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So at work I got what is called a step up. I'm at the same seniority but had pay adjusted for the work I do. Each band has 7 steps and I'm on 2 now. I think I deserved more but you can only go up 1 step and I'd only been there 18 months so was happy with it. Only an extra £1300 but it was more about being respected. It needed sign of from my manager, his manager and all the way up to director level before a HR panel agreed. Im one of the few people at my level that has weekly meetings with directors so I had that in my favour. 

On another note, I might sound like a cunt but at work there is this guy who I wish would just fuck off. He's really good at his work. However he moans about not getting step ups, he's a step 6 on the same band as myself. Going up a step would take him to the same as a step 1 on the next level so he isn't getting it. He still gets the union agreed pay increase though. our department had 3 jobs at the next level come up, he didn't apply, he applied for another job in our organisation and was the only person to be interviewed and was a shoe in. He pulled out a couple of days before the interview saying he didn't like a guy on the panel. He won't leave as he now earns so much no organisation will match his pay or provide the benefits he gets but he doesn't want to go further. He's a miserable cunt, trying to cause trouble. He's been here too long, resents others doing well. He moaned I got made a step 2 and he didn't get made a step 7. Cunt still makes 9k more than me. 

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2 minutes ago, wordsfromlee said:

We started doing a 4 day week a couple of months ago and it's the best! Mon-Thurs - 7:30am-4:30pm

Half 7 seems really early. I used to do half 7 starts and it took it's toll in the end. Was doing 5 day weeks mind 

My director does 4 * 9 hour days rather than 5 * 7.2 hour ones. I do wonder what it would be like, to be honest I've usually done almost all my work by Friday anyway, usually just me being available if needed.

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1 hour ago, westlondonmist said:

Half 7 seems really early. I used to do half 7 starts and it took it's toll in the end. Was doing 5 day weeks mind 

My director does 4 * 9 hour days rather than 5 * 7.2 hour ones. I do wonder what it would be like, to be honest I've usually done almost all my work by Friday anyway, usually just me being available if needed.

I've been doing 7:30am starts for years now. I like it as I'm commuting to work before the school run/rush hour. If I started at 8/8:30am then it would add an extra 15 minutes each way. Plus I'm up at around that time anyway so it doesn't bother me.

What worked out quite well for me is that when there was that national trial of the 4 day week, the companies raised the workers hourly wage to compensate for the lost day so they would still get the same monthly pay as 5 days. But to offset it, they'd not get a pay rise for the next three years or something like that. I got the pay rise to make up the lost wages when we moved to 4 days, then a couple of days later got an extra £4000-a-year pay rise. My first real proper pay rise/promotion I've ever got I think.

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I'd love to go back to a four day week (I used to do 10-8), but we're not morning people, and now my son is six, I need a sensible finishing time, otherwise it just assists him in dragging his bedtime passed where it should be.

Because of the commute and having a childminder taking him to school, I now have to drag him out of bed at 6:45 when I used to wake him at 8:00, and so I've handed in my notice at my new job, and I'm going back to my previous employer, but in a different role so won't be involved with the idiocy that had me tearing my hair out before. I might regret this, but the cost of childcare (especially during school holidays) and racking up nearly 600 miles of commuting each month just seems ludicrous in my post-lockdown eyes.

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I much preferred working 5 days a week 7am-2.30pm than working 3-4 days a week 9am-5.45pm like I do now. Less days is obviously great but those early starts and finishes were ace. I’ll never as long as I live have a work time like that again.

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I've worked 4 days a weeks since Feb 2022 and I love it. I did it to save on childcare costs but I think I'll keep doing it once my boys have free childcare. I work from home too so don't have to figure in commuting, I work 8 till 5.30pm Tuesday and Wednesday, 8 till 5pm Thursday and Friday. Three day weekends gives me such a better work life balance.

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I'd struggle adding hours to my days. At the moment my son goes to nursery at a school, so I pick him up at 3:15pm and work with him there, but that's tough. He can do afterschool until 17:30pm from September though. He does breakfast club but that covers my commute if I go in or if working from home is MY TIME to go to the gym. My employer is incredibly flexible, my son is 4, my manager has a 3 and a 5 year old and my Director has a 4 year old boy too so everyone is really understanding that kids come first and it isn't just a phrase they use. They don't really care what hours I  work, as long as I'm contactable via phone and complete things by deadlines. At the moment for me having a flexible employer is more important. I don't think I usually complete my 36 hours really ever anyway. 

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I don't drop off and pick up every day, maybe 3 days a week, but my manager has no issues with me taking half an hour to pick up (we walk) and never expects me to make up the time, treats us like adults and I always work my contracted hours anyway with other bits and bobs out of my work hours.

Some people work 4 days, it's an option I think I'll look at very soon as I feel knackered all the time at the moment (dunno what it is other than getting older)

We also have been doing more with apprentices and it makes sense to contact them later in the day, so I've been doing a few days here and there of 11-7, which works for me well.

Also another pay rise being voted on which if it goes through, will be just over 20% in just over a year.

The public sector isn't always bad :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I start a new job tomorrow. That might not sound like much, but the last time I had a job where I worked for someone else was in 2004. Since then I've travelled a fair bit, played onlike poker for several years, and spent just over a decade looking after an elderly relative with significant health problems. I think it's going to be a bit of a culture shock going into an actual workplace again, I just feel lucky to have found someone that's willing to give me an opportunity after so long away from a conventional career.

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