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WWE Royal Rumble 2021


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This was the first time that I actually began to skip between entrants in a Rumble match as I couldn't even be arsed to watch the full match.  Talk about lack of star power.  On a side note, did Edge really have to win?  Surely it'll be him Vs Orton at Mania anyway.

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11 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I think... think... you might not like wrestling.

If I had zero interest in the talent of the past, talent of the present or talent of the future I would have hated it too.

There’s definitely a dearth of star power currently, but I think their major issue is a lack of direction (appreciate I’m banging on). They have a fantastic roster of talent capable of tremendous matches. They just don’t have any stories to get them there.

Thing is, I love wrestling. I watch AEW every week and I try and keep up with NJPW when I can.

The bit about stars from the past/present/future is a funny one, I saw very little in terms of future stars from that show. There's not really anyone on the come up, who is young and fresh. Big E deserves a shot, but he's been in the company for almost 10 years at this stage, so he's not fresh. 

I agree with the bolder part of your post, I was being quite childish and was having a rant, but you're correct the lack of stories is insane. It seemed like it was just wrestlers coming out for the sake of it, there was no cohesion.


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10 minutes ago, Nick James said:

You're bound to get things spoiled if you are skipping things as frequently as it seems you were in the rest of your post. I watched it unspoiled and skipped a few times, but knew the tags would be at the bottom so just used the fast forward button and had nothing spoiled. Of all the things to get mad at, i think thats maybe one thats on you. 

I wasn't super mad at it, was just being sarcastic. The spoiler issue was on me, but from when I used to watch PPVs back in the day, I'm sure they never used to put markers on "so and so makes a surprise appearance"

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4 minutes ago, sukhy said:

Thing is, I love wrestling. I watch AEW every week and I try and keep up with NJPW when I can.

The bit about stars from the past/present/future is a funny one, I saw very little in terms of future stars from that show. There's not really anyone on the come up, who is young and fresh. Big E deserves a shot, but he's been in the company for almost 10 years at this stage, so he's not fresh. 

I agree with the bolder part of your post, I was being quite childish and was having a rant, but you're correct the lack of stories is insane. It seemed like it was just wrestlers coming out for the sake of it, there was no cohesion.


To be fair to you, I did that awful thing of using the word ‘wrestling’ when what I really mean is ‘WWE’.

I enjoy AEW and Impact, too.

As far as WWE is concerned, I think the talent - for the most part - are doing as much as they can with very little purpose/direction coming from up-high.

The telling thing for me is that one of the best acts on the show is Omos, just by virtue of being a big man doing big man things for the camera. That should be an act that seasons or complements the better, bigger acts on the show. It should be a sideshow bit of entertainment. Instead, it stands out because everyone else is just wrestling for wrestling’s sake.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Seen tweets from people suggesting it was an all-time great Rumble. While I think they should be sectioned, I'm quite envious of anyone who can enjoy it this much at this point. I'd have to go back 20 years. And I'd love to quite honestly.

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2 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Seen tweets from people suggesting it was an all-time great Rumble. While I think they should be sectioned, I'm quite envious of anyone who can enjoy it this much at this point. I'd have to go back 20 years. And I'd love to quite honestly.

You didn't enjoy the one Nakamura won?

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2 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Seen tweets from people suggesting it was an all-time great Rumble. While I think they should be sectioned, I'm quite envious of anyone who can enjoy it this much at this point. I'd have to go back 20 years. And I'd love to quite honestly.

Yeah. Alex McCarthy, the talkSport wrestling fella, reckons it’s one of the best Rumble PPV’s of all time.

I’m somewhere in the middle. I enjoyed the wrestling at times, but that’s about it.

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Dipped my toe in for this. I thought overall the women's Rumble was a far easier watch than the blokes. Bianca Bellair looked the business.

I've never been an Edge fan and seeing him and Orton out first killed any enthusiasm I had. The match just seemed to plod along without anything of note really happening throughout. 



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Brian Zane gave the whole event an A- and yhr men's Rumble he declared a 5 star match. 

The rumble match itself has changed a lot. It used to feel like there were more stories being told throughout it than there are now. There were definitely elements of that in the women's Rumble, but the men's Rumble was definitely lacking those layers. A lot of it was just people treading water in the ring until it was time for them to go to the back. My guess is that they've both been put together by different people, but whoever laid out the women's rumble did a much better job than whoever laid out the men's. 

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30 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

@stewdogg I like the idea of Edge's "I want to try and regain the title I never lost", but don't think it needed a Rumble win to get it going. Maybe they could have had it become all consuming and a little return to the "ultimate opportunist" heel character. Have him in a money in the baki ladder match, keep him away from some of the higher risk spots, maybe Christian gets involved and helps him win it? I just worry that Orton is going to end up winning the title from Drew again between here and Mania. 

For some reason I hadn't even considered this horrendous possibility. I could absolutely see Elimination Chamber conclude with McIntyre and Orton as the final two, before the lights go out and The Fiend magically appears in the ring. The announcers say he's there for Orton, but nope, he attacks McIntyre instead. We then get the deeply unappealing combinations of Fiend/McIntyre and Orton/Edge at 'Mania. 

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21 minutes ago, Tsurutagun said:

You didn't enjoy the one Nakamura won?

Can't really remember it. I thought last year's was a good match. This one was much, much worse. Appreciate some will think it was OK. That wasn't really my point though. Anyone who thinks this was great will like any old shit. I'd quite like to still be in that mindset.

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My issue with the Rumble matches now is that everyone who enters has been there 10+ years so outside of the surprise entrants and NXT callups, you may as well watch the same rumble on a loop. I lost count of how many times Michael Cole said on commentary tonight "and *wrestler* entering their *massive number* Royal Rumble!" and the wrestler is the likes of Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Big E and Kane. It's truly appalling. 

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