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Star Wars Thread - Spoilers, yo.


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There were a couple of things that really bugged me.

Why did nobody know where this mysterious planet Exegol was when it only took a few hours to get there? Had nobody bothered exploring there before, despite it being possible to set off after breakfast and arrive in time for lunch?

Why, if there was a massive armada of ships available on a few hours notice to attack hundreds of Star Destroyers on Exegol, did they not bother to turn up during The Last Jedi when the Rebel fleet was getting attacked by a much smaller number of First Order Star Destroyers? Similarly when the last few hundred rebels were trapped on the planet whose name I forget, where were they then? 

Plot holes aside, the film was ok. With Star Wars you expect special effects, light sabre fights, spaceships shooting at each other and weird creatures and, it ticked all those boxes. 

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12 minutes ago, Tamura said:

There were a couple of things that really bugged me.

Why did nobody know where this mysterious planet Exegol was when it only took a few hours to get there? Had nobody bothered exploring there before, despite it being possible to set off after breakfast and arrive in time for lunch?

Why, if there was a massive armada of ships available on a few hours notice to attack hundreds of Star Destroyers on Exegol, did they not bother to turn up during The Last Jedi when the Rebel fleet was getting attacked by a much smaller number of First Order Star Destroyers? Similarly when the last few hundred rebels were trapped on the planet whose name I forget, where were they then? 

Plot holes aside, the film was ok. With Star Wars you expect special effects, light sabre fights, spaceships shooting at each other and weird creatures and, it ticked all those boxes. 

They are two of the weakest plot holes.

1 - It wasn't the distance that was the problem, it was not visible from any maps. Which is why they needed the green macguffin, because they knew of it's existance, but like when Luke hid himself, if they cannot find it on a map, how do they get there? Ain't no motorways in space, you need exact co-ordinates.

2 - Lando put out the call to get people to come out. They didn't have time to put out a distress signal in TLJ was my take. Plus, many people were in hiding knowing that the First Order had strength in numbers, so no one on their own is going to risk themselves. Put a message out saying we are going in a fleet, different story.

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1 minute ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

1 - It wasn't the distance that was the problem, it was not visible from any maps. Which is why they needed the green macguffin, because they knew of it's existance, but like when Luke hid himself, if they cannot find it on a map, how do they get there? Ain't no motorways in space, you need exact co-ordinates.

Exploring? It's what people have done thoughout history. 

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18 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

They are two of the weakest plot holes.

1 - It wasn't the distance that was the problem, it was not visible from any maps. Which is why they needed the green macguffin, because they knew of it's existance, but like when Luke hid himself, if they cannot find it on a map, how do they get there? Ain't no motorways in space, you need exact co-ordinates.

2 - Lando put out the call to get people to come out. They didn't have time to put out a distress signal in TLJ was my take. Plus, many people were in hiding knowing that the First Order had strength in numbers, so no one on their own is going to risk themselves. Put a message out saying we are going in a fleet, different story.

The second point was reinforced in TLJ when Leia tells the resistance to put a distress call out. I'd imagine it took a while for it to reach people and that, coupled with Landos support made it happen. 

I wish the trailer didn't show the ships appearing. It spoiled the ending and would have made for a greater sense of desperation and surprise when they do turn up.

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  • Awards Moderator
1 hour ago, Tamura said:

There were a couple of things that really bugged me.

Why did nobody know where this mysterious planet Exegol was when it only took a few hours to get there? Had nobody bothered exploring there before, despite it being possible to set off after breakfast and arrive in time for lunch?

Why, if there was a massive armada of ships available on a few hours notice to attack hundreds of Star Destroyers on Exegol, did they not bother to turn up during The Last Jedi when the Rebel fleet was getting attacked by a much smaller number of First Order Star Destroyers? Similarly when the last few hundred rebels were trapped on the planet whose name I forget, where were they then? 

Plot holes aside, the film was ok. With Star Wars you expect special effects, light sabre fights, spaceships shooting at each other and weird creatures and, it ticked all those boxes. 

1) They make a point of saying Exagol is in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. Those are ... well, unknown and haven’t been explored yet. So it’s a handy place to hide out (it’s also how the First Order built Starkiller Base without anyone noticing). The old Sith probably made sure to keep it hidden as well - unless you had a wayfinder. Once you have that, clearly it’s piss easy to get there!

2) This bugged me a bit too, because it seems all that death and struggle and resignation from the Resistance and Leia was silly because their mates just didn’t think they were desperate enough on Crait. My headcanon would say that the Emperor’s message and the imminent threat of everyone, not just the Resistance, being destroyed probably motivated a few more people to get off their arses and help.

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4 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

exploring a planet is hardly the sames as exploring space though is it?

It depends what the scale of technology and capability is in the SW universe compared to what we know real life.

Scientific capability questions over sci-fi movies always amuse me. Key characters in the series are essentially a talking dog and a small green alien with magical powers yet people are hung up about scientific accuracies.

Plot holes aside my opinion is that it's best just to try and enjoy the film's.

I enjoyed this way more than TLJ, it wasn't perfect but you can't please everyone.

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8 hours ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

exploring a planet is hardly the sames as exploring space though is it?

I'd have no problem with them situating Palpatine on some out of the way planet or even a nearby planet, it's the idea of some nearby unexplored region I take exception to.

Time varies depending on orbits, but it generally takes nine months for us to travel to Mars. Despite this distance, the human race has made multiple attempts to send probes/landers/rovers/whatever to the planet. In contrast to Mars, Neptune is just over four light hours from the Sun, and about four light hours at its nearest from Earth, obviously this will vary too due to orbits. Voyager 2 took ten years to get to Neptune. 

The people in Star Wars have light-speed technology, yet we're supposed to believe there's some mysterious patch of undiscovered space apparently in the middle of their galaxy that's only a few light hours away and they've never bothered to explore it? After all the effort we've made landing on Mars, are we supposed to believe that if we had the ability to send a lander to Neptune in four hours that we wouldn't bother? 

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