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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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23 hours ago, PowerButchi said:

Why would you move to Milton Keynes?

Maybe she was a massive fan of Superman IV and thought the place looked nice. I wonder how she copes with all the roundabouts though considering their are hardly any in America

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7 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I was thinking similar. World of Sport implies more than one sport so I can see why you would change it from that as this is just the wrestling. But if WOS isn’t going to stand for World of Sport, what does it stand for?

Wos wrestling stands for was world of sport back in the day. 

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I know, World Of Sport was the show the wrestling was on which was the ITV equivalent to Grandstand and I get they're trying to link it and maintain a connection to its original platform, especially as wrestling is the most instantly memorable segment for many. Wrestling fan or not. But WOS as an orphan initialism doesn't really work does it?

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12 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

I know what World of Sport was, although I was a Grandstand boy myself. But as @Jon-Carr_92 mentions, WOS on its own doesn’t mean anything if they don’t call it World of Sport.

Logically you are of course right. I think Keeping the WOS name is for the nostalgia element of those who remember/aware of the old days of British Wrestling. PLUS, it gives them a 3 letter chant. So whilst I agree that WOS Wrestling as a name doesn't make much sense, it does provide some instant brand recognition. I mean unless they decide the WOS stands for something like World Of Stars or something

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42 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

Logically you are of course right. I think Keeping the WOS name is for the nostalgia element of those who remember/aware of the old days of British Wrestling.PLUS, it gives them a 3 letter chant. So whilst I agree that WOS Wrestling as a name doesn't make much sense, it does provide some instant brand recognition. I mean unless they decide the WOS stands for something like World Of Stars or something

Which they then start banging about how “it’s a new era/generation” and distancing itself from the old days of British wrestling. World of Sport went off the air when I wasn’t even a year old, so your trying to bring people who are a minimum 34 years old (in terms of “remembering” it) with a show that isn’t representative of its name. The closest it is going to be to that original World of Sport show is someone does a move and the commentators chiming in with “just like so-and-so used to do”. You can guarantee that the opening of the first show will a bunch of archive footage, followed by an explosion and then all the flashy new stuff. I understand your point and please don’t think I’m having a go or saying that you’re wrong,  it just makes no sense and that’s only looking at the name of the bloody thing. If your going to use a name for recognition, it needs to be representative of that. You can’t call something Frasier then give them Coming Of Age

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1 hour ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

PLUS, it gives them a 3 letter chant.

Try and chant "W-O-S". Now try chanting "World of Sport". Which has the better rhythm to it, which feels more natural? 

They should just call it "World of Sport Wrestling", the "WOS" feels like an effort to make it sound trendy and up-to-date, and to mimic American style presentation. I'm still dubious as to whether that's the right direction to go down, but as a name it's clunky. I suspect, at this point, they're trying to make it a new product and distance themselves from "World of Sport" based on the pilot, but still using "WOS" in order to cling to the "World Of Sport" trademarks etc.


I really want this show to succeed. It could be great for British wrestling, it looks to have a fun roster, and the implications for wrestlers being able to have union representation is fantastic. But my main worry at the moment is that they don't have a strong identity - which was one of the things I took away from the pilot, that they didn't know who or what they were. 

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4 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Try and chant "W-O-S". Now try chanting "World of Sport". Which has the better rhythm to it, which feels more natural? 

They should just call it "World of Sport Wrestling", the "WOS" feels like an effort to make it sound trendy and up-to-date, and to mimic American style presentation. I'm still dubious as to whether that's the right direction to go down, but as a name it's clunky. I suspect, at this point, they're trying to make it a new product and distance themselves from "World of Sport" based on the pilot, but still using "WOS" in order to cling to the "World Of Sport" trademarks etc.


I really want this show to succeed. It could be great for British wrestling, it looks to have a fun roster, and the implications for wrestlers being able to have union representation is fantastic. But my main worry at the moment is that they don't have a strong identity - which was one of the things I took away from the pilot, that they didn't know who or what they were. 

