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The Relationship Thread


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The friends I tend to socialise most with are [female] F1 nerds so when we do go out in a bigger group it'll probably be to watch a race with 100 other people. Again, not ideal for starting conversations otherwise it'd end up with "Shhh! I'm trying to watch the race!" - and that'd probably be from me.


Find a local pub that needs some custom. Talk them into showing the race live. Put up a poster. Talk to the boys that come. (Oh, and tape the race at home so you can watch it uninterrupted).

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I'm sure if we just pushed through it, it'd become normal again. It's just each night when faced with the option of having a good night's sleep or facing tomorrow with kids to look after and jobs to do while tired - it's easier to make the wrong decision.


A married couple i know had trouble sleeping in the same bed so they decided to get a single quilt each and sleep in the same bed. They said that its the best thing they ever did, they're still very close and sleeping in the same bed, but have their own independence of the quilt. Could be an idea to try.

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Post sexy pictures on Instagram and wait for the offers to roll in? Up the selfie game and they will come

Do be quiet.

Only trying to help. Bagged my missus with an arty shot of me sat on some steps smoking a fag.


A proper suggestion would be speed dating. I did it once last year for a laugh and turned out it was just a large group of people in my age range also doing it for a laugh. Nearly everyone there was doing it for the novelty value and not taking it seriously, resulting in 25 short pleasant dates. Grab a few mates and try it out.

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That's a good point, never go out looking for love, go out to have a good time and sometimes you bump into someone, that's how I met my wife ha


This def worked for me. When I was desperate I never had any luck. Any time I talked to a woman in my head I would start panicking and think "how can I convince this girl to get off with me?" and never got anywhere. The minute I said to myself "fuck it, this is driving me crazy, what'll be will be" I immediately started to have more success and I actually enjoyed myself because I wasn't thinking with my knob. I was just enjoying getting to know people and either things happened naturally or they didn't.

Edited by LaGoosh
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For some reason...

I think I can probably guess the reason. Nothing wrong with letting nature take its course!

Oh ho!


I think because I'm in a small town in Ireland, that might be why the matches on it aren't worth bothering about (due to geography of course, They are all Lovely Girls). Looking forward to getting back to Manc and the bevvie of northern beauties after a quick back scuttle.

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I tend to avoid posting in this thread but bugger it. I'm perpetually single. Most of the time I'm happy this way as I enjoy my own company and independence but then sometimes (as mentioned above) it'd be nice to have someone to sleep next to. Although I go out quite a bit with friends, I rarely go out to places where you'd normally meet people (i.e. bars and clubs) and although I'm on a couple of dating websites they're not really working for me (maybe my profile repels the opposite sex)...

I find myself in the same situation. Dating sites don't seem to be working for me because once you get past the superficial element (I wouldn't consider myself particularly unattractive but I'm certainly no hunk and I don't seem to photograph well) it's hard for me to find someone who shares my interests. The pub/club scene isn't for me because (among other reasons) I'm too socially awkward/anxious to try and have a conversation with someone who hasn't initiated it themselves. Couple my anxiety with a real lack of self confidence and I'm just shit out of luck. Like you, I enjoy my own company but I've been spending too much time with myself and feel like I need to change things up. Essentially I don't want to try and force myself into finding someone, but just letting it happen naturally isn't gonna happen so I'm a bit lost.

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