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The Official UKFF RAW thread (part 2)...

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I’m not particularly a Cody fan and ever since he lost at Mania I’ve been dreading them completely rehashing the entire feud for 40, from him winning the Rumble again and basically having the exact same feud with Roman. To me, it sounds like the most boring, lazy, pointless rehashing of a feud they could do.

And yet, given the choice of that or Rock vs Roman, I’d take Cody in a heartbeat. Christ, do the exact same match move for move for all I care.

The only way Rock vs Roman is a dream match to me is that I’ll be asleep when it happens.

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1 hour ago, Devon Malcolm said:

Anybody saying they'd prefer to see Reigns vs The Rock at Wrestlemania over Reigns vs Rhodes is off their rocker.

I’m not sure anyone is saying they’d prefer it, more that it makes the most business and creative sense.

 The idea of a 90s Rock against a 2020s Reigns would be attractive but that’s not what we’d get.  The match will be a bit rubbish no matter which PPV it happens on.

 Nevertheless it IS a big, if not the biggest marquee match they have and it belongs at WM if it’s going to happen.  Hogan v André was crap but it sold WM3.

 I’d love to see Cody beat Reigns but that should have happened last year, and the world has moved on.  We all know the future is LA Knight anyway 🎣🎣🎣

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2 minutes ago, Loki said:

I’m not sure anyone is saying they’d prefer it

6 hours ago, The King of Old School said:

Imagine still wanting Cody to "finish his story" if the Rock is around.

Then again, it's The King of Old School, so.

4 minutes ago, Loki said:

 I’d love to see Cody beat Reigns but that should have happened last year, and the world has moved on.

Cody still has the same level of support he had around this time last year. I don't think it has at all. 

26 minutes ago, Slapnut said:

I’m not particularly a Cody fan and ever since he lost at Mania I’ve been dreading them completely rehashing the entire feud for 40, from him winning the Rumble again and basically having the exact same feud with Roman.

There's no evidence they'd do that. There are a number of ways they can circle back round to this. It's been a slight worry of mine too but I'm pretty sure they'd find a different way of doing things. 

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1 hour ago, Nick James said:

The swerve with Jinder was fantastic, poor Jinder like, but the faces in the crowd when his mum is hit was magic.

Christ, we really are getting the Attitude Era back!

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If it's not Cody this year then I don't see when it is. I was never a Cody fan but he really had a helluva run last year and the crowd were all over him. I didn't agree with not having him winning it last year, I thought it was the type of shit that Vince used to do BUT if the storyline was a redemption arc win then if told well it could be great. To just go 'Oh Now it's The Rock' might pop a few buys from lapsed fans (I have my doubts) but could pretty much derail one of the only true babyfaces out there. It seems weird.

Also Roman has gone incredibly stale. I don't want to see 4 or so months of 'You don't have it old man' type monotonous promos

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Anyone denying Rock v Roman is the biggest match WWE has available to them nowadays is off their rocker regardless of what they’d prefer.

Yeah, we’re all wise that the match won’t be the best wrestling they have on show but the sheer spectacle of it will ensure it works. I could be misremembering to be perfectly honest but I’m sure Rock v Hogan was met with a bit of a negative reaction at the time until the match happened though happy to be put in my place on that.

Unfortunately for Cody, time is running out on The Rock so the moment he says he’s ready, that’s when it needs to be done. Business wise, you don’t pass up that opportunity when Cody has pretty much proven he can remain hot through setbacks.

In saying all that, I also wouldn’t be surprised if it happened in Australia.

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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Also Roman has gone incredibly stale.

Gone??? I was gasping "Fuck sake, why" two Manias ago about why his run was having to go on so long. In a manner not since he got Lugered by his predecessor in pointless really long, really boring, really part time reigns, Brock Lesnar. Why on Earth they decided to repeat the tedium after the damage it did to Roman himself and his chance of making it as a top tier babyface... well, who knows.


Vince Mcmahon Dancing GIF by WWE

@FUM Rock vs Hogan was just a match, and deemed a waste of a then-full time Rock at Mania, but it wasn't fucking around with an obvious conclusion to anoint a new top guy with the belt, years in the making in terms of the heel's comeuppance, and... I don't even know how long in the making for a clear "top hero" spot in the company? Drew stalled, Rollins didn't take, Reigns was Lugered.... we've probably been waiting for a Cody since it became clear John Cena wasn't going to win the belt again or be around much.

Edited by air_raid
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I was asking "if not Cody, then who, and if not now, then when?" at last year's Wrestlemania. Everyone accepted that it wouldn't be a fantastic well-built hometown win for sympathetic babyface Sami Zayn at Elimination Chamber, because Cody Rhodes was waiting in the wings for a win at Wrestlemania.

When Cody didn't win, I predicted that he probably won't win the following year either. 

Frankly, it's been a miracle that Cody Rhodes has stayed reasonably hot as a babyface in the interim. But he's not the shiny new toy, and now you're going to have people rooting for CM Punk to win the Rumble, or for The Rock to get the big 'Mania match instead.

Even if Cody does get the Wrestlemania title match again, and even if he wins it, would he be in a better position for doing so than he was last year? Was holding off on that worth the two non-house show title defences Roman Reigns has made since then? 

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For what its worth, Lapsed fans on my FB are all dying for Dwayne/Roman now. One even said "I've never seen Cody as a top babyface, he's still the bland CAWdy Rhodes, give us Rock vs Roman at Mania". 


Lapsed Fans will kill the business. Cody or nothing for me, Clive.

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I haven't really watched WWE in over a year so I might not be best placed to judge or even comment but The Rock returning has definitely got my interest and I enjoyed watching back on You Tube this afternoon. In all honesty I would watch WrestleMania alone just to see The Rock vs Roman. 

As I said I haven't seen WWE in a long time so can't speak for Cody or even much of the storylines but you could easily do Cody vs Roman and Roman vs Rock on both nights. 

Rock vs Roman doesn't even have to be a long match (think Goldberg vs Brock), let them do their big moves, have some interference and all the smokes and mirrors, even have Cody interfere if you need too. Just keep it fun and Cody can still have his moment the following night. 

Edited by Briefcase
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21 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

Everyone accepted that it wouldn't be a fantastic well-built hometown win for sympathetic babyface Sami Zayn at Elimination Chamber, because Cody Rhodes was waiting in the wings for a win at Wrestlemania.

No we didn’t.

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All these predictions and possibilities beats previous Mania years where the main event was set in stone months in advance. No deviating from The Plan. Now you’ve got Rock, Reigns, Punk, Orton, Cody and Rollins (eurgh) and no guarantees about who’s facing who. 

I’m sort of more interested in who Gunther faces to be honest.

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Alan Grant said:

I’m sort of more interested in who Gunther faces to be honest.

While we're all talking about whether Reigns vs Rhodes II will happen, we're not talking about how much we need Gunther vs Sheamus vs McIntyre II.

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