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The Celebrity Sexual Harassment and Rapists Thread

Devon Malcolm

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Pretending he didn't know about Harvey Weinstein, or for that matter Ben and Casey Affleck (please); inferring that a pat on the bottom is not sexual harassment; defending Louis CK because he wrote an insincere apology. 

I'm sure I could pick out a few more things if I read through it again.

Attitudes like the one Damon shows in that interview are just some of the reason why sex pests like Casey Affleck and Harvey Weinstein feel enabled to do what they do.

Only guys like Matt Damon, and Brad Pitt, who knew directly of sexual harassment of two exes, can enable change.

The women with marginal power or name recognition in their industry, who people like Weinstein and CK, cowardly and deliberately target can't enable change.


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3 hours ago, Linus said:

Yeah, I think he pretty much sums up how we all feel about this...

If that makes you feel better about yourself, you keep telling yourself that.

I like Matt Damon and I understand the point he's trying to make. But as soon as you start comparing cases of harassment and judging what cases are more serious than others, then it's a very slippery slope. You start running the risk of essentially casting some cases of harassment as unimportant or trivial, and that's wrong. ALL harassment should be stamped out with equal urgency, not by working our way up or down a scale.

Damon's voice does not need to be heard on this. He is a privileged white straight man who will almost never suffer harassment. His role should be to shut up, listen and let the survivors' voices be heard loudest of all. And to call out problematic behaviour when and if he encounters it. On that final point, if we are to believe reports that have been swirling around for years, he has failed. He is therefore part of the problem.

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Yeah, on just reading the headlines of what Damon said, I didn't quite realise what the uproar was about. Having read the comments in full, what a stupid thing to say. Yes, OK, sure, touching a woman on the bottom unsolicited isn't the same as raping a woman. But he seems to have missed the point entirely in that it is about a whole culture where powerful people can do either of those things and get away with it, have it downplayed and minimised and explained away. His comments on settlements in particular were just odd. Has he had any allegations made about himself? Because he sounds like somebody worried about some inappropriate things he's done in the past coming out and ruining him when he "doesn't deserve it" because he didn't, say, rape anyone. 

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As an aside from Damon being a bit thick and clumsy, Peter Jackson has claimed Miramax told him not to hire Mira Sorvino and Ashley Judd for Lord of the Rings, which Jackson now assumes was down to them being on the Weinstein 'blacklist', rather than the original feedback labeling them as "difficult". Harvey Weinstein continues to deny such a list existed, of course,


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It's always been noticeable that when a woman is labelled as 'difficult' in acting, she generally doesn't see much in the way of decent roles thereafter. A man gets the same label and it rarely has the same effect. 

This list is interesting:-


Of course, it's only anecdotal and in the opinion of that user but compare where the careers are of most of the men there to the careers of most of the women. Aside from Julia Roberts, the rest of them are barely seen in anything notable these days.

Ashley Judd is a brilliant actor. It's always been a mystery why her career suddenly dropped away out of nowhere and now I guess we have our answer why that is.

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It's oldish news now but hasn't been mentioned here, Louis CK is buying back his film I love you daddy from the distributor plus paying them back for all the promotion costs etc.


It's mental, he was just about to release the film and simultaneously all the harassment stuff comes out and now his name has been dragged through the mud so much he's spending millions to stop the film being released because no good could come of it being seen. I have no sympathy but what a remarkably intense couple of months it must have been for him. 

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Agreed, while I 100% agree that he along with everyone named and shamed are vile and in no way what so ever can or should be any shed any sympathy, I’m fascinated by the toll on the human psyche in both parts.

Firstly for the victim, being thrust in to the lime light after coming forward and in some cases it’s the only aspect of their career people are currently interested in discussing. You could argue that it’s closure and justice has been served, and whilst I fully agree with that, will it actually have any impact upon their careers, such as Judd? Will she start receiving big roles again now that the notion of blacklisting has been highlighted? You’d fucking hope so. Their must be an element in her thoughts of “will I get decent scripts now?”. Whether that’s because she and directors can happily move on, knowing that the bastards are at bay, or whether casting her is partly out of sympathy, either way, I truly hope that they start being rewarded based on previous merit and deserve another shot at it. It’s the least that they deserve and it would be a massive shame if certain actors will only be remembered for being a victim.


Also for the predator. The fact that people are discussing this in great depths, almost waking up and wondering which Hollywood name will be added to the list, much like we did with yewtree. The concept of being caught, possibly for the umpteenth time, but this time it matters because the media and public give a shit. The idea of doing something (regardless of how deplorable) so many times, you know your peers know, but nobody seems to have an issue and let you get on with it. The creation of a super ego is inevitable, you’d possibly think it’s because you are simply better and superior than everyone else.. why wouldn’t you? It starts to become a learned behaviour and in turn, narcissistic tendencies become apparent, which when displayed in everyday life, is medically categorised as a personality disorder.

Then out of nowhere this absolutely fucking massive typhoon of anger and resentment smashes the shit out of you. You know at that moment the game is over and that from now on you’ll simply be remembered for being a piece of shit sex pest. No one gives a fuck about your body of work, everything you’ve invested your time in to is now irrelevant and every time you turn the TV on, or check your emails, you read about how much of a prick everyone thinks you are.

It’s going to do some damage and I can’t help but think that one of them could end making another terrible decision.

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Gene Simmons is getting sued for "sexual battery."  It's claimed he made "he made unwanted sexual advances towards a TV broadcaster during an interview last month."

Fucking last month! Could he not have calmed down a bit, while all this is going on? Simmons is a pig, though. At worst he's a women hating pest. You dont continue to speak about women in the manner he does, if there isnt something going on up there.

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