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On 2/3/2021 at 9:28 AM, The Dart said:

After Charlotte choosing NXT last year, it at least does logically make sense that Edge has that option and would consider it, so him appearing on NXT to tease it is no worse than him appearing on both Raw and Smackdown to tease which title he's going to choose.

It would and could be a nice story going for a title he's never held...only the story has been going for the title he never lost due to early retirement. Which is already slightly retconned to fit the narrative as that title isn't technically knocking about any more.

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6 hours ago, GeronimoJacksBeard said:

It would and could be a nice story going for a title he's never held...only the story has been going for the title he never lost due to early retirement. Which is already slightly retconned to fit the narrative as that title isn't technically knocking about any more.

Plus he hasn’t held the Universal title either. 

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Cracking main event tag match this week. Easily the most I’ve enjoyed a Timothy Thatcher match. Takeover with Dunne vs. Balor and Gargano vs. KUSHIDA looks great too.

It’s a shame NXT has zero buzz because the talent is still there. They’re in desperate need of some type of spark or crazy angle to get some excitement going. It remains insane that NXT wasn’t  included in last year’s draft. You could argue they’re in more need of a talent shakeup than Raw or Smackdown!

The biggest question coming out of this show though; who’s aged quicker? Edge or Tomasso Ciampa? Both looked fucking ancient on this show.

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Edge seems to have stopped dyeing his hair or its starting to thin, it does kinda add to his grizzled thing he's going for

Ciampa for some reason hasn't shaved his head for a few weeks and has the horse shoe hairline which makes him look way older than wet shaved, no idea what he's going for 

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I don’t think anyone could draw in that spot, truly. Particularly not Edge, who’s never been a needle mover.

NXT is a niche product, I don’t think it has the requisite brand awareness to encroach into the casual audience no matter what you do. You’d probably ‘spike’ your NXT audience towards the 800k figure easier with a indie star than you are a WWE main eventer.

The <1mm people who would consider watching NXT aren’t that moved by established WWE stars.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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7 hours ago, Mr Butternut Squash said:
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Hideo Itami, outdrawing The Edge brother!

Mental that the Royal Rumble winner and the guy that's about to headline Wrestlemania, shows up advertised, and not a single shit was given. Product's ice cold.



6,000 spears, never drew a dime

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4 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

I don’t think anyone could draw in that spot, truly. Particularly not Edge, who’s never been a needle mover.

He certainly was in the first quarter of 2006 when he spiked Raw ratings. Not sure anything particularly has had that affect since.

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A great week for whacky dickheads. Both Johnny Gargano and Cameron Grimes were wildly entertaining being daft twats on this show. Wade Barrett was fantastic backing up Gargano’s nonsense with a straight face, too. Beth Phoenix being there live has really added to Wade’s act, giving him the perfect appalled babyface commentator for him to bounce off. Great work from everyone involved.

It’s not the big angle or spark NXT is in desperate need of but I can’t deny they had me smiling like an idiot. Johnny claiming he needed a few months of rehab and a Beautiful Day montage! Then taking the Bret Hart bump over the wheelchair! Brilliant!

Also, when was the last time WWE referenced something as contemporary and relevant as the GameStop thing? It felt positively bizarre having something current from the real world filtering in. Multiverse confirmed!

Takeover looks like a great card on paper and I loved the way they gave it the big UFC-style hard sell at the end of the show. Genuinely one of the best go-home segments of any WWE show in months.

I’ll never get over Ciampa’s barnet though. What is he thinking?! He already feels like a man out-staying his welcome, with nothing left to do in NXT, hanging around like a bad stench. Growing his hair out to look like a scruffy old tramp just adds to it.

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Enjoyed the match line up ending was really different way to finish up, minor gripe would be everyone shouting and pointing during stairdowns, apart from Balor and Dunne coming out the shadows, pose, title lift, money shot.

speaking of money Cameron Grimes rags to riches story is a great fit for him (reminds me of Jamie Noble boy) and GameStop is surprisingly on trend for them, rich redneck could be fun, won't dwell on them but already seen people complain that it's a stupid gimmick/makes no sense....soulless fucks!!

Gargano is growing nicely into his role, so is Theory as the dumb meathead sidekick

Ciampa needs to sort that hair out, he's in his 30s no need for horseshoe bald spot, big beard and bald was a badass look for him.


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On 2/3/2021 at 8:28 PM, The Dart said:

After Charlotte choosing NXT last year, it at least does logically make sense that Edge has that option and would consider it, so him appearing on NXT to tease it is no worse than him appearing on both Raw and Smackdown to tease which title he's going to choose.

They have, sorta, done this before.

Suddenly had a flash back to this segment where the Undertaker got to choose between his Mania opponents, and the decision including ECW Champion Lashley.

Decent segment IMO.


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The Gargano segment was awesome. The Beautiful Day mention was a very rare funny one liner in modern day WWE. Good on Trips for being to laugh at himself. 

Found out this morning that Cameron Grimes for real bought AMC stock during the whole Gamestop deal and made a ton of money which makes the whole Southern Million Dollar Man deal even better

Not sure its the greatest idea to have Kacy Cantanzaro go anywhere near a 1,000 year old woman at the moment. 

Surprised they had Thatcher and Ciampa lose to Grizzled Young Vets. If they want MSK to win The Dusty Classic beating Thatcher and Ciampa would be a bigger deal on the road to victory surely? 

Edited by Tsurutagun
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