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Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion


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All the Royal Rumble ads have been focused around "the return of the Animal", so unless they add Bryan as a last minute surprise, Batista's running away with it. Punk's just there as the designated Ironman this year, they'll probably get him to the final four and tease him winning, but Big Dave will get it, the major returning guy always does i.e. Triple H, Cena, Edge.

Jericho in 2012 didn't. Obviously, Jericho is no Triple H, Cena, Batista or even Edge... But still. Sometimes they go with the current guy over the returner. I wouldn't bet against Bryan. The only thing that makes me confident it'll be Batista is that Bryan winning the Rumble doesn't make much sense unless Triple H is the champion by WrestleMania. Batista and DB could be a phenomenal final two in the match, actually. Best since Undertaker and Michaels (apart from Santino and Del Rio, the greatest Rumble ending ever). I'd be on the edge of my seat. UK Kat would be torn between his ROH loyalty to Bryan and his coveredinscribbles loyalty to the Animal. Every fucker would be thrilled seeing the two of them trading near-eliminations.


I thought Roman Reigns might have been a "dark horse" candidate, but WWE seem to have really cooled him off since that match with Punk. He still does great work, like the running dropkick and mid-air Superman punch, but the focus seems off him as an individual entity. That could be by design though.

On Smackdown this week, the other two talked about The Shield dominating the Rumble and then he went "and then the big dog's gonna win it and go on to WrestleMania" and ended the promo with a dirty grin. He's been spearing the shit out of people still, too. The Shield have just been in a less prominent position because Punk's feud has moved on a bit, I think.


Eh? How? He's went on a 6 month journey competing to be the face of the company, and getting screwed out of the WWE Championship. He's been the underdog who has to overcome the odds time and time again. How would it make no sense for him to win the Rumble and finally get his chance on the big stage, in the main event of WrestleMania at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship unless Triple H was his opponent?

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Eh? How? He's went on a 6 month journey competing to be the face of the company, and getting screwed out of the WWE Championship. He's been the underdog who has to overcome the odds time and time again. How would it make no sense for him to win the Rumble and finally get his chance on the big stage, in the main event of WrestleMania at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship unless Triple H was his opponent?




You've answered yourself in the same post.


He's went on a 6 month journey competing to be the face of the company, and getting screwed out of the WWE Championship.

Screwed out of the WWE Championship by who?

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Wwe.com has a sit down interview with HHH, saying that its not hard to imagine Batista as the new face of the WWE. So that him winning the rumble then. Ugh!


After Bryan's recent reactions it seems ludicrous that he may not be a lock to main event Mania 30.

Heel boss doing in-character interview saying it's not hard to imagine Batista as the new face of the WWE. So that him not winning the rumble then. Ugh!


After Batista's recent ratings, it seems ludicrous that he may not be a lock to main event Mania 30.


Batista may have caused a ratings spike, but do you really believe that he'll garner the same reaction from 70k fans, that would occur if Bryan main evented. The yes chants and atmosphere and anticipation if he were to win would be incredible. I have my reservations that Batista can produce the same effect. The reaction Bryan got after the cage match was punk in Chicago-esque.


I'm not sure they're going to book their biggest show around who'll get the beat live reaction. They'll book it around who they think will make them the most money. They might think that's Bryan and they might be right, but I doubt they'll decide that because he'll create the most atmosphere on the night.

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Someone mentioned earlier about the betting markets and how short the NAO seemed to be. Well, a few weeks ago I was speaking to somebody who worked for one of the firms that offers prices on WWE PPVs and it seems that there are a number of people that bet with them who are based in the US and also who have openly admitted links to people within WWE. For this reason they use those individuals and completely shorten up whichever selections they bet on. For that reason i would completely avoid betting on them, unless of course you are backing all of the favourites which in itself is a bit pointless given how short they are and that plans could change. But I would also avoid the markets if you want to avoid spoilers as well, obviously there was that guy posting the results on that forum not so long ago and that is linked to it all from what I was told.


I would say the only market here that is genuinely priced and fair is the most eliminations market, but even that is probably sprinkled with a fair bit of insider info this close to the event.

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I like the idea of Bryan/Triple H. I always have. I think it'd be a great conclusion to a too-often tepid 'Authority' storyline. Bringing it full circle, and having the often wronged babyface finally get his win would be a great moment and would perhaps give some purpose to the shite we've been forced to watch so far.


