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Odd bits and pieces that you miss in wrestling


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4 hours ago, Loki said:

Big stars returning or debuting.

There's nobody left who's not either wrestled for WWE and is welcome back, or is a big star who's never worked there.

In the 90s there was so many  moves from WCW to WWE and viva versa that things were kept fresh.

I reckon AJ Styles at the Rumble was the last big omg debut.  Now even guys like Samoa Joe do a year in NXT.

This is a huge point that I didn't even really think about. There's nothing at all that will give that moment like AJ debuting at the rumble or the hardy's returning for the ladder match at mania 

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Like the above. Stars jumping from one major promotion to another. Nash / Hall to WCW, Jericho to WWF, Big Show showing up on WWF, Rick Rude to WCW when on a taped Raw on the other side, Luger at the first Nitro........

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6 hours ago, Loki said:

There's nobody left who's not either wrestled for WWE and is welcome back, or is a big star who's never worked there.

Your use of a negative and then a positive clause there is brekaing my brain but Kenny Omega would get a big reaction if he came out in the Rumble. At least as big as AJ’s. Cody too.

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18 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

This is a huge point that I didn't even really think about. There's nothing at all that will give that moment like AJ debuting at the rumble or the hardy's returning for the ladder match at mania 

And they even ballsed the AJ debut up by cutting to a shot of Romans face as AJ walked out

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18 hours ago, Kfogg1991 said:

This is a huge point that I didn't even really think about. There's nothing at all that will give that moment like AJ debuting at the rumble or the hardy's returning for the ladder match at mania 

I don't know about that. If Will Ospreay was an unannounced entrant into the Rumble, it would be a pretty big deal.

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1 hour ago, Sheffbag said:

Proper managers for heels. Theres no one out there that could even compete with Fuji, never mind Heenan, Hart, Cornette, Sherri, Bearer, etc

Yes. This.
I've thought if they had given Drake Maverick a chance in the role with AOP he could have done well but obviously the pissing himself angle killed that.
Larry Sweeney was the closest I have seen to an old-school style manager in the past 15 years or so. I always thought he would have done well in WWE with a guy like Mark Henry etc. 

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Signature moves ending a match. Not finishing moves but the secondary moves. It almost gave a wrestler more than one finisher and more near falls. Like Undertaker could win with a chokeslam, Rock had Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow. I don’t think Roman Reigns has ever beaten anyone with a Superman punch so why should we care when he hits it. 

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6 hours ago, Sheffbag said:

Proper managers for heels. Theres no one out there that could even compete with Fuji, never mind Heenan, Hart, Cornette, Sherri, Bearer, etc

Selina de la Renta has potential, she's only 22 and doing great in MLW right now.

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18 hours ago, Sheffbag said:

Proper managers for heels. Theres no one out there that could even compete with Fuji, never mind Heenan, Hart, Cornette, Sherri, Bearer, etc

Paul Ellering was great with AOP in NXT. Kept up some mystery, was a bit Wyatt-talking-spooky-bollocks at times but covered up for their inability to talk which is what a good manager should do.

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To add to coked up promos...less sanitised promos...one camera, in a hallway with people milling about. Last time I remember something anything like that was AJ nearly blowing the secret with the Shield by opening the door.

Heck, even impromptu promos...cut to Todd Pettengill grabbing HBK for a quick interview, rather than "my guest at this time"

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