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Covid-19 Megathread


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Regarding Djokovic and his stance on a possible Covid 19 vaccine, what seemed unclear to me from the article was whether he was not keen on the Covid 19 vaccine or all vaccine's in general.

When vaccine's were first being discussed most experts seemed to be saying 18 months to 2 years was a realisitic timescale due to the numerous sageguardings in place prior to injecting the worlds population with something.

Now I'm seeing experts saying they should have 1 million available by September and the only reason they wouldn't have more is because there aren't the facilities here to manufacture more quickly.

When anti vaxxers talk about the MMR vaccine for example and its supposed links to autism there were many things I took into account when my son was due his. The fact the MMR vaccine had been issued in the UK for over 30 years by then, the numerous studies conducted showing no proven link between the vaccine and autism, the possibility that some of the children with autistic symptoms may be more likely to have developed them from parents sitting them infront of an iPad for 12 hours a day rather than a vaccine.

When it comes to this though I think if people are going to willingly inject themselves and more importantly their children with something that's been rushed out less than a year from when Covid 19 was first discovered without the usual safety measures and research of side effects etc then its a hell of a gamble.

Not saying for one second that I'm against it, a vaccine is in my opinion is definitely the safest way to protect against this but I think taking one without the usual safety measures having been adhered to is different.

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My mate is a chef and worked at Wimbledon a few times - he says Djokovic is a complete wanker.

He refers to the staff and volunteers who work there as 'you' and dishes out bollockings to all and sundry if the littlest thing goes wrong. If Kryios or whatever his name is didn't exist, then he's top of the cunt list.

It also comes as no surprise that Federer is the nicest person of the lot.

Anyway, that's killed 3 minutes of my day. Carry on.

Edited by Max Power
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Vaccine's shouldn't be rushed out. They should be rigorously tested over a period of time before made available to the wider public. We would all love in September for them to go 'THIS IS THE CURE!' but then what are the long term affects of this vaccine?

The reason I get angry about anti-vaxers is that these vaccines that are available HAVE been rigorously tested and the theories they pedal for not giving their kids them is just that, a theory not proof.

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10 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Anyone caught this story? Apparently a load of fake nurse NHS accounts created on hootsuite from the same Conservative team that did the fact checking Twitter pre election 


I'd have flagged that as dodgy from the bio, because of how much it plays the Identity Bingo game that Conservatives think would win leftists on-board.

Can't just have pro-EU hashtags, they also have to be LGBT. Oh, and she's transitioning. Fucking hell, best make her deaf as well. It's the same shit that has the "Political Correctness Gone Mad" bloke at the pub, and every hack comic of the last thirty years, banging on about "black disabled lesbians" and so on.



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I'm not a fan of Matt Hancock, but i think he's probably tried doing the best he can (limited) under a lot of pressure and with a chaotic plan from Johnson. For Number 10 to snidely fuck him off with a leak to a paper sums up the Johnson way of thinking. And to be honest, will I have sympathy for any of those in cabinet who knew what a disloyal prick he is?

Anyway, Johnson will come back on VE day guaranteed.

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If I were Boris, I wouldn't come back until the announcement to lift the lock down. I'd tell raab we were extending it again and then interrupt him mid way through to SAVE THE COUNTRY. 


Not sure if he can stay off camera that long though. 

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3 minutes ago, Duke said:

I'd tell raab we were extending it again and then interrupt him mid way through to SAVE THE COUNTRY. 

Raab is stood there, telling everyone what they already know...


Then Johnsons music hits

The tabloids cheer before boos roll through television center. 

Robert Peston can't believe it shortly before regaining his composure to ask a rambling and stupid question.


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2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

I'd have flagged that as dodgy from the bio, because of how much it plays the Identity Bingo game that Conservatives think would win leftists on-board.

Can't just have pro-EU hashtags, they also have to be LGBT. Oh, and she's transitioning. Fucking hell, best make her deaf as well. It's the same shit that has the "Political Correctness Gone Mad" bloke at the pub, and every hack comic of the last thirty years, banging on about "black disabled lesbians" and so on.



Admit it, you laughed at #BANTHECLAP (I did) :D

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