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In regards to tinder I wouldn't wait around too long to ask out. If the small talk isn't working well but she's decent looking in the picture get her out for a drink and have a look at the real thing. At lease then personality might come out and you have more chance of getting her in the sack than if your just messaging

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On the bright side, Tinder seems to be working out for me. Got a date with a lovely girl who's into musicals, video games and assorted general nerd wankery.


Date? Talking about your interests? Have I got the wrong end of the stick, I thought the idea of Tinder was people swipe the appropriate direction based on whether the photo makes you think "Would shag" then when you get a match, you meet, you shag?


Or is that just how the people I know that have Tinder use it?


That's what I use Happn for. I find Tinder is easier to talk people into dates on than OkCupid, where it seems to just be talking forever that goes nowhere.


Happn is for when I'm out and just want someone to go home with for the night, and the people on it seem to all be using it for that.

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On one hand, I'm not into the idea of meeting someone through Happn. On the other hand, my eyesight's rubbish and there's times I sense someone may be looking at me but I don't reciprocate because I'd have to stare at them for a few seconds to see if that was the case, so it could maybe be a bit of a blessing.

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Does happn need Facebook?

I've never heard of it before, but reading up on it with a view to giving it ago it appears it does.


It apparently uses the picture and name from the profile. They say it's to keep things genuine but how hard is it to set up a fake facebook really.

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I think I'd be completely lost if I became single again now. I wouldn't have a clue about all this stuff and I was never that good at the chatting up stuff. I've been lucky really that the girls I've been with I've always just met by pure chance and things have just happened. So the pressure was off. Friends of friends and stuff so we already had something in common. And I met my wife because she's one of my best mate's sisters.


I was terrible in my single days when I'd go out with the aim to get girls. I was with the same girl since I was 15 up until I was about 22 so I never really had that time to get good at it. So at 22 becoming single I was fucking useless. It usually would either be that I'd like a girl but I'd be coming off too keen and put them off or I'd just be utterly shite at picking up on the signs when a girl liked me.


So yeah, hopefully this marriage thing lasts because I don't think I'd be very good at playing Rowdy Roddy Swiper on Tinder and the like.

Edited by wandshogun09
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I'm just terrible at the whole proper dating thing in general. I'm no looker and, in truth, most of the time I'm as interesting to talk to as Steve Davis and Ken Barlow discussing a dulux colour chart.


As I grow older and grow to loathe the human race more and more it's not getting easier either.


I've never had a meaningful long term relationship, and now I don't know if I ever really want to have one. I like the idea of it, but realistically I don't think it's for me. It's worth giving it a try though, right?

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On the bright side, Tinder seems to be working out for me. Got a date with a lovely girl who's into musicals, video games and assorted general nerd wankery.

Date? Talking about your interests? Have I got the wrong end of the stick, I thought the idea of Tinder was people swipe the appropriate direction based on whether the photo makes you think "Would shag" then when you get a match, you meet, you shag?


Or is that just how the people I know that have Tinder use it?

That's what I use Happn for. I find Tinder is easier to talk people into dates on than OkCupid, where it seems to just be talking forever that goes nowhere.


Happn is for when I'm out and just want someone to go home with for the night, and the people on it seem to all be using it for that.

Am I the only one that thinks this sounds horrendous? Maybe I'm just a prude and uptight, but this sounds a bit grim. As long as like Tim Westwood says "Wrap it up, before you slap it up!"

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On the bright side, Tinder seems to be working out for me. Got a date with a lovely girl who's into musicals, video games and assorted general nerd wankery.

Date? Talking about your interests? Have I got the wrong end of the stick, I thought the idea of Tinder was people swipe the appropriate direction based on whether the photo makes you think "Would shag" then when you get a match, you meet, you shag?


Or is that just how the people I know that have Tinder use it?

That's what I use Happn for. I find Tinder is easier to talk people into dates on than OkCupid, where it seems to just be talking forever that goes nowhere.


Happn is for when I'm out and just want someone to go home with for the night, and the people on it seem to all be using it for that.

Am I the only one that thinks this sounds horrendous? Maybe I'm just a prude and uptight, but this sounds a bit grim. As long as like Tim Westwood says "Wrap it up, before you slap it up!"



There's a bit of distance between having a one-night stand and going bareback, dude. Personally I always skin up, even in long-term relationships, and especially in the case of ONS.

Edited by Carbomb
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Im not a bad looking chap (not great either but people of all shapes and sizes have relationships) but im generally rubbish with people until I get to know them and get comfortable. Im rubbish at the online side of it and would never just walk up to someone on a night out or whatever, Id assume I was bothering a woman if I approached her. Once I get started im ok but its making that intial contact I find so hard. Im a journalist and spend most of every day having conversations with peopie I don't know too.

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How do you guys feel about a girl asking you out? Would you rather do it yourself?


There's a guy at the pub I really like and I was trying to drop hints about going to see one of the films in the Spielberg series at the BFI over the summer. He wasn't taking the bait though so I'm wondering whether to just see if he fancies going. I don't know whether to just sort of drop it in casually and ask if he fancies checking it out or whether to properly ask him out. I'm rubbish at this sort of thing and get really nervous and shy so I don't want to make a complete tit out of myself particularly if he's totally not interested.

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