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Post Of The Year 2014

Devon Malcolm

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Its one of those things that seems to happen in wrestling all the time. The promoter gets a bit of praise, so he thinks he's got this legion of blind sheep who will allow him to get away with whatever he tries to do to come off as billy big bollocks. Whether its Alex Shane paying people to not deliver a ring or Eric Bischoff walking around in a leather jacket telling people not to speak to him in a lift, there's this trend from top to bottom of people who get sucked into this make believe world and forget that this is real life. But its not. Going to peoples houses and threatening them and FILMING THEM as you push your flappy he-tits out and act like your Phil Mitchell in a pink shirt is not alright. Far from it actually. You dont do shit like that in real life. How anyone can look at that video and defend it is beyond me. Its vile. Bullying from a fat lad who likes wrestling, which tells me the only thing he's pushed around in his life is the dinner trolley.


I cant stress enough how much this has angered me. I've put a lot of my life into watching pro wrestling. I love it. Always have. When I think of it, I think of playing with my hasbros with my brother, playing WarZone up my mates and watching Rock n Wrestling up my Nanas. Never have I been compelled to act out a skit and bully someone like this shit. Because that's what its all about. Instead of doing the real life thing of sending a letter or e-mail out, silly bollocks has got his missus to hold a video camera like she's fucking Kevin Dunne in a wig and Fludder rolls in to Victoria, Texas to confront 'Stone Cold' with Chris Masters with him. Like this is some fucking vignette he's filming for us to go "what a bloke". He's lost persective. Wrestling is about putting smiles on the faces of your customers and putting on quality shows that make money. He isn't the only one affected by piracy. Look at Paul Burchill (LOL!). Gabe Sapolsky's shows are affected 50 times more by piracy, and he goes through the proper channels. As does Colt Cabana who has his little DVD thing. Wade Kellers mp3s get bitten off all the time. I guarantee you these are hit in the pocket. PCW? Who the fuck is buying their bootleg DVDs? Really? If you're into them, chances are you are either going to their shows or buying the DVDs. The trading market is dead for episodes of Raw, let alone PCW shows with the Godfather on them. And I've yet to see anyone upload PCW shows on XWT. Its a niché of a niché. A cult built up by people who enjoy a night out for a decent company. Last thing you should be doing is coming off as a total cunt. Which Fludder totally has. How do you support someone like this when he's came across as an absolute arsehole?


Its just your typical story of why nobody gives a fuck about these types of British Wrestling companies. Everyone gets exposed as a wanker it seems. And who suffers? The fans of course.



The Preston City Wrestling thread. I laughed out loud at those in bold.

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I'd never heard of this story about Andre Baker slapping fans before, but even so, what a first post from BeyondtheMATT. Worthy of a nomination, for sure.


Hi, this is my first post on the site, although I am a long time lurker.


The Alex Shane podcast talks about an incident where some fans were slapped backstage at a Hammerlock Show. I was one of those fans, and this is what happened...


Me and my friends Dave and Adam had been wrestling fans since around 1990 and had been to a few live WWF shows including Summerslam 92, and also met some stars like Bulldog and Big Daddy on the British circuit. It was the mid nineties when we heard from an acquaintance of Adam's named Mike White that The Anvil was appearing at a Hammerlock show. Mike was working the show as a referee and could get us some good tickets. Anvil was also doing a photo op, so we opted for the works and waited for the big day to arrive.


At this point I should mention that we had been to one other Hammerlock show before this where we were vocal members of the crowd. We hadn't long left school, so we were just cocky kids really. We thought it would be funny to boo the faces and cheer the heels. I must point out that we never swore. We were sensible enough to realise that in a crowd of eighty people, made up of many kids and old folks, that bad language would have got us thrown out and rightly so. We just tried to be clever, in a way that my middle aged self now looks back and thinks "what a dick". One example was Andre being involved in a weapons match and us repeatedly calling for such instruments of destruction as the spatula to be thrown into the mix.


Something about this first trip to Hammerlock should have set the alarm bells ringing. During one of our banter sessions, Andre, who was wrestling in a tag match, decided to completely pause the action, lean on the ropes and shout abuse at us. He called us little shits, and said that he had wrestled hard men, like Dan Severn in an Iron Man match, and that he would jump the barrier and sort us out. Please bear in mind he was playing a face (albeit miscast) up until this point. Needless to say, we were shocked, but laughed it off as we were the crowd and could express our opinion how we liked within the boundaries of decency and good taste.


On to the infamous night. We did indeed get good seats, not front row, but nice central ones a couple of rows back. Mike White had come through for us and really was a good bloke. Or so we thought. More on that later. It was just the three of us in our group and we were all around nineteen years old, immature for our age, just got our first proper jobs, all stood at about 5ft 7in tall and weighed about 10 stones apiece. I mention this so you can imagine how we looked a bit later in the story kneeling down crying in front of an entire dressing room of big tough wrestlers.


