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Covid-19 Megathread


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We put about a third of the company on furlough yesterday and sounds like most of the rest are going on today. I'm currently exempt so will be working on my own. It's so shit. Insignificant compared to ill health and people dying, I know.

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57 minutes ago, RIDDUM_N_STYLE said:

I’m in the same boat with the asthma Branquey, got my inhaler gun on stand by just incase though atm I’m feeling good after locking myself in for the most part since work got closed last weekend, although that said I could have punched the dickhead on the bus yesterday (had to use it to go to M&S for food with my mum) who was openly coughing without cover on the seat opposite to me

There's a bloke in my job - an absolute horrible, slob of a man who never has anything good to say about anything or anyone - who is coughing openly without covering up and wiping his nose with his hand. Fucking outrageous carry on out of him.
So I pulled him on it on Tuesday. Not that I'm some boy scout, crusader type, but because he eats very loudly too and batters the end of his bowl of porridge until I reckon his spoon has porcelain on it, so this was the perfect excuse for me to lose it at him as I was developing a nervous twitch just looking at him. His answer to my concerns about him not covering his mouth when coughs was "I seen you stroke your beard a few times".
So I said it to his manager, then and there in front of him and the office "Are you not going to even have a fucking word and insist he covers his mouth or uses a tissue when he wipes his snout?" and I got pulled for using 'coarse language'.
Fucking madness and I really am trying to swerve the hysteria and negativity as best I can, but as you said Riddles, there are absolute pig ignorant cunts out there...


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2 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:


I actually don’t think he has it at all. He unlawfully prorogued Parliament to avoid scrutiny, has been sacked twice for lying and current has a pregnant mistress while still married. Him saying he has it plays into the good old Boris is one of us narrative. 

I said that instantly. The guy hid in a fridge to avoid questions from This Morning, skipped a debate on a climate change and dodged Andrew Neil because he didn’t want to be on the spot. Having to do press conferences every day without having any answers must be top of his list for scenarios to avoid. 

If Corbyn had it he would be live-streaming from his bed on a ventilator to show the dangers and offer support to others in the same position. Johnson is going to use this as a get out of jail free card 

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13 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

I said that instantly. The guy hid in a fridge to avoid questions from This Morning, skipped a debate on a climate change and dodged Andrew Neil because he didn’t want to be on the spot. Having to do press conferences every day without having any answers must be top of his list for scenarios to avoid. 

If Corbyn had it he would be live-streaming from his bed on a ventilator to show the dangers and offer support to others in the same position. Johnson is going to use this as a get out of jail free card 

Yep. I remember the fourth press conference he was doing and asked if people thought they were worth it and if they were finding them useful. Right then you could tell he was looking for a way to back out of it. Even the people who could ask questions were hand picked and authorised. Still, at least he will be able to keep self isolating from some of his kids like he has for years. 


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13 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

I remember the fourth press conference he was doing and asked if people thought they were worth it and if they were finding them useful.

I totally empathise that he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on, it’s unprecedented times and all that. But he has done literally fuck all. Has the legislation come in to protect renters from being evicted? The estate agents are trying to get me out of my house as quick as possible and even pretended I’m behind on rent despite being paid up till next week. Told them I would have nowhere to go and would be homeless, so they sent a link to shelter.org.
Absolute bastards, if they kick me out I’m burning the house down and setting up a tent outside their building 

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13 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

I totally empathise that he doesn’t know what the fuck is going on, it’s unprecedented times and all that. But he has done literally fuck all. Has the legislation come in to protect renters from being evicted? The estate agents are trying to get me out of my house as quick as possible and even pretended I’m behind on rent despite being paid up till next week. Told them I would have nowhere to go and would be homeless, so they sent a link to shelter.org.
Absolute bastards, if they kick me out I’m burning the house down and setting up a tent outside their building 

Get in touch with Shelter. Obviously they've sent you a link in a "Not our problem, contact Shelter"  way, but seriously, contact them.

Edited by SuperBacon
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45 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

He seems the type to wash his hands without being told to. He will be safe 

I've seen him stroke his beard a couple of times.

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8 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

Get in touch with Shelter. Obviously they've sent you a link in a "Not our problem, contact Shelter"  way, but seriously, contact them.

Being serious, I have had an offer to move into my aunts place which is supposed to become available end of next month because her tenant is moving out. Just need to hold off getting booted from here long as I can, so if the government say no one can be evicted for a while it will be a massive help. The flip flopping until it is set in stone has just made them get really aggressive with it. 

If anyone ever looks to rent, avoid Haart because they are the definition of useless cunts. I’ve been renting my entire adult life and never seen anyone as incompetent and evil as them 

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11 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Being serious, I have had an offer to move into my aunts place which is supposed to become available end of next month because her tenant is moving out. Just need to hold off getting booted from here long as I can, so if the government say no one can be evicted for a while it will be a massive help. The flip flopping until it is set in stone has just made them get really aggressive with it. 

If anyone ever looks to rent, avoid Haart because they are the definition of useless cunts. I’ve been renting my entire adult life and never seen anyone as incompetent and evil as them 

I'd still contact Shelter. Best of luck dude

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1 hour ago, tiger_rick said:

As long as Jezza is safe, I don't care.

Though the story goes they are two sword lengths apart to stop fighting, the government and opposition benches are actually 3.96 metres apart so he likely won't have caught it at PMQs.

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12 minutes ago, UK Kat Von D said:

Being serious, I have had an offer to move into my aunts place which is supposed to become available end of next month because her tenant is moving out. Just need to hold off getting booted from here long as I can, so if the government say no one can be evicted for a while it will be a massive help. The flip flopping until it is set in stone has just made them get really aggressive with it. 

If anyone ever looks to rent, avoid Haart because they are the definition of useless cunts. I’ve been renting my entire adult life and never seen anyone as incompetent and evil as them 

I think it’ll more than likely just be scare tactics rather than anything they can enforce. The bad press a letting agent would get for turfing a tenant out at the moment would be so damaging - and even if they’re such dodgy bastards that they don’t care about that, I’d be surprised if they’ve currently got the resources to come and force someone out. Even if they got you out today, surely they couldn’t be booking viewings etc until the lockdown is over anyway? I wouldn’t think they’d even be able to come out and check the property over yet if you do leave. What are you supposed to do with the keys - is there a key safe outside the house, or are you meant to go and hand them in at an office that’s unlikely to be manned right now?

If anyone threatening does rock up to your front door, cough at them. Actually, on the day you’re paid up to, just tell the agency you’re displaying Covid-esque symptoms and need to self-isolate for 14 days.

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