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Covid-19 Megathread


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Well, the Australian GP is turning into a shit pit... Some FIA senior officials told the BBC last night (Oz time) the race is off. McLaren have already pulled out. Raikkonen and Vettel have flown back to Europe. People are turning up at the circuit, queuing to get in and have just been told that the premiere of Victoria has announced it’ll be a closed race. And still no official announcement one way or another from the FIA.

And Arsenal’s Head Cough has tested positive too.

? I’m leaving that typo right there.

Edited by Monkee
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Hope your lad finds something @Steve Justice 

19 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

This could genuinely make the 2008 financial crash feel like a mild cold (pun semi-intended).

At one point today they were talking about this been the 2nd worst day on the stockmarket ever. A worse day stocks wise than the day of the Dunkirk evacuation in WWII, these things always come back to the war don't they. 

There is no way the F1 is going to be on @Monkee. Look at what MotoGP have done, Thailand, Austin, Argentina all postponed and the next two races after that are France and Italy so not very likely either. 

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@Lion_of_the_Midlands I know that, you know that, 99.99% of fans know that. But where are the bloody FIA in all this? If the premiere is worried about crowds of people together then why are literally thousands currently standing outside the gates waiting to go in? The FIA should have madd a decision before these people even woke up this morning.

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3 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

The FIA (Ferrari International Assistance) will be busy making sure Ferrari are ok. That's all that really matters to them. 

? Never heard that before. You need new material.

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Sorry about the news on your young fella @Steve Justice. Hopefully he can find some other work out there before too long.

Private firms and small businesses look like they are going to take a pretty substantial hit. The health service though, will be spending money like there's no tomorrow, and I imagine there will be a lot of employment opportunities for people within that industry if they decide they want to go that direction, even in the short term. 

I've been with the same hospital now for 12 years, and suddenly there's any amount of OT, extra staff being hired without vacant posts, and for the first time my role was asked if we'd work nightshifts now with the pressures. 

The agency's and private firms contracted to the hospital's/health industry seem to be some of the only groups that are going to be recruiting for a while. 

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I do agree with most of what the government are doing on this, but there is now no need for offices to not have people working from home. Come in if you really need to, but the rest, stay home. It will limit the chance of someone symptomless infecting an entire office. Most people have probably got it now anyway, so let people be ill at home without risking coming in or passing it on to someone who may have a relative with underlying issues etc. Its sensible and there's no reason for it not to be happening

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With so many movies getting shunted (especially now they rely on all box office from China), I wonder what effect it'll have on the business? Fast & Furious 9's been pushed back an entire year, and pretty much every major release is going to follow suit. The studio must've been banking on a billion dollars coming in off that, but if every big film gets delayed, it's gonna be an empty summer for the big studios, having pumped billions into stuff that won't be giving a return for the forseeable future. Production's gonna be shut down too, so if it goes on for a while, it might be a weird couple of years, with 2021's slate mostly made up of delayed 2020 films and fuck all else shot in the meantime. It'll be the same for TV in terms of nothing new getting made. Look at the damage the writers strike did in 2008 with shortened seasons and stuff getting cancelled as a result. That only lasted 14 weeks. Once the filming shedules start getting fucked up, people's run contracts out, availability will be up in the air, and a ton of movies and shows will end up getting canned.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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5 minutes ago, Monkee said:

@Lion_of_the_Midlands Didn’t you read that Vettel is on his way home? He drives for Ferrari by the way. So what do Ferrari have to gain from the FIA being total dicks in this situation?

I'd imagine that FIA headquarters in Paris has it's own Corona virus related issues to deal with. They have been pretty poor though I'll agree. It will be interesting though to find out if they decided to call it off before Vettel said he was off home or after. 

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My missus has been put on a 4 day week and the hotel group she works for had to lay off lots of housekeeping staff, porters and wait staff cos the trade isn't there, and likely won't be for the next few months at the very least.

Scary times, not helped by the general public being absolute bellends over here and panic buying fucking everything in supermarkets. I nipped into local Aldi for a frozen pizza on the way home from work and shelves and freezers were bare. Security guard I was talking to said there were fights cos people were knicking bog roll from other people's trolleys.

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