I think you can work to Bryan/Triple H for the title and not have to make too many leaps, too.


So (and i'll probably copy and paste this post into the Wrestlemania thread, rather than add my two penneth there) the way i'd work to it, and tie up other loose ends where possible, would be;


First, on Sunday, i'd have Randy chuck in a sly low blow or something, hit an RKO and win the title match. After the match, whilst Orton is celebrating, Cena gets back up on his feet and squares up to Randy. Just when we think we're going to get another scrap, the Wyatt's thing hits (that bit with the sheep and the weird noise) and the lights go out. When they go back up, Cena's gone and Orton looks confused. See, i'm playing to Orton's strengths.


Anyway, before the Rumble match we see Batista walk past Orton in some corridor or something, and Batista (tight jeans, tight-shirt, dipping it in a diva) says "keep the belts warm, Randall". Or some other equally sketchy dialogue. Then, obviously, Batista tears the Rumble up before being cheated out of it by Orton.


The following evening you can have Triple H go spenk at Orton, saying what a disappointment he's been as the face of the company. Always nearly losing the title, cheating etc. "with the network around the corner, the biggest thing since sliced bread for pro-wrestling, we can't have a bottler for a champion and representative". He says that when he first handpicked Orton he gave him the opportunity to handpick his appointment but now, as he's decided to give him the axe, HE'LL pick his next appointment. Thus, the main event of Elimination Chamber would be Triple H/Orton for the title (in a no DQ match, too, so Orton can't sneak out).


I think, that way, you could have some great fun with paranoid Orton realising that he has no cards up his sleeve, that all of his usual get out clauses (The Shield, Wyatt's etc) are not going to cross Triple H and he can't even get himself DQ'd. I'd probably go as far as to hinge the angle on Orton constantly trying to bribe/force people to help him keep his title. On the night itself, i'd have Orton walking around like cock-of-the-walk, hinting that it was all in hand. After a ref bump, Orton starts trying to summon someone from the back but Batista's music hits (if they can afford to, i'd keep him off TV between the Rumble and EC, but get why they wouldn't be able to) and he comes out, smacks fuck out of Orton and Triple H wins the title.


I also think that Bryan winning the title at Mania presents a really cool, unique opportunity to do something 'timeless', like they did with Benoit/Guerrero (before Benny ruined it by getting all murdery). Say, after a hard fought match, you've got Triple H's hit squad at ringside (couldn't give a toss who, but given what i'd like to see on the rest of the card, Kane, Maddox and the NAO would probably work better) ready to do some mischief. Just when it looks like they're about to strike Hulk's music hits. He starts to walk down the aisle, where he's met by Triple H's goons one by one. One-punch, two-punch, three-punch, four and the goons are gone. He stares at Triple H who looks like he's seen the video of his own birth, who in turn turns around and gets a flying knee. Yes-lock, tap out. Woop bloody woop. Get Hogan on the mic, too, brother. He can say something wishy-washy like "Triple H, Stephanie, Vince McMahon. They don't handpick champions brother, they don't get to handpick the face of the WWE brother. YOU the WWE Universe are the only ones, brothers, who can pick the face of the WWE. Once upon a time, you handpicked ME as champion and YOU created HULKAMANIA, brothers. Now, are you ready to create BRYAN-MANIA...?". Finish with an open question, get the Yes chants going. Then i'd probably have Punk, Cena and the Bellas come down to greet the new champ. And then a bunch of other faces after them. Close 'Mania with Bryan on the shoulders of a few jobbers whilst he, Cena, Punk and Hogan mug for the cameras and get the chants going.


So, yeah, that was long and rambly. But Triple H vs. Bryan for the title at Wrestlemania. That'd have about covered it.


Turn over now, to the Mania thread, to see the rest of my suggestions.


Here's a tip; maybe don't bother. It's probably quite dull.

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Sorry if this has already been posted, but I noticed X Pac tweeted about pulling out of a show tonight last minute. Reckon he's had the call? I hope he brings his 123 Kid gear and him and Razor can do a zillion times better version of Snuka/Piper in 2008.

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Well who's staying up then?


I feel like I'm creating my own excitement for the show rather than wwe hyping it up for me. They've only really pushed Batista as the only guy who's gotta chance of winning and the build has been craptacular! Hope it isnt going the way of Survivor Series...

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