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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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For Page this is perfect as well. Bryan will say he couldn't do it against him. That he failed again to cement his status as world champion. It puts Page as the underdog again (which he's great at) despite being Champion. These two will no doubt headline the next PPV or big event next year in a gimmick match (what we saying with that? Cage? Ladder?) and will get the win. There's absolutely nobody on Bryan's level to face Hangman that is really interesting bar maybe Miro, so keep this going until Mox is possibly ready.

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38 minutes ago, Pinc said:

Its nice watching a show where the announcers seem to like eachother and have a bit of a laugh. Instead of the completely humourless yet still weirdly passive aggressive vibe that WWE announcers have had with eachother forever.

For me it's just the more natural approach to commentary, rather than watching guys that could easily be replaced by well-programmed robots. I know people in the company say Michael Cole is a hard worker and I believe he is but 90% of what he says has lost its authenticity over the years. Between the same shit he has to say every week, his "catchphrases" and trying to sell various things, it's utterly devoid of any enjoyment or genuine emotion.

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1 hour ago, Factotum said:

For Page this is perfect as well. Bryan will say he couldn't do it against him. That he failed again to cement his status as world champion. It puts Page as the underdog again (which he's great at) despite being Champion. These two will no doubt headline the next PPV or big event next year in a gimmick match (what we saying with that? Cage? Ladder?) and will get the win. There's absolutely nobody on Bryan's level to face Hangman that is really interesting bar maybe Miro, so keep this going until Mox is possibly ready.

I think this is an underrated point. Page got over as a character through being relatable - and his battles with anxiety really helped you feel emotionally invested in his title chase. When he's champion, you kind of lose that. He's achieved what he set out to do. Despite what I said earlier, from a character perspective I actually do think this works. Page couldn't win his first ever title defence - and he could have. He didn't need to go for that second lariat, but he did. He fell victim to his own self-doubt; once again he was his own worst enemy. Danielson can obviously play on this going forward - gaslighting Hangman into believing that he's proved nothing - but so can any other heel that he faces. In a way, it's a perfect result for this kind of character. 

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7 hours ago, 69MeDon said:

I loved the Page/Danielson match. Yeah, after we got past 30 minutes, you knew they were going very close to the time limit, but I thought they'd have Page get the pin still. So, to do a 60 minute Broadway on free TV in 2021 is something special to me.

As it got closer and closer to the hour mark the match really dragged me in. I wanted Page to win more and more the less time was left, and by the end I was really willing him on to hit the buckshot! Pin him! Come on! And when he was just about to, and the time ran out ... ooh yes, they got me. When they do the rematch he’s got to come in with a different approach and get the win decisively. He can do it, because with a few more seconds he would have.

I liked that match a lot, is what I think I’m saying.

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More power to anyone who enjoyed the match or was sucked in by the end. It was the complete opposite for me.

Trying to articulate why it left me so cold, the best analogy I can come up with is watching a magician but having a vague understanding of how the trick works. Rather than being excited or amazed I was left at best just admiring the craft and trying to figure out what method they were gonna use. The drama wasn’t in wanting my favourite to beat the baddy. The intrigue became whether they were going to go the full sixty or do the Danielson ROH fake-out with someone winning at fifty nine minutes.

It’s a level of snarky, dickhead cynicism I never normally have watching AEW but when the stalling and the pacing is that obvious, and the doctor is wasting what feels like hours offering a cheeky sip of water to a man fucking bleeding to death? Rubbish. Fingers crossed they’ve got this out of their system now and can just have a normal match next time. Given the work here, I reckon they’d have a match of the year candidate in half the time. Especially if Bryan continues morphing into Nate Diaz.


Edited by Supremo
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I feel like if you're going to hammer home the picture in picture element on commentary, you should actually give something to the people that stick with it, instead of the aforementioned drinks breaks. Not to mention everyone watching it via the app.

I was with them until I heard the 30 minutes remaining announcement, then the penny dropped and my heart sank. As Supermo said, it was pretty obvious where they were going with it. I can't not enjoy a Bryan Danielson match, the man is a genius, but the finish didn't really leave me wanting more. On the plus side, Danielson teasing the "yes" chants and then giving the crowd the middle finger was top trolling.

I'm sure it's all "part of the plan", but regardless of their long-term booking, I think a lot of people will feel short changed by the finish. BD doesn't need to be protected whereas Hangman still needs to be cemented as a top star.

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Taz was always decent on commentary. He was good enough on Smackdown with Cole, but without Vince yammering in his ear he's even better. Even in TNA when he had to call all the bollocks they had there at the time he was fine. He is a great commentator. 

That was a heck of a match. Do they do it again with no time limit on PPV? Does Danielson keep wailing on Dark Order members in the meantime or head back into the middle of the pack and wait his turn? 

Wardlow's squashes are always impressive. 

Serena Deeb is a great technical wrestler. The black leg thing does a better job of hiding Shida's knee brace than the red one did. I notice they were working the other knee as well. 

Eddie, Santana, Ortiz, Penta & Fenix Vs 2.0 and the Acclaimed sounds like it could be crazy on Friday.

I don't think Dante Martin was supposed to hit that rolling thunder like the way he did. 

I am very hyped for Punk teaming with Sting and Darby next week. 

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I rewatched the title match last night and it really was fantastic. If they hadn't telegraphed the ending so clearly on commentary it would have been basically the perfect match as far as I'm concerned. An hour long but didn't feel it at all. Really, they should do the rematch and have Page win on the TBS debut in a few weeks. And it shouldn't go longer than 30 minutes this time round.

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I agree with those that said the draw was obvious but I didn't really mind because I love that Danielson is undefeated but can't finish the job against the big guns. Draws against both champions he's faced (although one was a non-title match) leaves him in a position where he's a big threat but he's not a sure thing to win the world title on any given night. 

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1 hour ago, rockbus said:

I agree with those that said the draw was obvious but I didn't really mind because I love that Danielson is undefeated but can't finish the job against the big guns. Draws against both champions he's faced (although one was a non-title match) leaves him in a position where he's a big threat but he's not a sure thing to win the world title on any given night. 

The whole 'obvious' thing isn't necessarily down to the match itself though I don't think. It's the same with twists in movies and things like that where people say they guessed it like 5 minutes in and it completely ruined it for them. That isn't always down to it being too obvious in the movie. I can see why that ruins the enjoyment and the surprise and gives a whole new context to what you're watching but that's as much down to the viewer and their own expectations etc I'd say. So I bought into everything Hangman and Danielson were doing and I still felt like there could be a winner. Others didn't. I still think it was a fucking great match and really allowed Page to show he's on the same level as one of the best in the world.

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2 hours ago, Egg Shen said:

no one on one wrestling match should go 60 minutes

60 minute time limit draws are a big part of pro-wrestling, though. At least, historically. Flair didn't call himself the 60 Minute Man just because he spent at least one hour each day sexually harrassing someone.

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