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Greatest ever last episode.


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Breaking Bad. So many loose ends but they managed to tie them up well imo.

Thought The Good Place was a great finale as well, considering that had swayed before decent and boring for over a season before. I remember Oz having a good finale, but it’s been a long time since I’ve watched it.


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The Good Place definitely ranks up there for me. I wasn’t expecting it to be, as I wasn’t a huge fan of the final season (or the season before that), but I was a sobbing wreck from about five minutes in until the end. Deeply moving and hugely satisfying.

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Blackadder Goes Forth - just devastating, but in exactly the right way. It was just perfect.

More controversially, I'm very fond of the final episode of Quantum Leap. It's absolutely against the entire feel of the show, it's utterly pretentious and it pissed off almost everyone. But I also sort of liked the idea of going meta and theological with it all, and that final line... I just didn't see it coming and it really got to me. And I'm a fan of anything being able to get that kind of response from me.

A lot of shows just don't stick the landing for me. Breaking Bad was good, but I think there were plenty of better episodes. Same with Mad Men. But for a great ending, it's got to transcend it a little to the point that the end is something that really stands out. And not that many do.

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It's Lost. Emphatically answered all the important questions that had been plaguing us for the previous six years, like...


If Ben worked in a school after he died, would he make a good headteacher?

If Jack had a son after he died, would he immediately abandon him the second Kate shows up? (no judgements, would)

And crucially if they were all to meet up after they died, where would they go?

Yes, yes and church, BOOM! No mystery left unsolved. Anyone who hated it just didn't understand it.

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I'm Going to ignore anyone mentioning anthrax riddled Oz. At the end of season 4 part 1 with Adebisi being slain, that would have been perfect. But it was a terrible couple of last seasons and a horrid finale. 


Still King of the Hill. Everything over the 12 years was tied up, and in a subtle style too. Mike Judge even threw out a scene of Bill Dauterive finally throwing away his last piece of wedding cake, as Bill Dauterive would never move on really. 

Edited by PowerButchi
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I'm in complete agreement with Cleetus. I loved Lost, especially the finale. One of my partner's hadn't seen it before so we rewatched it during lockdown, and I really think it's near perfect when binged watched over a couple of months, as opposed to watching it week to week over the course of 6 years. Most of the criticisms I see either read like people who gave up halfway through and skipped to the end, or people who like you say, seem to have almost purposely misunderstood it. It's not high art, it's cheesy TV sci fi inspired by comic books and Star Wars and cryptid conspiracies, and it gave me a hell of a lot more joy to watch than most of the other TV shows people seem to laud. 

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3 hours ago, Chris B said:

Blackadder Goes Forth - just devastating, but in exactly the right way. It was just perfect.

More controversially, I'm very fond of the final episode of Quantum Leap. It's absolutely against the entire feel of the show, it's utterly pretentious and it pissed off almost everyone. But I also sort of liked the idea of going meta and theological with it all, and that final line... I just didn't see it coming and it really got to me. And I'm a fan of anything being able to get that kind of response from me.

A lot of shows just don't stick the landing for me. Breaking Bad was good, but I think there were plenty of better episodes. Same with Mad Men. But for a great ending, it's got to transcend it a little to the point that the end is something that really stands out. And not that many do.

Quantum Leap's last episode, and especially last line as you mentioned, devastated me as a kid, those last ten minutes are just mental, I remember my mum consoling me by pointing out that 'they'll probably make a film now at least' that went well

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There aren't too many shows that have really disappointed me with the ending. Most of my favourites - Lost, Breaking Bad etc - have already been mentioned here. Even Mad Men was alright, and that was always one that I was never sure how they'd end.

Most recently I'd probably go with Mr Robot and The Good Place as ones where I was really satisfied and not left empty or wanting more. Actually same with Modern Family.

I really wish they'd been able to give Dexter a better ending.

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1 hour ago, Steve Justice said:

The Shield. 

He won the game, but lost it all. 

It's a solid show throughout, but the finale was insanely well written. 


I think the final scene with Vic getting his gun and putting his jacket on was a sign he is going back to doing dodgy shit. He can't help himself. He got away with everything but the reward was death by desk job and he couldn't deal with it.

Its definitely my favourite finale to a tv show. The scene where Vic confesses everything and they realise they have just made a deal with the devil is unbelievable. 


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