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The world is about to end...

Steve Justice

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What three things do you want to know the truth to before you die? 

Purely hypothetical. For arguments sake let's say there's a meteor heading to earth and it will wipe us all out. Each of us have been given the opportunity to find out the absolute truth to three things. What do you want to know? 

It could be finding out what really happened to Madeleine McCann. Or a particularly conspiracy theory, such as what really happened at Roswell. Or something that happened to you personally that you never got the answer to. 

Let's not get caught up on the details of who is giving us these answers. It's just a bit of fun. 

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I’ll have the answer to a great historical mystery - the full first-hand account of Shakespeare’s life along with his missing plays will do.

I’d love to know fully about an extinct animal - something no living person has ever seen what it really looked like and behaved, that kind of thing. Could be an animal that humans wiped out or something prehistoric. Alternatively, I’d happily find out what whales are thinking or something like that.

Finally, if the apocalypse is imminent I’d bloody well want to know what’s going to happen on Game Of Thrones!

Edit: Just thought of another one. You can substitute the animal one for this. The idea of the castrato, hugely popular in 18th century music, fascinates me because while they were phenomenally successful, the practice of castrating boys so they wouldn’t mature properly and could sing higher was, surprisingly, outlawed and so nobody alive knows what one really sounded like (there’s one super fuzzy recording from the dying days but that’s it). I’d want to hear how they sounded at their peak. Even if I didn’t like it!

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First would be whether there is extraterrestrial life and if there is, how advanced it is. 

Not overly interested in conspiracy theories but if the first moon landing was staged or 9/11 was an inside job then finding out exactly what happened and how they covered it would be good. 

Thirdly, learn what it would be like to spend a day in the mind of Vince McMahon. 

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You know when you're hoovering and you go over a bit of paper,  the Hoover goes from "herrrrrmmmmm" to "HHHRRRRRMMMMMVVVVV" I'd like to know is that the Hoover putting in more effort? If so why doesn't it put that much effort in all the time? 

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8 minutes ago, CleetusVanDamme said:

What would happen if one half of a Siamese twin murdered someone? Would the other half have to go to jail too? What about in death penalty countries?


Joint enterprise surely? Not directly involved in the murder but not stopping it. 

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Quite difficult to narrow it down to just three. I supposed I'd want to ask if my life would've turned out better or worse had I made different decisions at key moments. Then I'd have to ask about 9/11. And finally, I'll ask whether my mate Dan vomited all over another mate's bathroom and left without cleaning any of it up (all the evidence points to a guilty verdict but he still harps on about his innocence).

If there is an afterlife, I'd be absolutely fine with it being a comfy chair and a giant encyclopedia explaining (in great detail and with free-roam playback) every phenomena, mystery, conspiracy and curio that's ever occurred. I'd happily spend eternity just going down those rabbit holes.


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