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What would have been.....Ultimate Warrior

Armitage Shanks

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On 10/25/2021 at 5:17 PM, AshC said:

Ideally, you have him run through the swathes of underneath guys on Thunder and Saturday Night, much like Goldberg did. Rapid-fire wins.

Why have him do Goldberg in a time and place where Goldberg exists as World Champion to further underscore Warrior as old hat in comparison?

On 10/25/2021 at 5:30 PM, jazzygeofferz said:

As was said above, short squashes where his weaknesses can be hidden, then if you feel brave find somebody you know can walk him through a longer match in the style of the Savage match from Mania 7. 

The ideal candidate probably would have been Page, but any chance of getting what you want out of Warrior would be hurt by face vs face matches. Probably would have had to be Bret, but given what happened to him with Goldberg I’d not want my hero within ten metres of a Warrior clothesline.

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On 10/25/2021 at 5:30 PM, jazzygeofferz said:

Book him in an absolute stinker of a match with Hogan so Hogan can get his win back, then don't do a rubber match? Also mirror bollocks and some nonsense with the Renegade at Fall Brawl. Maybe let him cut interminable 10 minute promos on Nitro. 

As was said above, short squashes where his weaknesses can be hidden, then if you feel brave find somebody you know can walk him through a longer match in the style of the Savage match from Mania 7. 

Shame Savage was out injured in late 98…i think Savage might have been one of the few people that could possibly get a decent match out of him. 

A heel Warrior turn and a program with Sting could been interesting… 

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8 minutes ago, RancidPunx said:

Shame Savage was out injured in late 98…i think Savage might have been one of the few people that could possibly get a decent match out of him. 

A heel Warrior turn and a program with Sting could been interesting… 

Or a Sting heel turn? Although Warrior as part of the nWo could have been interesting. 

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I doubt whatever side projects Warrior was engaged in at the time permitted him to let himself be betrayed as anything other than a righteous force for good.

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Am I the only one who would have pretty much booked him as they did? Not saying it wasn't shit, but they popped a big rating for his first TV appearance and they gave Hogan his win back (which is what it was all about anyway). Then he fucked off.

What else are you going to do with him? He's not putting anyone over, you can't trust him on the stick and he was exposed in the Hogan match anyway. 

A feud with Sting is fun fantasy booking but in real life you're just spending more time dealing with a maniac.

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agreed, there's pretty much nothing more you could have done. You're dealing with the same nutjob, the same lack of ability, and the same broader context. A pop for the first appearance and a PPV match with Hogan is all you could have reasonably asked for - at best, maybe a Sting/Warrior vs. Outsiders tag? But it's not like there was a litany of missed opportunities there.

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9 minutes ago, Vamp said:

What else are you going to do with him?

It’s fair to say the potential returns are probably worth trying anything that gets more than three matches out of him.

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I think you get to that Hogan match much quicker before the luster had worn off. It was like modern WWE in that every week of build made you want to see the match less and less. I'm not convinced there are many other matches anyone really wanted to see. Had they not completely iced them in 1998, both Sting and Bret would have been intriguing opponents for differing reasons.

Obviously Warrior vs. Goldberg would have been terrible but I'd like to have seen it anyway!

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37 minutes ago, air_raid said:

It’s fair to say the potential returns are probably worth trying anything that gets more than three matches out of him.

whereas I would argue that, under the same circumstances, I don't think there were many potential returns beyond three matches. It's diminishing returns all the way.

After he was thoroughly exposed by the rambling debut promo and an abysmal match with Hogan, what's next? Is anyone paying to see him against anyone else when he's comprehensively shat the bed? Are the bookers entrusting him to perform at that level again? I suppose the alternative is not rushing straight to the Hogan match, but then you run the risk of the bloom being off the rose before you even get to the money match.

Make the most of the Sting/Warrior connect and, rather than giving them a throwaway tag on TV, get one (two at a push) big PPV matches out of that pairing. Maybe against Nash and Hall, maybe against Hogan and Savage, something like that, depending on whereabouts in what version of the nWo people were at. That's really it - you'd be dragging out the inevitable no matter what, I can't see any way you get into 1999 with Warrior still in a position to draw money.

EDIT: I suppose the other thing is to say "don't give him creative control, manage his promo time better", but I don't think you get to a point where Warrior even shows up under those circumstances.

Edited by BomberPat
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26 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

agreed, there's pretty much nothing more you could have done. You're dealing with the same nutjob, the same lack of ability, and the same broader context. A pop for the first appearance and a PPV match with Hogan is all you could have reasonably asked for - at best, maybe a Sting/Warrior vs. Outsiders tag? But it's not like there was a litany of missed opportunities there.

This was around the time that Hall and Nash were feuding. They would even have a match against each other at Halloween Havoc.

The nWo was at peak Wolfpac v. Hollywood territory with Goldberg as Champion largely taking a backseat.



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2 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

After he was thoroughly exposed by the rambling debut promo and an abysmal match with Hogan, what's next? 

Debut promo was a great bit of telly that drew a monster number. I think it's WWE-level revisionism to suggest otherwise. Plus there's plenty of evidence that he was terrible thereafter so it doesn't need revising.

2 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

manage his promo time better

They did, in fairness. They pretaped and edited stuff to keep time, cut out the nonsense and hide the boos. You're right though, the natural shelf life did for him regardless. 

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4 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

Debut promo was a great bit of telly that drew a monster number. I think it's WWE-level revisionism to suggest otherwise. Plus there's plenty of evidence that he was terrible thereafter so it doesn't need revising.

The current OSW arc is Warrior in WCW, and I agree, that promo is really great. By miles his best one.

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To answer the question, I'd have squeezed every bit of nostalgic good will babyface juice out of Warrior post HOF and got all the documentaries and career retrospectives maximised as they did. 

Then I would have brought him into Raw as a manager or authority figure and turned him heel. He could espouse his shoot right wing Trumpian view points mixed in with some tradition heelish behaviour and I think he would have attracted big heat from a modern audience.

I'd have paired him with an up coming monster bodybuilder heel who could squash opponents like he did and have a Jock / wank / proud boys / gym rat attitude.

Then I'd bring back Jim Cornette as a manager and pair him with an up and coming babyface and have Jim spout off his politically left learning, athiest schtick. Culminating in a massive Mania main event after 2 years.

Then after that has ran its course I'd have once again turned Warrior back babyface (dropping the right wing stuff) and retired him with another nostalgia programme and induct Cornette into the HOF.

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I think by now him and WWE would have fallen out again and he would be ranting about them on Twitter and Tony Khan would be debating what whether or not to make a play for him for a one off appearance.

For his career, he died at the right time. (obviously I'm not glad he died because he was a loving father, husband etc)

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