.

I kinda agree on the stage, it'd be nice for bigger acts to play the eve king and have it as a BIMM/upcoming artists acoustic show during the day but I bloody love live music so I won't be complaining I'm sure.

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Enjoy it lads. I was gonna break my 2000 Trees duck this year, but it isn't going to happen. I am going to see Pitchshifter's little official warm up show on Friday though so that's something.

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Am playing Finsbury Park Festival tomorrow evening. It's not a full-on "proper" festival, so to speak (it's a free-to-all community one), but it's using the stage setups of the big gigs that have been done over the past few days by Pulp, The 1975, and will be used by Wireless next weekend - first time I'll ever have sung on a concert stage, and I don't mind admitting I'm bricking it a bit the closer it gets.

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36 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Best of luck @Carbomb Have you got a "lovely" shirt picked out to wear?

Thanks man. I have my Japanese festival jacket, which is a lovely dark blue, and has a wave design on it - fits the name of our duo, The Dark Coast.

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Went to see Iron Maiden tonight (after somehow getting tickets in a bizarre cock-up where they were being sold by a legit company that weren't meant to), and had the absolute time of my life.

As ever, the playing was spot on. Based on videos from recent years, I'd accepted that Bruce wasn't going to sound anywhere near his prime, but he was actually on fine form, especially considering how many songs from the Somewhere In Time era they played.

For me, the highlight was getting to see Adrian Smith, as the previous two times I saw them was before he rejoined, and hearing him play Stranger In A Strange Land and Wasted Years absolutely note perfect completely validated how much I idolised him when I was a teenager.

As expected, the stage show was spectacular. The sides were decorated like a city from Blade Runner, there were constantly changing backdrops, two vertical video screens that either had graphics or clips from the old videos, and then two huuuuge screens at the side that had live footage projected onto it. Mixed in with that was lights, smoke, flames (so many flames!), and a giant Samurai head, along with three appearances by an 8 foot tall Eddie, depicting the Somewhere In Time, Stranger In A Strange Land, and Senjutsu artwork. "He's got a gun", shouts Bruce, as he and Eddie shoot fireballs at each other, causing explosions when they miss. It's all rather ridiculous, but let's face it, that's what you want.


Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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I'm in that camp that would struggle not to look at their phone if Iron Maiden were playing out the backyard - despite really enjoying all their classic records - but if I was to pick any tour to go to it'd definitely be one pulling from the Somewhere in Time era! Theming a show around one classic album and your newest stuff is a really cool concept. 

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Iron Maiden have always been a bit of a weird one with me.

I first heard them during the Blaze Bayley era when they released Virtual XI, which is not a good album by any stretch. There are moments (Futureal, The Clansman, When Two Worlds Collide), but there are some utterly horrific things on there too (The Angel and the Gambler in particular is fucking awful and Don’t Look To The Eyes of a Stranger just seems to go on forever).

I saw them for the first time two years later, by which time Bruce was back in the band and they were touring Brave New World, which was and still is a great album.

Since then they seem to have become a band that critics are afraid to criticise. That’s not to say they put out “bad” stuff, but A Matter of Life and Death, Final Frontier and Book of Souls were all given ridiculous amounts of acclaim, but I honestly couldn’t tell you any stand out moment from any of them. 
Senjutsu is similar in that it’s seen as some kind of epic based purely on being  82 minutes long. I remember saying at the time when it was released that they could’ve easily cut out about 20 minutes, and the fact that it had just been sat in a draw for 2 years and nobody had thought to go back to it and reassess it in that time was ridiculous. Just because you’ve got 82 minutes of material doesn’t mean you have to release it all.

Having said all of that, the run of albums they had from the debut with Paul Di’Anno upto Bruce leaving is incredible, you can see why they’re so influential and I’ll always have a soft spot for the Blaze era (and his subsequent solo career is vastly underrated). From 2006 onwards though, and only in my opinion, they’ve sort of become immune to criticism which isn’t right.

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Arrived for sound check. Not to be overly negative, but not expecting a big turnout in general - it's a Tuesday night, and the weather is shit.

But, fucking hell, am I up for this. How many chances do you get to play a big stage?



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2 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Arrived for sound check. Not to be overly negative, but not expecting a big turnout in general - it's a Tuesday night, and the weather is shit.

But, fucking hell, am I up for this. How many chances do you get to play a big stage?



Break a leg!

Top Tip - Fool the crowd into thinking you are successful international stars by shouting "Thank you Barcelona/Stockholm/New York" at the end of your set.

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2 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Arrived for sound check. Not to be overly negative, but not expecting a big turnout in general - it's a Tuesday night, and the weather is shit.

But, fucking hell, am I up for this. How many chances do you get to play a big stage?



Has Matthew's bus from Birmingham arrived yet?

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