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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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Just watched it and felt it was just as bad as last week.

They really went for the gimmicks this week, a ladder match, that is so 1994, and a women’s match, didn’t WWE have a women’s revolution already ?.

The talent is not strong enough, it is a step below NXT, the guys and girls here will look at that as the next step of their careers.

I cannot wait until the ratings are out, I will give SuperBacon my feedback immediately.

i am going with an average of 625,000.

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20 minutes ago, machinegunn said:

Just watched it and felt it was just as bad as last week.

They really went for the gimmicks this week, a ladder match, that is so 1994, and a women’s match, didn’t WWE have a women’s revolution already ?.

The talent is not strong enough, it is a step below NXT, the guys and girls here will look at that as the next step of their careers.

I cannot wait until the ratings are out, I will give SuperBacon my feedback immediately.

i am going with an average of 625,000.

You are such a wind up merchant. :) 

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Overnights are in. 0.6m, peaked at 0.8m. 

Hardly suprising with the return of the Football League today. I would expect a bigger live drop next week with the Prem back as well. 

At this point there hope has to be some buzz getting genereated following the women’s match and the downloads picking up. 

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5 minutes ago, Your Fight Site said:

I don’t know if Alex is trying to be bad on commentary, between the dad jokes and then referring to a brand new title as “prestigious”. Yeah, dripping in prestige is that 1-second old belt with no past holders 🙄

Talking about Rampage’s title reign being “a new era” when that belt’s had a lineage of two episodes of television was pretty nonsensical too.

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50 minutes ago, El Mistique said:

Overnights are in. 0.6m, peaked at 0.8m. 

Hardly suprising with the return of the Football League today. I would expect a bigger live drop next week with the Prem back as well. 

At this point there hope has to be some buzz getting genereated following the women’s match and the downloads picking up. 

Hmmm, I think I called that 😂

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Regarding the ratings. The good news, if you can call it that, is that it was a pretty weak day for ITV in general. Even ITV Evening News, which airs after WOS, did 900,000 less viewers than the week before.

Anyway, I enjoyed episode two a bit more than episode one. Still far from a perfect show and still they haven't given the viewers a lot of reasons to care about the characters, but at least the wrestling was enjoyable. I thought the women's match was the best match on the show so far.

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It's like the director has never seen wrestling before, but got shown a 30-second buzz reel of 2000 Attitude Era and tried to copy it for family ratings. "Wrestling fans just want to see pretend fights and blokes getting hurt!" No. Big Daddy might've killed British wrestling, but the reason why for a time he and wrestling were such household names was because of the personality. We want to care about the fighters and the lack of focus on that and on faceless "athletic contests" isn't engaging. Even the camerawork prevents you from looking at the expressions on their faces to try and forge a connection with the audience. They shouldve halved the number of filmed matches and spent a day with each of the roster putting together a quick 20-second promo reel for them to get over who they are. Don't tell they're "one of the best" - they're on TV so they fxxxing should be! What do they do outside of the ring? Hell, I think Osprey's a bit of a wally, but there's a story there of him building his own little backyard promotion leading to him winning titles in Japan. I'm sure Sysum can talk about superheroes (hasn't he done Disneyland promo work in Marvel costume?) and following a dream to being one. Get Rampage working out with rusty chains and punchbags in some dungeon gym in Lahndahn with Sha bellowing at him. Anything. The lack of creativity on display is depressing, and does the talent a disservice.

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Having the option of more cameras doesn't mean they should use them. In fact, it likely increased the cost of filming and lengthened editing time. A hard cam and one, maybe two, roving cams was all they needed. Having fewer options usually leads to greater creativity in terms of their use, plus the reduced options might have positively reduced the number of cuts. You become reliant on capturing details rather than showing off your resources, which in this case would've hopefully meant greater emphasis on in-ring character work than racing through angles to show off spots.

It continues to be a passable gymnastics show than a well-rounded wrestling programme. It's popcorn TV, clearly with no aim at long term viewer commitment. The historical references are all verbal with no actual execution (even on a passing comment or meta level - a quick aside with an easter egg or two could add some depth to the conceit without ramming it down people's throats).

