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The NXT Discussion Thread


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I find it fascinating that, by and large, NXT is still fishing from the same talent pool it has for a decade.

Is that because AEW, and to a lesser extent Impact, represent enough of a concern in today’s smaller wrestling market - and they need to keep talent, no matter their age, out of their hands where possible?

Or is the ‘<30 years of age’ talent pool just really shallow and they’re finding it harder to attract athletes from other sports?

It wasn’t that long ago they had a rule where they wouldn’t sign anyone over 30. Now it seems like it’s almost the other way.

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30 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I find it fascinating that, by and large, NXT is still fishing from the same talent pool it has for a decade.

Is that because AEW, and to a lesser extent Impact, represent enough of a concern in today’s smaller wrestling market - and they need to keep talent, no matter their age, out of their hands where possible?

Or is the ‘<30 years of age’ talent pool just really shallow and they’re finding it harder to attract athletes from other sports?

It wasn’t that long ago they had a rule where they wouldn’t sign anyone over 30. Now it seems like it’s almost the other way.

I assume there's two reasons:

1) As they're already on TV, they need established talent who they can get out there pretty much straight away. Sure, they'll get better and mould to the WWE way, but they're capable of going out there like MSK and just doing what they do. They 'develop' but they're mostly there already.

2) Absolutely the AEW/Impact/other companies reason. It's often been the case and we'd be crazy to think that mentality doesn't exist anymore.

Personally I think they've had a good mix over the past year or so. They do still sign out-of-the-box people here and there, and some of their 'established' intake is still pretty young, but yeah you look at Takeover for example and it's clear they're happy to use the top free agents out there and have them on the books where possible. 

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That was a great show, throughly enjoyed it

Thought Kushida/Gargano was good, perhaps slightly overlong but built nicely and I was gripped by the end.

MSK/GYV was fantastic. One thing I’ve noticed this year, trying to get more into wrestling again, is that a lot of the high-flying style is sometimes hampered by awkward spots where you can see people getting into position or waiting for the next stunt. Hardly any of that really with MSK, which was great.

Main event was the best match I’ve watched this year. Slow to start but just built and built.

Finn Balor is phenomenal.

Pete Dunne is a great talent, but looks weird without body fat and his skin is yellow with that spray tan.

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21 hours ago, TheBurningRed said:

Well, LA Knight is a bit better than his name during his first time in NXT - Slate Randall.

I always thought Slate Randall was a decent ring name, and one he presumably chose so he could continue using "SR" monogrammed gear/boots from working as Shaun Ricker previously, which is the kind of decision I respect.

Assuming LA Knight has been chosen as it fits the same "E-li-Drake" cadence he uses every time he says his own name in a promo.

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Loved the closing angle. Exactly what this brand needed. Finally feels like something is happening. Surprised they’ve split Undisputed Era up before giving them a run on the main roster though. Either Raw or Smackdown could have benefited massively from those guys coming up and running roughshod.

I can only assume it’s one of two things. Either Adam Cole’s been tagged as an NXT lifer like Gargano and Ciampa or they’ve given up any hope of Bobby Fish staying healthy long enough for them to use the faction as a main roster act.

Might we finally see a Wargames match this year that doesn’t feature Undisputed Era?! Surely not!

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