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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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There you go Peyton. There you go Cesaro. There you go the rest of you. Instead of being a whingy prick doing crappy shoots, get so into your storyline that you accidentally say, “fuck.” Brilliant.

EDIT: The way they handled Shayna literally kicking Asuka’s teeth out is a real indicator of where their instincts currently lie. Five to ten years ago, if a fortuitous accident like that happens? It’s Shayna vs. Asuka at Wrestlemania. No question. You repeat the footage every week until the go-home show when Asuka cuts the big return promo. They were handed gold with that and they spunked it away for a throwaway Raw match. Unbelievable. It’s only going to look worse when the Mania match inevitably includes Charlotte boring the piss out of everyone, too.

Edited by Supremo
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Not long to give it a decent build but still excited for it. Especially considering we could've had Charlotte instead. I suppose she might sneak in somehow because that's what she does.

Yes, some of the Twitter fans are moaning that Ripley doesn't deserve it and why not Naomi etc etc. Fuck off.

Strap a rocket to Rhea damnit and make up for last year.

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31 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:


Not long to give it a decent build but still excited for it. Especially considering we could've had Charlotte instead. I suppose she might sneak in somehow because that's what she does.

Yes, some of the Twitter fans are moaning that Ripley doesn't deserve it and why not Naomi etc etc. Fuck off.

Strap a rocket to Rhea damnit and make up for last year.

When did Rhea lose her internet points?

Rhea must be winning surely, otherwise if she’s beaten with 3 weeks of coming in then she’s just another person on the roster, same as what with Bayzler last year. A dominant showing and putting Asuka away in 5 minutes will set her up well. But, this being 2021 and with 2 nights to fill, it’ll be a 20minute back & forth

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The Braun Train thing is such a joke. I can't even believe that for a brief moment he was the one person keeping me interested in WWE and I was actively rooting for him to be a huge success. A failed and forgettable title run way too late, and now he has his own choo choo train noises. I know WWE get flak for ruining people and sometimes it's exaggerated, but I can't think of anyone more recently who had "it" that they went out of their way to set up for failure.

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Peyton Royce cutting one shoddy Raw Talk promo has made the writers turn her into Daniella Bryan or something.

She’ll rue the day she cut that promo, as she’s just fucking boring now. 

Raw was fine. I don’t really care about Raw. It’s all a bit shit.

The guys Lashley asked to take out Drew? Pissed myself laughing. Like asking a pack of dogs to book a holiday. Still, probably Lashley’s best promo he’s ever done.

Lashley is great. Good luck, good presentation, decent act with MVP... but he’s a bit shit in the ring. I hope the match at Mania is just an arena brawl.

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Remember when it seemed a certainty that Sheamus was retiring? It’s crazy watching him smashing himself to bits in recent weeks. He’s having a great little run.

This looked like an actual support group. Absolutely tragic. Team catering.


Edited by Supremo
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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

Remember when it seemed a certainty that Sheamus was retiring? It’s crazy watching him smashing himself to bits in recent weeks. He’s having a great little run.

This looked like an actual support group. Absolutely tragic. Team catering.


That's such an ill-fitting, odd-looking group of guys. I'm convinced they'll be a faction in AEW by the end of the year.

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