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Facts that make you feel old

Chilly McFreeze

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Basically at a certain point you have everyone having easy access to music online. I think most of us were on the tail end of being more radio/bought in shops focused (obviously internet gets more prevalent late 90s but for many of us that's our teens rather than children's first foray into finding their own music)

It's definitely noticeable with friends who're a younger their reference points for childhood/teen music is much more about what they found rather than what was big at that time and I assume that trend increases with people in their early 20s/teens.  I remember a few years after university chatting to someone who ran clubnights and them saying it was really noticeable how the students had much more defined music tastes from the get go

I think it's great, it's noticeable a lot of younger musicians don't have any tribal/historical sense of genre and style so you get this music that's just a big interesting grab bag of influences rather than someone deciding they're going to ape a specific style. Gone are the days of the Klaxons sticking a few bits of rave insignia in their tracks and being seen as forward thinking genre busters. It's all a lot more intuitive and unaffected.  It's also more niche because the internet allows access and recognisability in a completely different way

People saying young people don't have their own music isn't really true. It is if you use our metrics for guaging what is popular or whatnot but that's not really a way of figuring out what the kids like - their stuff should be less visible to us, it's existing in a different strata of society (obviously there'll always be the big stadium acts of any generation that are recognisable to us all). I look at Bristol Harbourfestival this weekend headlined by Grove, who is basically impossible to pin down on so many fronts and has a very dedicated following (and due to their gender identity a following that hopefully is also helping other teens figure themselves out). 

I guess you can argue that their music is just made up of existing genres but that's music. Hip Hop was it's own thing even though it contained samples. Music is constantly in a conversation with itself. 


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3 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Fun fAcT: We are now further away from England's World Cup win than it is from the building of the Pyramids

Would that not be a fun FAct?

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, BomberPat said:

the general "the young people don't have their own music" vibe doesn't work when Taylor Swift is one of the biggest stars of all-time. 

Somewhat unrelated but I was reading something the other day that Taylor Swift is unlike any big pop star of the past because she basically has a hardcore fan base who worship her but outside of that fan base she's pretty much a non-entity who you can go through life pretty obliviously to - the only thing is that her hardcore fan base is absolutely fucking massive. The difference being that while she's a huge star she's not really an intrinsic part of modern culture like someone such as Michael Jackson was. I'm not sure I 100% agree with it but it's an interesting idea.

Edited by LaGoosh
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1 hour ago, deathrey said:

I still have band shirts and get annoyed when I see knock offs in H&M (saw an Alice in Chains one last week) - mainly because I don't think the bands actually get any money out of it.

They definitely do get money from it and probably make more money from the licensing deal with H&M than they currently do from record sales. 

The Ramones made more money from that one t-shirt design than they ever did from their albums. 

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10 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Somewhat unrelated but I was reading something the other day that Taylor Swift is unlike any big pop star of the past because she basically has a hardcore fan base who worship her but outside of that fan base she's pretty much a non-entity who you can go through life pretty obliviously to - the only thing is that her hardcore fan base is absolutely fucking massive. The difference being that while she's a huge star she's not really an intrinsic part of modern culture like someone such as Michael Jackson was. I'm not sure I 100% agree with it but it's an interesting idea.

She doesn't seem to permeate through popular culture in the way other big acts have. I think shake if off is the only Taylor Swift song I can name and roughly hum. I listen to loads of music (but almost exclusively through means I control) and consume a fair amount of pop culture. I genuinely haven't been aware of any Taylor Swift music. Whilst obviously the modern era of chosing what we consume might suggest that's just me not paying attention in the right places but other mainstream stuff really does make it's way through different parts of culture from samples, remixes, use in other media or even memes... WAP seemed like it was *everywhere*, remixes cropping up in all forms of electronic music both mainstream and underground, references in stuff, used in film or TV - I realise that's particularly disctinct example but yeah there is some sort of collective cultural consciousness and Taylor Swift has a weird place in it. Even in your most basic online social media thing of the day jokes it all pretty much relates to the idea she has a religious following, not references to songs, style or much else.

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I think it was Neil Tennant from Pet Shop Boys who said in an interview recently that while Taylor Swift may be the biggest artist in the world at the minute, she’s never had a ‘Billie Jean’. A song that become ubiquitous in popular culture. One that everyone has heard and knows the words of, regardless of their tastes and interests. It’s all due to the way music is consumed these days. 

There’s plenty of songs by S Club 7/5ive/Steps/Robbie Williams etc that I know pretty much all the words to - even though I’m not, and would never in the past have classed myself as a fan - and they’re minuscule compared to the fame of Taylor Swift, of which I could probably sing you one chorus from a song I don’t know the name of. Back then you were largely forced to listen to what was played to you and there were fewer avenues in which to discover your own music unlike it is today. 

Edited by wordsfromlee
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I think that's the closest she's come. 


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46 minutes ago, Jazzy G said:

I think that's the closest she's come. 


We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together probably a very close second. That thing was absolutely everywhere in every nightclub the year of my Freshers. 

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Posted (edited)

It's much harder in general to be aware of stuff these days, even if you're trying. I actively seek out TV shows and things still pass me by. I don't even know where to start with new music, I just sometimes stumble across it. 

Edited by gmoney
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