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39 minutes ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

To be fair, the WWE title is potentially going to a Raw star, so I think there's an easy justification for opening up the World Title scene to Smackdown in this Mania season. But, presumably Drew wins at the Chamber.

True, I suppose it depends on the outcome - does Cody move to Smackdown, or does he take his title to Raw. They’ve never really been consistent with their approach to that.

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4 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I genuinely don't care now who wins and gets Seth in the raw title match as long as it's not drew. I would rather have Ivor win than him 

I mean, he's the hottest heel in the company right now but you do you.

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6 minutes ago, Kfogg1991 said:

I genuinely don't care now who wins and gets Seth in the raw title match as long as it's not drew. I would rather have Ivor win than him 

Thing about Ivor is that he's a big engine, he just needs to build up his steam to shoot him down the track to Wrestlemania. 

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A good definition of wrestling being insane is Drew easily slotting into any Rock/Cody/Reigns/Rollins title picture not even cracking the top five craziest things that have happened this year so far. 

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I watched SmackDown unspoiled this morning for the 3rd week out of 4 while Mrs raid was working out. And I do enjoy it. Flaws there are, like every wrestling telly show, but it’s an enjoyable watch. Like I said previously, the right mix of storylines moving and actual matches, with real finishes.

I enjoyed the abridged version of the kick off and immediately it told me what they were trying to do, and it succeeded for me.  The Rock said “professional wrestling,” more and more people are saying “the Royal Rumble” without the superfluous “match” suffix. Even Graves got that particular memo before show end, the show is slowly returning to sounding how it was when I loved it. Plus The Rock came back! <jk> Although later in the show hearing Graves say “one of the best to ever do it” (of Orton) so soon after Becky had used it (of herself and Ripley) with such an oddly specific (and for me clunky) way of saying it, made my brain itch a bit reminding me how much I hate everyone talking in the same voice. Probably just me. Triple H coming down immediately made me feel like this was a big time episode and that the Road To WrestleMania was well and truly underway.  Although how long have they called him “Paul ‘Triple H’ Levesque” on telly? That took me by surprise. I loved every word of what he said in Rocky’s direction. I know it was a bit worked-shoot and for some people worked-shoot is always bollocks (it doesn’t matter where you sit - “He sits on the TKO board, FNAR FNAR”), but for me it tied well enough into storyline terms that I didn’t mind.

4 hours ago, Doog said:

If I didn't know better and Triple H's heart wasn't fucked, then I'd swear after that opening segment we're getting one more round of Rock v Triple H at WrestleMania

That was rather the vibe I got too, although if we didn’t get it after the face to face they filmed in October 14, I’ve consigned myself to it never happening.

I’ve long suspected that was the second draft plan after the postponed Rock vs Lesnar was cancelled because they decided (LOL) timing was right for Lesnar vs Reigns, and only got scrapped when they realized they were going to have Sting for a WrestleMania and didn’t know what to do with him. And I just imagine Vince poo-poo’ing Rock vs HHH and Taker vs Sting as “too obvious.” But then, if you’ve got Rocky’s schedule permitting him to be in the building, why have him do a match instead of just an angle? Maybe if there wasn’t anything “marquee” enough for him, he didn’t want to risk it. Maybe between them they realized setting up the future mixed tag (that never happened) was a better use of him than a random match. Maybe Rock informed them (not for the last time) he didn’t think his conditioning would be ready by Mania 31? Or maybe plans just changed.

7 hours ago, RedRooster said:

Firstly, I hate how the brand split has gone out of the window for Seth’s challenger. What is the belt if not the Raw title?

Which brings me to how cool I thought it was for the COO and two GMs to be chatting business to the crowd without a single villain in sight. As soon as they announced cross brand matches starting on Downers for a Chamber for a crack at Raws belt, I again felt thrust right into Mania season. Especially when Raws Drew showed up to wrestle SmackDowns AJ. To answer your question ; this is precisely the time of year we always should expect and excuse the brand split to be blurred as they move the pieces round for Mania to create the matches they want and the most impressive card possible. It’s a 20 year tradition to this point going back to the build for the first Goldberg vs Lesnar match. In storyline terms it makes perfect sense that if Raw’s Cody is driving his Cross Roads bus towards SmackDowns belt, that Not So Nasty Nick negotiates with Pearce in good faith for some SmackDown guys to compete for a shot at Seth’s Silver Medal. I mean, it’s moot considering Drew will win, but you know. It still sounded wonky hearing Hunter call it the “Undisputed WWE Championship” when there’s two titles, mind.

