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WWE Hell In A Cell 2019 Discussion Thread


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When is comes to Bray, Vince just can't help himself. Really baffling why anyone would think that match would work on any level. I suppose the daft red light should have been an indicator that they've missed the point. With regards to main event booking, this genuinely could be Vince's nadir. Certainly down there.

Hopefully Raw starts tomorrow with Triple H calling everyone virgins for moaning. It's about the only thing that can save this.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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“I don’t know if he got DQ’d, the ref may have just called it.”


”I don’t know if Vince fucked The Fiend, he may have just inserted and retracted his penis persistently until the end of his penis sicked.”

Seriously, I’ve mocked dem wans as much as anyone but if I was in that arena last night I’d have chanted AEW too.

What a load of drivel.

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Well I did say I couldn’t see them putting the belt on The Fiend. Such a bad decision. The thing is they didn’t even have to do the match. If they didn’t want to take the belt off Seth then why book it in the first place? The Fiend doesn’t need the title but all this booking does is just harm him. 

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Bloody hell. If anything epitomises what WWE is now it's that main event. No logic, completely idiotic, everyone involved looks like a fucking twat and all interest and excitement is gone forever. They absolutely cannot help but ruin every new and exciting thing with a complete let down in the booking. They've done it with almost every angle for genuinely about 10 years now. Just the absolute shits. Seth Rollins is probably the worst main event babyface Champion ever. He killed off his own finish in this match and looked like a completely unconvincing pantomime goon throughout. Hell In A Cell's can't end in stoppage/DQ's because that's the whole fucking point of Hell In A Cell's. The Fiend looked like a spectacular monster but spent most the match lying down having an increasing number of things put on his head. Before this match started, dozens of people backstage including the wrestlers would have heard the ending and it still went ahead....just the fucking worst.

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It was a one match show. Two if you're being generous to Sasha and Becky. And they delivered that.

I'm not remotely surprised. We're all part of the problem. Everyone who bought a ticket, bought the PPV or even cares enough to find it and have a look knowing they'd booked this for the marquee without a finish. Maybe 1% in hope that this time they'd just deliver the interesting finish but still, we are idiots.

I was sure it would be a car crash and wasn't disappointed. The red light were a  massive warning. Cole saying "The Fiend Bray Wyatt" every single time a massive irritation. Loads of inconsistency over what did and didn't need selling. A chairshot to the head. A sure sign of desperation. Then that mess of a go home as the resorted to attempted murder while the crowd booed louder and louder. 

Are they surprised? Do they care? Probably not. It's on with tonight and pretend it didn't happen. Given most fans will do the same - who can blame them?

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Fuck me, I thought competition was going to bring out the best in WWE and then we get this absolute slap-in-the-face main event.

Anyway, I don’t normally post F4W stuff and Alvarez is a bit Marmite for me but he’s pretty spot on here and ironically this rant was recorded BEFORE the PPV! 


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30 minutes ago, Love-Wilcox said:

Fuck me, I thought competition was going to bring out the best in WWE and then we get this absolute slap-in-the-face main event.

Anyway, I don’t normally post F4W stuff and Alvarez is a bit Marmite for me but he’s pretty spot on here and ironically this rant was recorded BEFORE the PPV! 


Not a huge fan either but it's very good.

He's right but they're right. We are all marks. Because almost everyone will be back next time.

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Their reset button must be worn out at this point. The last time they actually sent out the McMahon’s to explicitly state they were pushing it.

Also struggling to think what would cause them to reset now, when they just used their hard launch on Fox to push The Fiend, including those cool little pre-show blips.

Even if it’s something monumental like Punk returning full time (it’s not), I’d still rather he came back against The Fiend. There’s no scenario I can think of where Rollins is a better alternative than The Fiend as champion.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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I bet Cody and the bucks loved hearing those boos and Aew chants at the end.

Vince really ought to stand aside these days because he really is hurting the long term future of Wwe by hanging on to long at the helm with his yes men at his side.

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