The show started well enough, the first couple of matches came and went with us supporting the heels and booing the favourites. We did get noticed by the crowd and crew alike as we were very passionate in our musings. I think The Anvil had his match just before the interval. Possibly a tag match teaming with, or against Andre Baker, I can't quite remember. Andre did look a bit pee'd off during proceedings, but to be fair he had one of those faces. Then we had our picture taken with the Anvil. I still have it somewhere and may be able to dig it out.


After we got our Polaroid we were approached by Mike White. He seemed a bit nervous as he told us we'd been invited up to meet the guys including the Anvil. We honestly didn't think anything was amiss. We were friends of Mike and believed that all wrestlers love the fans, especially ones who had shelled out a tenner for a bad photograph. We followed Mike up some stairs, where he paused to open the door and let us go in first. I remember Andre was sitting with his back to us, like how you see Marseilles Wallace in Pulp Fiction when talking to Bruce Willis, only still in his gear with a towel around his neck. All around the room were wrestlers in various states of undress, pre and post match. "Are these the ones?" he said, getting up, turning, and immediately slapping each of us really hard across the cheek.


I'm not saying he hit us as hard as he could, but he certainly hit harder than anyone had hit me before, open handed or otherwise. He then threatened us. He said he knew lots of bad people. He said that he hadn't got where he was in life without dealing with lots of bad people. He told us to get on our knees where he again slapped each of us around the face. We were snivelling and were told to be quiet. I actually felt the old sphincter muscle give way a bit, I'm not proud to say. I still didn't exactly know what we had done wrong.


He told us that we were confusing the fans. The fans came along to cheer certain wrestlers and boo others. He said that we made others around us unsure of who they were meant to be supporting. He then made us write down our addresses. I don't know what the others put, but I was so stunned that I put down my actual address. He then said that he had wrestled hard men including Dan Severn, and asked if we had seen the match. We all said no. We were WWF fans and whilst we knew of Dan's legacy, our limited exposure to him painted him as some sort of 70's throwback porn star with a dodgy 'tache. He told us he would send us a tape of his match against Dan to the addresses we provided. Conversely, we expected the mob to turn up at our doors rather than "The Best of Andre Baker Against Hard Men".


I'll take this opportunity to tell you what I saw of others in the room, and their reactions. Mike White was looking very sheepish and guilty. I think he has posted here, before? Well, I've not seen him since that day and I think he's a piece of shit for putting us in that position. The one other person in the room as angry as Andre was a ginger haired wrestler, possibly 25 at the time. I've no idea who he was but he was egging Andre on, a real nasty piece of work. Maybe others here can ID him? The Anvil looked really embarrassed by the whole sorry incident. He was used to working for a professional outfit and visiting sick kids, rather than making them sick with fear. Andre referred to Anvil by saying that he came all the way over here and didn't expect this nonsense to be going on. Anvil just mumbled something, shook his head and went back to stroking his beard. My friend remembers Doug Williams being in the room, blocking the door, making sure no-one else came in or out. At least he did not look happy to be part of this intimidation.


At his point I asked if we could stay for the second half if we kept quiet (what a wimp). He said we could make as much noise as we liked and that we were welcome. He made everyone shake our hands but there was a big young guy called Titan who wouldn't. He said he didn't shake hands with shit. We were told to go back to our seats which we duly did and became automatons for the remaining hour or so. From that day, I vowed never to go to a BritWres event and I never have. I am still friends with my fellow victims, one of which I went to Wrestlemania 28 with, so as you can see I still love my wrestling. I would have spent a lot of money over the years at British events if not for this incident, but who cares really? I now have two kids who I also won't ever take to anything from the British scene. I didn't exactly shed a tear when Andre snuffed it as you can hopefully appreciate. I never got my compilation tape of his greatest matches, but on the plus side my family were never ritually slaughtered in the middle of the night either.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Awards Moderator

Another nomination from me, but I loved the descriptions in Ian's post about his encounter with a giant spider. Vivid is the word. The Paint illustration that followed was ace too.


Fuck me. It was massive. Legs like Ahmed Johnson and the girth of Omar gigglestick. I've seen Troma films with villains less animated that this bastard. He was shuffing and doing the Brock Lesnar dance and all sorts. Never took a picture of it, because it has just been murdered using David Seamans autobiography. I've never seen anything like it. Never been a Spider-man, but this is a different level of 8 legged twat


Why did this happen? Why now? I thought it was just Daily Star bollocks, but true enough there was one there. In the front room. Watching Sky Sports News as Southampton scored the winner against Sunderland. Upon seeing it, I initially didn't believe it. I'm sure he had a Ben Sherman shirt on, it was so big. It was like when Father Ted saw Todd Unctuous trying to nick the Golden Cleric. This is not on. Anyone else seen one as cartoonishly big as I'm describing here? And were you as big a girl as I was?

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