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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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On 10/6/2018 at 10:39 AM, Brewster McCloud said:

Oh, absolutely - an embarrassing mess for all concerned, and I imagine yer old school Republicans are fuming about how their party and its values are becoming a self-made mockery. 

Not sure there are many of those left.  One thing the GOP is good at is party discipline.  Winning is everything.  Trump's economy is booming and they're getting their conservative court.  Halting what they see as a rise of liberalism is the end game.

US politics is so utterly divided now, but that reflects the economic and cultural imbalances across the country.  If anyone wants to fix the system they need to deal with that first.



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Problem with the economy in the US and trickle down economics usually results in a bust at some point. Happened under Regan, Bush and no doubt will happen again (probably post 2020)

Its weird with the Republicans. Only once in 6 elections have they won the popular vote in a Presidential race yet they manage to get in due to the shit show of the electoral college. There are far more Liberals in America then it seems, yet Republicans know how to work that system and get themselves in power. The Democrats and the left in general really need to organise themselves.

As stupid as it seems, I really can only see Oprah having any chance against Trump in 2020. And this is where the US is at the moment.


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22 minutes ago, Factotum said:

As stupid as it seems, I really can only see Oprah having any chance against Trump in 2020. And this is where the US is at the moment.

I'm not so sure. If someone like Oprah runs, it's probably going to drive those who support Trump into a more stubborn position, and anyone who did vote for him who may be wavering is more likely to fall back on their previous position. I think Oprah has far less chance of success than Hillary did, as even those Conservative type voters who were maybe on the fence but plumped for the politically-experienced old white lady most likely will not jump on the Oprah bandwagon.

As boring as it may be, what's needed next time around is someone who looks like Trump (white and old) to appeal to that demographic, and who understands that like him or not, the reason Trump got the votes he did was because he tapped into a section of society who feel left behind by the world today.

The next person has to be willing to address those concerns, although from a less bombastic and ridiculous angle, but at the same time be more of a progressive.

Oprah running against Trump is only going to further widen the divide in the US, which isn't what's needed.

We need someone who can bridge that middle ground and basically calm shit the fuck down.

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Exactly. Someone just like that. 

A more liberal-minded, intelligent guy who knows what the fuck he's doing, but who knows how to speak to those who were driven to vote for Trump in a way they can understand, and who looks reassuring and "political" in a certain way.

All this nonsense about Oprah is only going to cause more issues if it actually happens. It'll be anti-Trump, liberals voting for "their" candidate, meanwhile Trumpists will dig their heels in even more, and those who just want a proper candidate who knows what the fuck they're doing will be left sitting in the middle of it all with their heads in their hands.

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20 minutes ago, David said:


We need someone who can bridge that middle ground and basically calm shit the fuck down.

There is no middle ground with the Republican party it seems. The Dems waste way too much time trying to reach across the aisle and pander to bullshit. You can't bridge the gap when one side is intent on not acting in good faith and their only interest is in 'winning' at the other's expense. It's not possible.

It's the nature of the game to be swingy as fuck. The Democratic base has no patience for it either, which was proved during Obama's run.

(Obviously the Oprah idea is just stupid so I'm not presenting that as a good alternative.)

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Just now, Chest Rockwell said:

There is no middle ground with the Republican party it seems. The Dems waste way too much time trying to reach across the aisle and pander to bullshit. You can't bridge the gap when one side is intent on not acting in good faith and their only interest is in 'winning' at the other's expense. It's not possible.

It's the nature of the game to be swingy as fuck. The Democratic base has no patience for it either, which was proved during Obama's run.

Then it's all fucked then, because if we see something as ridiculous as Oprah running I think the US can look forward to more division, hatred and anger, and probably another term of Trumpism.

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And I suppose Trump was a stupid idea?

The fact is America is currently in a situation that the status quo is utterly not trusted by either side. Its why Bernie was the Democrats best chance last election. He was different. Not saying he would have won (he probably wouldn't have) but he definitely had a shot at convincing states like Michigan he was a good alternative.

There is absolutely nobody on the Democrat side who will trouble Trump in 2020. Fact is that they will have to think outside the box. She is just the sort of big name publicity machine that would be able to take him on. Also people like her.

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5 minutes ago, Factotum said:

And I suppose Trump was a stupid idea?

The fact is America is currently in a situation that the status quo is utterly not trusted by either side. Its why Bernie was the Democrats best chance last election. He was different. Not saying he would have won (he probably wouldn't have) but he definitely had a shot at convincing states like Michigan he was a good alternative.

There is absolutely nobody on the Democrat side who will trouble Trump in 2020. Fact is that they will have to think outside the box. She is just the sort of big name publicity machine that would be able to take him on. Also people like her.

You "suppose" Trump was a stupid idea? Is that even up for debate?

It's exactly that kind of mindset, this idea of "our guy" and "your guy" that has landed America in the shitpit that it's currently in (I should clarify that I don't mean Republicans and Democrats here, I mean it in terms of the people who support Trump and those who don't). Fighting one no-nothing "celebrity" presidential candidate with another is as far from the answer as you can get.

Trump vs Oprah. Can you seriously imagine? I'm not American, but how does anyone with a couple of braincells even begin to fathom who they should be voting for in that shitstorm?

Edited by David
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A little of both.

And it would be inadvisably hypocritical to back for president a celebrity with no political experience after making the same complaint against the Republicans and Trump. People need as many reasons as possible to believe that his opponent will do a better job.

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I am not, in any way saying this is ideal or what anybody wants. I simply asked if anyone can honestly tell me who they would put forward from the Democrat's to fight Trump who has a chance of winning? Fact is we are through the looking glass. I put Oprah forward as it is something that has been discussed (as has Michelle Obama) by people, and she would be able to take him on.

American politics does not follow the same conventions as most Democracies. Its Presidency has been held before by people who did not hold Political office (as is the case now)

I am not saying this is what I want, but can anyone see anyone taking on Trump who isn't something different?

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