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Remember Bray Wyatt? He's good isnt he ... WELL HE'S GONE!


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24 minutes ago, Perry said:

Vince doesn't even post on his twitter. Wouldn't be surprised if Prichard tweets on his behalf

I’ve no idea if that’s true, but it’s not abnormal for PR folk to tweet on behalf of high profile figures in any organisation. 

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I’d find it less galling if WWE used the “creative has nothing for you” excuse rather than pleading poverty.

This is the same company that released a raft of office staff during a pandemic despite facing record profits.

I don’t remember hearing of AEW, Impact etc releasing anyone despite their revenue streams clearly taking a massive battering in some cases.

Morally bankrupt arseholes. Seriously, fuck ‘em.

I hope Braun Strawman has the same attitude and rejects any insulting offer to return.

Edited by garynysmon
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In this particular situation, the thing with the “business” argument is that he was one of the biggest merch sellers. It’s not like they got nothing back for their money.

People have always come and gone and that’s fine to a degree. It feels like it’s at a stage where there’s no point getting invested though. What’s the point when people go AWOL for months or get sacked mid-story?

I hope he does speak, I imagine there are many stories to tell. Guess it depends if he wants to go back though. Most important thing is that he’s happy with where he ends up.

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1 hour ago, RedRooster said:

I’ve no idea if that’s true, but it’s not abnormal for PR folk to tweet on behalf of high profile figures in any organisation. 

Well aware of that. It was a responce to David's wisecrack about Vince posting on a forum.

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Pure speculation on my part here but isn't it likely that Nick Khan's pay is linked to WWE's profit margins and he really doesn't give the slightest fuck about the on-screen product?

2 hours ago, garynysmon said:

I don’t remember hearing of AEW, Impact etc releasing anyone despite their revenue streams clearly taking a massive battering in some cases.

If anything AEW went in the opposite direction. They seemed to be going out of their way to give pay days, and exposure, to as many wrestlers as possible, just because they were one of the only promotions who could. Dark went from about 30 minutes pre-pandemic to 2 hours largely with unsigned guys doing jobs. Suge D even got a mini feud with Jericho out of it.

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Reports now saying he had been out for medical reasons and had just been cleared to return. Also a mention that he was unhappy with where they were talking the character and had become protective of it, not surprised to hear that. Must’ve been shit for him to watch on in recent weeks.


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It'd be interesting to see him in AEW or TNA purely to see what he does with that much creative freedom. It'll hopefully either prove he is as creative as people say he is or expose him as being a guy better suited to 90s e-feds. The worst result would be him being a dull mediocre gimmick wrestler. 

Even better if he drops the supernatural stuff and gives it a go as a Southern babyface, purely to see if he could cut a promo as one. I'd be up for seeing the son of IRS doing a Southern babyface run against an arrogant entitled prick son of Dusty, but I can only see us getting spooky Bray against blue eyes Cody and bugger that. 

If he makes sporadic returns to the WWE then it's either as a knock off Undertaker tribute or a Boogeyman replacement. 


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7 hours ago, garynysmon said:

I’d find it less galling if WWE used the “creative has nothing for you” excuse rather than pleading poverty.

This is the same company that released a raft of office staff during a pandemic despite facing record profits.

I don’t remember hearing of AEW, Impact etc releasing anyone despite their revenue streams clearly taking a massive battering in some cases.

Morally bankrupt arseholes. Seriously, fuck ‘em.

I hope Braun Strawman has the same attitude and rejects any insulting offer to return.

Only AEW releases I can recall were Sadie Gibbs and Bea Priestley and neither of them had been used in ages. 

Oh and they got shot of Jimmy Havoc but everyone knew that was coming. 

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