You are correct on the chant thing. But a lot of promotions do try and come up with 3 letter names for their promotions as that was what worked in the 90's. 

i think/hope they took a lot from that pilot and what worked/didn't. Obviously we see the former Bad News Barrett is their new owner as apposed to Max Beasley's Dad, they have managed to keep a lot of the better talent and added to it (Ospreay is there right? Sure I saw him in the promo footage). I really hope it does well and I really hope it is a good product.

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4 hours ago, BomberPat said:

They should just call it "World of Sport Wrestling", the "WOS" feels like an effort to make it sound trendy and up-to-date

The funny thing is, abbreviating the name to three letters is as far from trendy as you can get. It isn't the late 90s anymore.

For example, I think part of Progress' success has been due to their image and brand, which the name plays a large part. If it was Progress Championship Wrestling or something, it'd sound a bit shit if you call it PCW (eeyyyyyyyyy). For all the jokes we've made about that ever-changing outfit in Florida/Nashville/Canada/wherever the fuck they are these days, 'Impact! Wrestling' is by far the best name they've had. Lucha Underground is a fucking awesome name. WWE is synonymous with pro wrestling, so that's likely never going to change. ICW has been around for more than 10 years and have built a decent reputation, so they are another exception to the rule. But my advice to any upstart wrestling promotion, when it comes to developing a branding and identity, DON'T give it a three-letter name.

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8 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

The funny thing is, abbreviating the name to three letters is as far from trendy as you can get. It isn't the late 90s anymore.

For example, I think part of Progress' success has been due to their image and brand, which the name plays a large part. If it was Progress Championship Wrestling or something, it'd sound a bit shit if you call it PCW (eeyyyyyyyyy). For all the jokes we've made about that ever-changing outfit in Florida/Nashville/Canada/wherever the fuck they are these days, 'Impact! Wrestling' is by far the best name they've had. Lucha Underground is a fucking awesome name. WWE is synonymous with pro wrestling, so that's likely never going to change. ICW has been around for more than 10 years and have built a decent reputation, so they are another exception to the rule. But my advice to any upstart wrestling promotion, when it comes to developing a branding and identity, DON'T give it a three-letter name.

I'd an addendum to this, which is that it can work the opposite way - I always stick to the adage that "WRESTLING" should be the biggest word on the poster. If you have a single word name - like Progress or CHIKARA, or whatever - you've got an uphill struggle in teaching people what you actually do.

What promotions like Progress succeed on is having a very strong brand identity (something the countless three-letter promotions tend to struggle with, if only because there are so many of them and so interchangeable), and I'm concerned that WOS won't manage that at all.

Something I disliked about the pilot is that it didn't seem to know who its audience were, or what the promotion itself was, so it tried to be all things to all men, and never really excelled at any of them. They brought in Jim Ross and used a bunch of WWE-lite booking and storytelling tropes, presumably to try and capture WWE fans, but only served to make it bush league and risk alienating older fans (I saw plenty of Facebook comments complaining that they had a "yank" commentating on what's supposed to be the return of British wrestling to TV), they played a bunch of World of Sport nostalgia packages but did very little to connect them to the present day product, and so on and so on.

It doesn't look to me like they've necessarily learned from that mistake - the trailer is almost Lucha Underground-esque in being very cinematic, while presenting a super serious vibe, which I can't imagine the actual show will match up with, and then the needless confusion around the name, or perhaps just the idea of changing the name to seem like a more "modern" product, still makes it all seem like a product with no strong identity. And to me, that's the number one thing a promotion needs to succeed today.

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5 hours ago, BomberPat said:

Try and chant "W-O-S". Now try chanting "World of Sport". Which has the better rhythm to it, which feels more natural?


FWIW, I remember plenty of “World of Sport” chants at the tapings, no “W-O-S” chants.

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