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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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1 hour ago, fozzyrock1986 said:

How could they not say anything good about the ospreay match?!


Maybe they’ve seen him wrestle before and, while decent, it was one of his worst televised/recorded matches in years. When you’re spoiled for so long your expectations change. After G1, it probably just seems like a fluffy nothing match.

And if you don’t know who he is, then a nobody doing flips for no reason doesn’t give a lot of reason to be excited.

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Even if you've never seen that kind of wrestling, whilst the spots/flip sequences give wrestling fans a stiffy, i think to the majority of the non-fans it just re-enforces the notion that wrestling is fake choreographed shit.

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12 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Shane also referred to Nathan Cruz as ‘The Showstealer’. Would have been a good chance to talk about how Nathan got that name, right? Nah, just move on

In fairness, nah, they shouldn't talk about that. Who's going to care about an angle from a few years ago where the supposedly unbiased commentator for this show picked Cruz as the successor to use his nickname? It won't add anything to the show nor to Cruz. I think calling somebody a Showstealer doesn't require context, let alone the history behind it which is irrelevant to the WOS show. I do agree they need to flesh out their characters though.

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13 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

Alex Shane busted out some nonsense about if this was on VHS, he’d be telling us to rewind and watch that move again. Because of course we no longer have the technology to rewind anything. Then So Cal Val chimes in adding “what’s a VHS?”

Then there was this diamond - ““There’s only 1 guarantee in a Will Osprey match, and that’s that it’s never over”- so is his still wrestling his debut match?

Shane also referred to Nathan Cruz as ‘The Showstealer’. Would have been a good chance to talk about how Nathan got that name, right? Nah, just move on

Usual problems, it’s all been said

What is the story on the Showstealer name? I was surprised there was another Showstealer - (I have been out of the loop for years and years)

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Alex Shane handpicked Cruz as the successor to the 'Showstealer' moniker (couldn't be more Alex Shane if he tried) and I think Cruz had a feud with somebody in Futureshock over use of the name. Or something like that. It would literally add nothing to Cruz' backstory on WOS though.

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Ah, I thought Cruz had beaten Alex for the name.

I was thinking that Alex could’ve just dropped “Cruz actually beat me for that Showstealer name”. A quick line admittedly and it at least lists an achievement by Cruz, which is more than most people seem to get. Obviously with what I know now, it wouldn’t have added anything.


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I was at the doctors on Friday. I had a Steve Austin shirt on that I bought from ASDA for 4 quid. Its just Austin on the front with "Royal Rumble" above it. Looks bootleg as fuck, but 4 quid, eh? Havent bought a wrestling shirt in a decade, but was fascinated how  much of a clusterfuck the design was, I just had to. Anyway, the Doctor brings it up and starts burying this WOS shite. "Have you seen the one on ITV? Its looks so cheap. Cant believe they're bringing that back." I was like "can I have my prescription please?" I've never met anyone in real life who doesnt think this is the shits.

People seem to have good memories about the old World of Sport. So its not like its a "anything that isnt WWE is shit." TNA got popular over here for a bit. This is a poorly booked, poorly produced, Butlins on telly type of trash that Alex Shane must have his fingers all over. Its fucking garbage, and the people behind should be ashamed that they got ITV to put it on, and were ill prepared with any fresh ideas or a concept that isnt the most basic. Its so outdated. Reminds me of those UWA shows from Live TV.

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I haven't been back since the first episode. All the editing is a problem, of course, but I found it puzzling how little they seemed to put into introducing the characters - just blokes wrestling "that one is fat, and that one was on Love Island for 5 minutes".

The commentary is a wonderful example of people looking to get their shit in rather than sell the product.

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I might be in the minority here but I'm actually really enjoying it so far. The actual wrestling itself has been great, and although I think there should've been more character development/introductions in Episode 1, Bennett has been great at adding to their respective back stories across the last three episodes. It's actually quite nice watching it with babyfaces getting cheered and heels getting booed without the divide being scuppered. 

On the camera cuts - the only issue I have with the cuts is when they use an angle which is too far away or misses the action. When you see the actual moves/incidents close up and it changes two or three times, i.e the Viper example posted a few pages back, I don't actually mind that. There's even some instances where it works well, i.e in the ladies matches where they do the double stomp in the corner spot. 

Although I think his actual look is shit, I love the way they portrayed Crater in the third show. That's exactly how a monster heel should be booked/portrayed. 

It might be getting shit ratings and probably wont be coming back, but for some reason I'm genuinely enjoying it. You can't compare it to something like NXT, New Japan etc but as a bit of family fun that isn't taken too seriously, I don't think there's much wrong with it at all. In many respects its taking wrestling back to basics, and not in a bad way. 

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I'm pretty indifferent to it but I've seen every episode because my 7 year old niece has been watching it. She's firmly of the John Cena/New Day/Bella's casual fan ilk and she's been enjoying it for what it is. The camera cuts are awful but she spends hours watching YouTube videos with similar ADD editing so I don't think it even registers with her.  It's pretty much exactly what I expected it to be (probably better to be honest) so I think people had the wrong expectations going in if it's proving to be this much of a disappointment to them. 

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13 hours ago, Supremo said:

Have they calmed down with the camera cuts yet? It was borderline unwatchable by Episode 2.

Nope. Tried to watch some of the Ospreay match and the camera seemed to cut to a different angle every couple of seconds.

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