Match was a good TV match, fine opener, although blighted by the obvious winner because of both knowing Drew will be in the Chamber (if not win it) and Knights presence. Hopefully the Styles/Knight animosity is blown off before Chamber or very shortly after it because should both Knight and Logan Paul win their qualifiers (and I firmly believe they will) then the Chamber should see the start of their rivalry ahead of the match for the US title I’ve been banging on about since Crown Jewel. Speaking of qualifiers.. annoying ring announcer still bugs me. I understand trying to put as much ooomph into the wrestlers names as possible but does QUALIFIER really need getting over?? Also… what’s the deal with Ivar here? Is he a singles now or still half of War Viking Machine Raiders? And is Valhalla still with them?

One of the few things I remember from last weeks show that wasn’t immediately forgotten due to Rock Roman Rhodes Rage, was feeling a bit sad seeing Mia/Michin come out to wrestle Stratton in one of those transparent “existing person jobs for new call up” matches they often do, and it was no less obvious she’d be losing here to Belair. Maybe I’m just biased because she’s one of a very small number of wrestlers I’ve got to meet in a “real life”/social setting rather than paid meet n greets but it’s disheartening to see her so firmly cast as a JTTS. Match was fine though the annual “point at sign” epidemic has taken hold again. On the subject of Tiff, I do like the idea of post-Rumble bidding wars for the free agents instead of the tired trope of call ups just showing up on TVs after Mania. Feels more like fake-real-sport and less “lazy plot device.” Although the execution last week and this made Bronn look a bit a bit of a nerd stood quietly between authority blokes who looked taller than him.

Tag match was fine too, though Bate kicking out of Project Ciampa in a throwaway telly match I could have done without and add that moonsault to the floor and the Cruiserweight Moves #6 float over for the pin to things “the Bruiserweight” has done lately that contradict what I think that they think that I should think his character is. Regardless, match is a placeholder defence before Judgment Day inevitably face Awesome Truth at Mania, though I wouldn’t be against a triple threat with Owens & Zayn either. Bayley/Damage CTRL was fine. Glad any ambiguity as to whose side Kai was on wasn’t protracted any further. The simple revenge story doesn’t need the waters muddied with “Can Bayley really trust Dakota”.

Good to hear Rock will be on next week too as we creep closer to clarity as to what Mania will look like. Also pleased for more forward looks at upcoming shows. Although…. I need more help here. B-Fab is with the Street Profits. So… who were Hit Row? I thought she was in that? No? Finally, Orton vs Zayn was another good TV match with a nice finish. I particularly liked the staredown between Orton and Drew afterwards because as well as being two names QUALIFIED for the Chamber, they have history. Those 13 title reigns they mentioned of Randys, one of them was terminated by Drew. As we all know, the rest by John Cena.

Will continue watching. Can’t imagine finding time or summoning strength for Raw in anything other than YouTube highlights though.

Edited by air_raid
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6 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

I mean, he's the hottest heel in the company right now but you do you.

Absolutely. Drew winning after sneak attacking the already injured Seth in a short almost squash match is great. It is totally what Drew would do and it would make people hate him even more. Lad's on fire right now. Utterly hateable bastard who is completely justified in his resentment and disdain for others. Give him the belt. 

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1 hour ago, air_raid said:

Also… what’s the deal with Ivar here? Is he a singles now or still half of War Viking Machine Raiders? And is Valhalla still with them?


Erik has been on the shelf since around Septmeber/October time, think it was neck and spinal injuries and he had surgery ruling him out for an indefinite timeframe but the general consensus seemed to be up to 9 months at least

Since then Ivar has been a singles competitor to some moderate success, carried on the rivalry with New Day before moving into a beefy rivalry with Bronson Reed which had a couple of decent matches, one ended up in just brawling around the arena.

Currently been feuding with Alpha Academy on Raw 

Yes Valhalla is still with him, they had a mixed Tag this past week on Raw beating Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri easily in a couple of minutes.

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1 hour ago, Snitsky's back acne said:

Absolutely. Drew winning after sneak attacking the already injured Seth in a short almost squash match is great. It is totally what Drew would do and it would make people hate him even more. Lad's on fire right now. Utterly hateable bastard who is completely justified in his resentment and disdain for others. Give him the belt. 

He’ll make Priest successfully cashing in feel like even more of an unlikelihood. What a waste of a briefcase that’s been.

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