Don't get me wrong - I was never expecting high class layered drama - I knew the emphasis would be on moves and bumps. But this could have been so much more. NXT is produced on a shoestring with a one hour time slot, but is lightyears ahead of WOS in every way, despite WOS having a professional production crew and NXT essentially being a student project. This will hopefully be seen as a step towards great British wrestling on mainstream UK TV, but right now, I think it's a poor representation of the standard of UK talent, a misuse of resources, badly conceived and executed, and not a step forward at all.

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That's that fucked then. Massive shame really. I have no idea if it would have made a difference, but a different style of wrestling would have been so much more appealing than this. Butlins in a earthquake was never going to make people stick around.

They should have went the Lucha Underground way. A different style. Have like sort of a fight club vibe, where various wrestlers across Britain, have been invited to do what the workers from the 60s and 70s did every Saturday night. Fight on telly. You could have well produced skits with the "ITV rep", whoever that is (maybe an ex wrestler from back in the day), making the matches and where you actually get to know the characters. Do something where you know what you're getting every week as a fan. A unique style that sets it apart from everything else. It'd probably still get killed, but at least you might capture the imagination of the wrestling fans. Instead we all think its shit.

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Caught the second episode in the pub, and missed the first ten minutes or so. Wasn't able to give it my full attention, but it felt weaker than the first episode.

The tag match was extremely formulaic - which is fine, a lot of wrestling needs to be, but it didn't feel like it played to anyone's strengths. Probably the dullest Doug Williams match I've ever seen as a result.

The women's match was good, but massively spoiled by an insane number of camera cuts, many during big moves. Also wasn't helped by them booking Viper as a heel - she's just not a natural heel, whereas she's a brilliant face, so that was just a poor use of her, and repeating a mistake they made in the pilot episode. 

The ladder match was sloppy and never really did anything to grab my attention. At times it was borderline embarrassing. While it was on I was really hoping no one in the pub tried to strike up a conversation with me asking to explain or justify what was going on, as I don't think I could have justified it.  

As with the first episode, they just didn't seem to know who they are or what their audience is. They don't have much of an identity, and while they give us a "coming up next week" spiel at the end of each episode, there's not enough in the way of cliffhangers, nothing from episode 1 feeding into episode 2, nothing left hanging at the end of episode 2 to make you think "I have to tune in next week to see what happens!". It all feels too self-contained.


Overall problem is that there still seems to be fuck all to tell the audience who any of these wrestlers are or why we should care about them. I know they used Epic Studios because it was easier and cheaper than ITV setting up their own facility, but I think they could have done with separate video packages and in-studio promos to introduce wrestlers, and because the show feels like it ends a bit too abruptly, maybe an in-studio framing device at the beginning and end of the show.

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As Bomber says above, there’s zero reason to care about anyone. Why have a women’s title match, with no build up, with no introduction to the characters, no watching someone overcome the odds, and winning the belt despite it all, a life-long goal, a reason to celebrate. I want this to be good. I do. But it appears to have been booked by someone entirely unaware of what’s been working for some years, the imagination to be creative and the stones to take risks. Again, as above, thus far, it’s shit. 

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Thoughts for the week...

1) Women's wrestling is a thing in 2018, shock horror! Banging on about how well the women are doing only highlights how backward looking the producers are. This shouldn't be a thing at all. No need to mention that they are in the main event, its not a big deal.

2) 'Prestigious' titles and then saying Doug Williams can end his career on a high winning their tag titles. It's bordering on comical. They need to frame the titles as being new and this is the start of a new era, not banging on about how important the titles are when they have never been awarded let alone defended. 

3) Camera shots - nuff said. Hire someone with actual experience in wrestling for this and don't put it out until they give the okay.

4) Most of the lads are bland as fuck. Why give Rampage the title when he looks like the bloke that lives on your street? Then again... Grado…

5) The ladder match was the shits and they edited out the one ladder spot as though they aren't allowed to show ladder shots/offensive moves pre-watershed. If you can't do a badass ladder match don't do it at all because your average fan will always compare to WWE, TNA or ROH. 

6) Viper was fine but maybe a wardrobe change wouldn't go amiss. Wrestling Adele! 

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