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Doomed to Repeat

Devon Malcolm

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12 minutes ago, Dead Mike said:

Writing a shopping list but not actually checking the cupboards while doing so. The clocks will have changed again before I need to buy teabags again.

I do this with chopped tomatoes. Must have about 20 tins now.

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Put my headphones on. Hit play on Spotify. 30 seconds later wonder why nothing's happening. Realise I haven't turned my headphones on. Every time, without fail.

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16 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Put my headphones on. Hit play on Spotify. 30 seconds later wonder why nothing's happening. Realise I haven't turned my headphones on. Every time, without fail.

I do this a lot too with my Bluetooth earphones. It's especially embarassing when I'm on the bus and there's a confused 10 seconds where I'm subjecting everyone to my awful music taste before I realise I haven't turned bluetooth on.

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I listen to podcasts on my long drive home from work each day in the car and have to turn the volume louder than normal and every day without fail, I forget to turn down the volume when I turn the car off.

I proceed to get in the car at 5am and am suddenly awoken from my dozing state to the ear shattering sounds of The Wiggles blasting out at full volume due to my kids listening to Spotify on the garden speaker while on the trampoline the night before.

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Losing my keys in my own flat. Literally every day. I don’t lose my phone/keys/wallet elsewhere, just my keys inside my own home. 

On leaving my flat  I am good at doing my mental checklist of essentials. On leaving other people’s houses or getting out of cars, do the checklist.

Getting back into my own house after walking the dog though? I sort the dog out, put her stuff away carefully, put my shoes in the same spot every time, then recklessly throw my keys into the void. Onto an armchair or sofa which will then swallow them when someone sits down, inexplicably on top of the fridge, on the toilet cistern, in the pocket of a random jacket I’ve hung up. 

I bought a key hook. It’s a little owl with eyes closed and when you put keys on him his eyes open. It’s like this one but in brown: 

It fills me with childish delight when his little eyes open. 

The hope was that this would create habit forming behaviour in me. I did it for about three days. 

The consequence of this is that every single time I want to walk my dog. I get her all harnessed up, shoes on, jacket on, she’s raring to go, then she has to wait for 5-10 minutes as I do laps of the flat in a seething rage trying to find my shitting bastard fucking keeeeeeeeys. 


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i still can't get into the habit of clicking the blue dots / stars to go to the latest unread post on a forum i look at. I go into Off Topic,  see a thread with unread posts, click on the latest page and scroll. just as i get to the bottom i think to myself "BLUE DOTS!!!"  One day i'll remember but it hasn't sunk in yet.

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On the losing keys thing imagine losing your car keys because you put them in an unsecured short shorts pocket in a job where you walk around for miles a day in different locations, losing the keys and having to pay £150 to get them replaced. Imagine doing it once then buying an AirTag so you never lose them again then not fitting the air tag and losing the keys in work again. Now imagine doing that a third time whilst the air tag is still in its unopened box…..

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my girlfriend gets annoyed at me because I always ask her if she has her keys before I shut the front door, even if she's just told me that she has her keys. But it's an absolutely vital part of the process of leaving the house.

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I have a full time "pocket system" everything goes in exactly the same place every time. If it's too hot for a coat they might get moved down into a trouser pocket but that's the general system. You'd think therefore it'd be muscle memory by now. Without fail though I'll regularly do the "getting old thing" of getting half way down the road before deciding "did I actually lock all the doors" traipsing back going through the door and confirming that yes I did do the thing I do all the time, and put the keys in the wrong pocket. Queue getting half way down the road again, not finding my keys in a quick pat down, turning back going home, panicking that I can't find my keys now have either locked myself out or dropped them somewhere else before realising that I'd simply put them in the wrong pocket. Happens multiple times a week and I still haven't learned that it's as simple as me being an arse.

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I have become a backpack wanker, which is something I never would have envisioned when I was younger, though I carried some form of bag for years before that. Specific things go in the bag, and specific things go in specific pockets of a jacket, and I will still check all of them before I head out.

The only times I have ever locked myself out are when I break that routine - something interrupting me as I get to work, so I put my keys down and do something else rather than putting them away, or coming in from the shops, putting the keys to one side, then realising I need to take the bins out and doing that without picking the keys back up. That, or working a wrestling show and taking my gear, but forgetting to take the keys from the other bag because it's just ingrained in me that bag = keys. 

I always check every pocket as I'm getting ready, right before closing the door, and usually a few minutes after I've left the flat too, even though it would be pretty useless at that point, and give the rucksack a shake to see if I can hear keys rattling around in there. I definitely also have the panic of thinking I've lost something when it's just in a different pocket to usual. 


Not nearly bad as a friend of mine, who apparently used to take a photo of her oven every time she left the house, so that when she got panicked that she might have left something switched on, she could check it to reassure herself. 

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16 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Not nearly bad as a friend of mine, who apparently used to take a photo of her oven every time she left the house, so that when she got panicked that she might have left something switched on, she could check it to reassure herself. 

I've heard this a bunch - it's way more common than I would have thought. 

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