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Star Wars Thread - Spoilers, yo.


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17 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

So you’re saying it’s better if I watched this first then Solo and the prequels?

No, you’re watching in the right order, timeline wise. I just think Rogue One is better then the prequels. 

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I didn't mind Rogue One and it's miles better than 1 to 3 but it's just gap-filling for Star Wars fans who aren't satisfied by their own imagination. At least Solo had some room for narrative manoeuvre.

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12 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Rogue One is shit because it had no idea what it was, was it a grown up and darker take on war or was it fanservice? It wanted to be both but did neither well.

This was exactly it. It was a complete mis-fire for us. 

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1 hour ago, FelatioLips said:

It was a bad film

FL I've rarely agreed with you on anything and this proves it even more 😂

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Original Trilogy. 

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The battle of Scariff is probably my favourite big action scene in all Star Wars. It's everything I dreamed about when I played with my toys as a kid, it's absolutely tremendous. Rest of the film is massively underdeveloped though. Full of loads of cool ideas, characters and concepts but the film races through each of them. Like a holy city dedicated to the memory of the Jedi under oppressive imperial occupation and home to a radical rebellion causing chaos, interesting idea right? The film spends about 3 minutes there before rushing to the next bit.

The score for Rogue One is amazing though. I'd put it up there with Williams stuff.

Edited by LaGoosh
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4 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

I think Alden is really good in it but at the end of the day Harrison Ford IS Han Solo and he's also one of the most charismatic actors of all time so it's just impossible for anyone not to look dull in comparison. Replacing him is an impossible task but I don't think anyone could have done a better job.

I can't think of a single actor who could have done a better job, wait apart from this chap - 


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8 hours ago, Loki said:

I can't think of a single actor who could have done a better job, wait apart from this chap - 


I mentioned Anthony Ingruber at the time, but since then thats been pretty much his entire schtick. He’s on that Cameo thing and it’s just full of him doing his Harrison Ford impression, which admittedly is spot on. I follow him on twitter and he seems a nice guy, but that impression is all that he’s got and people would’ve seen through it

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope (I know they’re meant to be numerals but bollocks to it)


The cast is the quintessential Star Wars cast. It felt right watching them.
Vader and Tarkin are a great pair of baddies.
The practical effects are ace and way better than any of the CGI the series has served up.
Flows nicely, great action/adventure film, hardly a dull moment.


The CGI changes on the Disney+ version stick out like a sore thumb. Stuff cluttered into scenes, Han being shot first and his head stretching across the screen, Han stepping over Jabba’s tail. I know it’s a flaw a lot of fans point out and I see why. You can tell what should and shouldn’t be there.

A little too much C3PO at the start. You’d think it was a film about him at some points.

Overall I’d say it only just beats Solo out purely on the strength of the cast. The action is great, the story flows well and it’s got a lot more going on than I remember. I always thought the Death Star run and Kenobi dying were in the 5th one. 

The order is 4, Solo, 2, 1, 3, Rogue.

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2 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

A little too much C3PO at the start. You’d think it was a film about him at some points.

Great reading FL. Lucas was heavily inspired by Kurosawa's Rashomon, and an early draft of the screenplay focused heavily on R2-D2 and C-3P0's journey. Everything else happening orbits these two. Elements of that idea survived to the final film. 

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3 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Just to let you know, these are the George Lucas final edits. Disney has nothing to do with the changes.

I don't understand why you're clarifying that? I can't see any suggestion that anyone thought they had? Baffling. 

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2 minutes ago, gmoney said:

I don't understand why you're clarifying that? I can't see any suggestion that anyone thought they had? Baffling. 


9 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:


The CGI changes on the Disney+ version stick out like a sore thumb.

Edited by Hannibal Scorch
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