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Comic book movies II: the Richard Donner cut

Bellenda Carlisle

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

David Ayer is one of the worst filmmakers in Hollywood right now so I'd trust any changes they made to his film immediately improved it.

Maybe so but its a waste of time to hire someone ask them to do a job then cut it to bits. Alas it wasnt cut for being crap it was cut to be "funny" . Apparently a few test screenings objected to the Joker being abusive to Quinn so that got removed to. 

IF Dc wanted light and funny then they should have hired a director and given him that mandate. Funny how we now have R rated joker breaking records  

I thought fury and training day where decent movies 

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24 minutes ago, quote the raven said:

Maybe so but its a waste of time to hire someone ask them to do a job then cut it to bits. Alas it wasnt cut for being crap it was cut to be "funny" . Apparently a few test screenings objected to the Joker being abusive to Quinn so that got removed to. 


Training Day wasn't Ayer. Regardless, to your point, are you saying if you are hired to do something, do a shit job with it, that you should be allowed to continue to make a shit go of it because you hired them in the first place? DC went serious when Marvel went less so. Marvel films were breaking Box Office records, DCU weren't. They had to try and break the cycle and it worked because it was a financial hit. I can see why you love the Snyderverse now to be fair. 

Joker breaking box office records, for a R rated film, is more to do with it not being typical comic book movie and more a psychological study. You'll be glad to know, other than Joaquin's performance, I thought the film was pretty crap. Taxi Driver knock off with less taxi's and more clown make up.

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33 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Training Day wasn't Ayer. Regardless, to your point, are you saying if you are hired to do something, do a shit job with it, that you should be allowed to continue to make a shit go of it because you hired them in the first place? DC went serious when Marvel went less so. Marvel films were breaking Box Office records, DCU weren't. They had to try and break the cycle and it worked because it was a financial hit. I can see why you love the Snyderverse now to be fair. 

Joker breaking box office records, for a R rated film, is more to do with it not being typical comic book movie and more a psychological study. You'll be glad to know, other than Joaquin's performance, I thought the film was pretty crap. Taxi Driver knock off with less taxi's and more clown make up.

It wasnt cut for being crap is the point, they cut it to lighten the tone. Training day was his screen play. At someone point during filming they should have at least told him to make it the type of film they wanted. People must have signed off on what he intended to film way before he did it. 

Both Synders and Ayers movies suffered from the studio trying to do a drastic U turn after the fact. 


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9 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

I didn't bother with dark Phoenix and never will, but despite the terrible reviews of Venom I am almost certainly going to end up watching it once it's on Netflix.

Venom was pretty fun imo. Proper switch your brain off and enjoy the ride movie.

WB desperately trying to Justice League their own Avengers was always going to end in tears imo.

Saying that though there was never any fucking chance of a four hour cut making it to screens and after the reception BvS reviced Snyder would have probably been lucky to get the greenlight for a 150 minute cut.

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1 hour ago, Mr_Danger said:

Joker was a 3 star film with a 5 star performance. Obviously everyone went overboard because it was different but the Joker character attracts that loony fanatical contingent that only deal in best/worst things ever.

What did you think was wrong with the film? I finally got around to seeing it about week or so back and I thought it was really great. With a performance that fantastic I thought it was a strength of the film that they kept it simple and really just let him shine.

I may be a little biased though because I'm a sucker for seeing something on the big screen and I got to watch it in my brother in law's home cinema, and before that I can't remember the last time I had that experience was maybe April..?

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I think the thing that let the film down most was the fact it was a Joker film. I know that’s a mad criticism on the face of it but the shoehorning in of the Wayne’s and some of the other stuff took me out of what was mostly a very good psychological drama. It felt like someone had a shit hot Taxi Driver homage screenplay and wrote the Joker and DC Universe in to it. 

Like I said though it’s not that I didn’t enjoy it. I though it was a good film with a great performance at the core of it.  The Gary Glitter music was batshit though.


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The only scene I thought was unnecessary was the one at the gate of Wayne Manor with young Bruce. Apart from that I thought the character of Thomas Wayne was a good antagonist.


😂 also you've just reminded that my wife leaned over to me in the Glitter bit and asked "why's he dancing to the Doctor Who song"...

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Probably not a popular opinion but I still think its a shame Fox have lost the X-Men franchise.

I know a lot of the main X-Men movies were pretty iffy (at best) but I can't see Marvel taking risks on anything like Logan or Deadpool (or Legion for that matter). First Class and Days of Future Past were decent too.

Couldn't give two fucks about Batman at this stage, especially if we're getting set for more grim dark. There's a point where you've revelled in the darkness and cynicism of a character for so long that it stops becoming an interesting character study. There's also a point where it becomes politically troubling if you're not sending up the idea of a rich white bloke with military hardware beating up the Occupy movement and shooting petty criminals. 

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23 minutes ago, Vamp said:

I know a lot of the main X-Men movies were pretty iffy (at best) but I can't see Marvel taking risks on anything like Logan or Deadpool (or Legion for that matter). First Class and Days of Future Past were decent too.

People said the same about Marvel Cinematic Universe when Disney bought out Marvel, and then they made Guardians of the Galaxy and Big Hero Six. They want to make their film's financially successful, I am looking forward to some fresh blood being brought in. Those last 2 films especially were bloody awful.

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  • 3 weeks later...
12 hours ago, Bellenda Carlisle said:

Homelander is so intense, what a scary bastard.

Almost my exact words to my lady. He’s easily the best thing in an excellent show and the best performance of a decent low key ensemble. Karl Urban still gives no fucks about putting a convincing accent on and even added a sentence ending “eh” in to his repertoire this week. I’m never quite sure if I’m seeing Dennis Quaid or Meg Ryan when I’m looking at Jack Quaid. Pretty pissed off I can’t binge the series, they knew what they were doing giving me my 100th free trial the other week.

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