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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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Fucking American obsession with Myst. Dire. 

Don't know what's going on with Frogger there. Very strange. I'm pretty sure this chart is US sales only: Monster Hunter sold a kajillion copies, as did Final Fantasy VII. Fun to watch Minecraft out of nowhere crush everything though. 

Been playing lots of odd stuff over Christmas. The full range of Jackbox party games, particularly Mad Verse City where you battle rap against each other. Tremendous fun. I've been revisiting Star Wars Battlefront II, and boy is that ever the comeback kid. After being the most hated game ever on release the devs kept putting more and more content out there and now it's a really fleshed out and balanced game with lots of fun. 

Finally helped my daughter set up Labo Robot for Switch today. What a feat of engineering by Nintendo. A big pile of cardboard becomes a wonderful playground. Not sure how much replayability there is but it's fun. 

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I love that most of the games like GTA/Call Of Duty and Mario are listed as separate games but Tetris is just seen as one game ignoring all of the various releases of the series, plus free to play games like Minecraft are included and Wii Play which was bundled with the console goes down as a sale.  

2000: The PS2 is released, “Fuck it lads Duck Hunt, Frogger and Tetris are on sale.”

Edited by TildeGuy~!
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Re: Warcraft Blizzard stopped publishing sales figures some years ago because subscriptions muddied the numbers. 

"WoW has long supported starter accounts that don't require purchase, and those are typically included in "registered player" counts. We shouldn't be conflating sales of Xpac together such as "WoW Classic + TBC + Wrath + etc = Some Grand Total", as it includes duplicate sales where a player has bought all items. Blizzard doesn't release sales data much anymore, and WoW doesn't have firm enough numbers that would place it in the top 50." - wiki talk page. 

@PunkStep long wait for TES 6 I'm afraid. Bethesda have said they want to release their space RPG Starfield first, tentatively winter 2020. 

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GTA 5 is still rocking in and around the top 10 monthly sales and it's last gen. What a great game and it'd still be one of the first I'd recommend to anyone jumping on to this gen for the first time. I've bought it twice and I'm considering getting it again for my digital library. It's a little disheartening that there's been absolutely no word on GTA 6 and it'll likely be at least 10 years since 5 came out when we do get it. It's lke 8 years now isn't it?

It's the problem they've created by having such a profitable online arena I suppose.

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11 hours ago, PunkStep said:

With all the Trigger's Brush games and those bundled in with consoles, you realise just how much of a success Skyrim was. What is it, 8 years old now? We need Elder Scrolls 6.

I wouldn't hold your breath on Elder Scrolls 6. If Fallout 76 is anything to by, Bethesda is in a dire state when it comes to building stable, rewarding, functioning games right now. Hopefully The Outerworlds has gotten their bollocks into a grip vice and they'll pull their fingers out. 

Edited by Accident Prone
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I wanted to get a slick, high powered laptop for music production as a hobby (got a JD-XI, FL Studio and a set of speakers over Christmas, having a ball!) and the most cost effective measure was essentially just to get a gaming laptop. Got a "17 ASUS TUF, was surprised to learn gaming laptops aren't the over-expensive jet engines they used to be and can run anything already out on max settings. I'm sure it's not too future proofed, but I have no interest in crazy VR so I've been going mad on Steam whilst turning my desktop into a bit of a virtual console for older stuff. 

With that in mind I had the chance to catch up on three biggies that I've missed out on over the years (I've not consistently owned a console for keeps since the early years of the PS4):

Far Cry 5: Absolutely smashing 25 hours, before the repetitive nature of things got old. I got in on the cheap, so that's not a complaint. I never expected to finish it. Gorgeous map, great gunplay, decent story. I was quite surprised to find the story got shat on. Is it a sensitivity thing with how it aped prepper/alt-right paranoia or have some people actually come to expect too much from an FPS narrative? I grew up playing Doom & Quake. This one's got a whole cast of lunatics, plenty of dialogue and even more reason to blast them. 

That being said, I did find that once I fully kitted out a shotgun to essentially also function as a silenced sniper rifle, I didn't bother with another gun for the entire game. 

The other highlight was role playing along with willingly falling for Faith. 


Resident Evil 2: The shiny new one, obviously. It's more or less perfect, isn't it? It got me to think about rooms and scenarios the way games used to, whilst also being great by hitting out of the park how you remembered the original, rather than the dated clunk fest it actually is. I was smiling ear to ear after a few hours in the police station to realise that I'd been pretty much fucking it up and wasting bullets the whole time. It loses its lustre when you get down to the sewers - much like the original - but I'll be replaying it for sure.


Witcher 3: This is an odd one, as a bit of an Elder Scrolls fanboy. I'm playing it at the moment still and absolutely loving it, but I feel like it benefited greatly from the general backlash on Skyrim being a skin deep RPG. Don't get me wrong, I'm not comparing the two or anything, and I know Witcher is more on the action oriented side than a hardcore RPG, but the same people who went crazy for this are the people who turned on Skyrim for being a bit of a mirage in terms of the choices you could make and how they affected the world. So you can understand my slight surprise at what is very much a game with a stunning open world, an extremely defined main character and a cinematic "go here and watch the next bit" main questline. It's great, though. I still prefer the first person aesthetic to Elder Scrolls world, as silly as it is, rather than tumbling third person through villages full of NPCs that only seem more realistic because you can't actually talk to all of them to reveal their lack of dimension, but whatever. ***1/2 stars. 

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