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The AEW Wednesday Night Dynamite Thread


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You have to just watch in disbelief with Cody, he puts himself through a flaming table on live American regular television on a Wednesday night against a guy he's had barely a feud with bar being associated with others and the two most talked about things from his match are a golden shovel and how ridiculous his back looked after they applied the flame retardant so poorly before hand (that or it rubbed off like hell on his ring jacket).

The guy could probably do a New Jack balcony dive against Fuego Del Sol and people would end up talking about how his shoelace became untied.

There's absolutely sod all win for him right now.

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Like Cody, I have this need for people to like me but unlike Cody, I'm not setting myself on fire to do it. 

Seeing people on twitter talking about hating the Britt/CM Punk line that MJF used. My only problem is in AEW Canon, shouldn't Adam Cole be mad at either Punk or MJF? As we saw with his interaction with Schiavone, Cole is immensely jealous when a guy is friends with his girlfriend and on the other hand, shouldn't Cole be pissed, MJF for spreading allegations about Britt?

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It's dumb, but it seems obvious to me he's doing all this shit for the inevitable "I burned my flesh for you ungrateful people!" heel turn promo. Are my giving them too much credit? Either way it was hilarious when Brandi showed up to no reaction in a way that was definitely structured to get a bit of a Linda getting up from the wheelchair one. 

She's hardcore! She's hardcore! 

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What's Brandi's beef with Andrade? She didn't want to set Malakai Black on fire, and he's been much more of a nightmare to her friends and family. Arn Anderson fell over again though, so that was something.

Wardlow has barely been on Dynamite and yet he was one was of the most over, looking forward to see what happens with this diamond ring battle royale coming up and if he plays a part, like was suggested even last time around.

And I'm anticipating great things with Danielson and John Silver! Even if the latter just gets his head kicked in, it's gonna be emotional either way.

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1 hour ago, Shy Dad said:

You have to just watch in disbelief with Cody, he puts himself through a flaming table on live American regular television on a Wednesday night against a guy he's had barely a feud with.

It was almost tragic to see him still on fire while trying to make the cover.  Then utterly no sell it and jump up while Brandi also no sells it. All the time his back is looking like that. 

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Perhaps I'm alone in feeling this way, but for me, this was a rare episode of Dynamite in which everything (aside from Miro wanting to murder God) fell flat. 

After being called out for going for the low hanging fruit with his promos, MJF threatens to kill CM Punk's dog. Settle down, Bossman.

The material for that second confrontation was weak in general. 

I missed JR on commentary tonight, I must admit. Things picked up at the desk when Taz showed up, as you'd expect, but there's something to be said for familiarity, even if familiarity is an occasionally grumpy old man. 

Hangman felt awkward at the announce desk, and I didn't really buy the "no contact" stip. Why would Khan do that? Sure, they almost came to blows last week, but they weren't at risk of injuring one another. It basically give Bryan the ability to absolutely brutalise the Dark Order post match without consequence. Why wouldn't Khan put safeguards in place against that?

Statlander continues to annoy me. The "boop" can fuck right off. 

As much as the rest of the show did nothing for me, the main event didn't work for me on any level. I don't enjoy Cody at all right now. The audience reaction to him feels genuinely hostile at times and it's actually quite unpleasant to watch. The level of violence in the match felt excessive in the context of this feud, and Cody just generally brings everyone around him down right now. They need to do something to fix this, the situation surely can't be allowed to continue, and the conversation surrounding it has become pretty dull. 

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2 hours ago, Supremo said:

Whisper it quietly.

I think I want Bryan Danielson to win the title at Winter is Coming.

I wonder if Hangman is hurt as it’s strange to have the babyface champ have no matches while the bad guy works each week. It’s the reverse of how you’d have the heel take advantage of how tired the good guy is from being worn down. He’s not done much at all, all been reactionary to Danielson. Even his celebration was cut off before we got any moments between him and DO, been no dark order BTE skits with him. It’s just fallen off since the win that you’d think a two year plan would have a sustained what’s next ready 

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I just saw a clip of the table bump and even by contrived wrestling standards, it looked ridiculous. Why, in that position, would Cody Rhodes opt to hit a move that requires him to go through a flaming table and Andrade barely touch it? Even putting aside that it's not a feud that warranted that level of violence, and that I could do without ever seeing Brandi Rhodes get involved in a match again, it just made Cody look like a complete moron.

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1 hour ago, Gay as FOOK said:

It's dumb, but it seems obvious to me he's doing all this shit for the inevitable "I burned my flesh for you ungrateful people!" heel turn promo. Are my giving them too much credit? Either way it was hilarious when Brandi showed up to no reaction in a way that was definitely structured to get a bit of a Linda getting up from the wheelchair one. 

She's hardcore! She's hardcore! 

Nah I'm not buying the slow heel turn theory at all anymore. 

I think he is just really desperate to cheered. 


Credit to Andrade for putting Cody's arm out. 

Edited by The King Of Swing
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21 minutes ago, Louch said:

I wonder if Hangman is hurt as it’s strange to have the babyface champ have no matches while the bad guy works each week. It’s the reverse of how you’d have the heel take advantage of how tired the good guy is from being worn down. He’s not done much at all, all been reactionary to Danielson. Even his celebration was cut off before we got any moments between him and DO, been no dark order BTE skits with him. It’s just fallen off since the win that you’d think a two year plan would have a sustained what’s next ready 

I had wondered myself. It'll be over a month since Full Gear since he last wrestled. It does feel planned though. The Danielson run through the Dark Order feels like something Mox would have done.

There was speculation if they were going to do Winter Is Coming again as a big event that it would happen next week in Long Island. Maybe that got delayed a week to allow extra time to heal or to allow for a big debut, and that's had the negative effect of dragging it out a bit longer.

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They definitely need something for Hangman to sink his teeth into as champ, which he hasn't had at the moment. The problem with having such an incredible build up and story towards dethroning Kenny is that familiar story of the chase always being far more interesting than anything that happens once they've got their fairytale moment. That's not to say that it's impossible to have an interesting face champion but they're going to have to work hard at it with Hangman because so much of his story was about the personal demons and being told he's not good enough etc. Parallels to Bryan's race to the title in WWE in many ways.

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