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29 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

So Shane McMahon announced on twitter that the winner of Dolph vs Corbin next week will be added to the World title match at Fastlane. Fuck sake. 

Bloody hell.

Can you imagine, after promising Styles vs Nakamura for a month, the WWE Title match at Mania being a fucking Ziggler match? I wouldn’t put it past them.

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33 minutes ago, TheBurningRed said:

So Shane McMahon announced on twitter that the winner of Dolph vs Corbin next week will be added to the World title match at Fastlane. Fuck sake. 

Well, at least that will make the title match slightly more novel than the announced triple threat, which made me groan when I read that's what they were doing. Styles is probably the last guy that made me interested in a Corbin match, so I hope Baz wins. In fact I hope he brutalizes Ziggler. End of Days on the floor, stretcher job would be hilarious.

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I fucking hate the insistence on WWE deciding they know what is best.

Fans are crying out for Rusev to be their hero. Instead they make as much moves as they can to keep him heel. All because Vince can't stand to live without the idea that any Eastern European must be hated by Americans.

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10 hours ago, FUM said:

I fucking hate the insistence on WWE deciding they know what is best.

Fans are crying out for Rusev to be their hero. Instead they make as much moves as they can to keep him heel. All because Vince can't stand to live without the idea that any Eastern European must be hated by Americans.

The bigger problem is that when they do turn  him babyface (and the signs are definitely there that they’re planning on doing it) they’ll completely overhaul his character, boil it down to one note and drain the fun out of it.

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10 hours ago, FUM said:

I fucking hate the insistence on WWE deciding they know what is best.

Fans are crying out for Rusev to be their hero. Instead they make as much moves as they can to keep him heel. All because Vince can't stand to live without the idea that any Eastern European must be hated by Americans.

The main issue with WWE. Rusev being cheered by fans is an inconvenience to WWE rather than a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It boils down to the company being run by a 70 year old psychopath, it's like a cross between Clockwork Orange and the 60's Batman TV show, I mean putting the words on the screen that the Wrestlers are saying in the promo, fucking insanity. 

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The thing with Rusev is that as soon as they turn him face and give him a push, I think most of the support for him will evaporate. I don't think we have a CM Punk-type support on our hands, more a Damien Mizdow one that I'm not sure will translate into a successful face run (I think he's bloody brilliant by the way, but I don't see it working). They'll get bored quickly enough and then decide to ironically cheer somebody else.

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The problem with Mizdow, I think, was that people were cheering him for his schtick - and where does that schtick go without The Miz to play off? The moment he's not doing the stunt double act, he's just back to being Damien Sandow.

I think Rusev's upside far exceeds the "Rusev Day" gag, that's just the hook to get people invested in him in the first place. He's a superb worker, one of the best sellers in the company, has a kind of goofy charisma, and seems game for just about anything.

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1 hour ago, PunkStep said:

The thing with Rusev is that as soon as they turn him face and give him a push, I think most of the support for him will evaporate. I don't think we have a CM Punk-type support on our hands, more a Damien Mizdow one that I'm not sure will translate into a successful face run (I think he's bloody brilliant by the way, but I don't see it working). They'll get bored quickly enough and then decide to ironically cheer somebody else.

Agreed. Rusev is talented, but I imagine this is the best we'll get before they turn him face and it gets a bit rubbish (and "one note" as Supremo pointed out). You're relying on Rusev to be one of those rare talents that can make their shite good, which he can clearly do as a heel, but I'm not so sure if he can manage it as a babyface.

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1 hour ago, BomberPat said:

The problem with Mizdow, I think, was that people were cheering him for his schtick - and where does that schtick go without The Miz to play off? The moment he's not doing the stunt double act, he's just back to being Damien Sandow.

I think Rusev's upside far exceeds the "Rusev Day" gag, that's just the hook to get people invested in him in the first place. He's a superb worker, one of the best sellers in the company, has a kind of goofy charisma, and seems game for just about anything.

True, and there's no denying how talented he is (Rusev is an all-rounded talent) but I still don't see him being a popular babyface long-term. The comparisons with Mizdow was more a case of people are waiting for the trigger to be pulled, but beyond that they have little interest in the wrestler in that role/position. And I don't see everyone getting behind Rusev as a face for long at all. He's better suited as a heel...the problem is, he's entertaining as shit as a heel. A good example of how difficult it is to book talent today what with the polarising fan views, and that moving more and more towards 'shades of grey' makes sense today.

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I think you're probably right, largely because WWE lately don't really have any idea how to book a good babyface, and don't seem to give faces as much scope to just be themselves. But we've never seen Rusev work face - he might turn out to be a natural at it.

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Yeah, I suppose there's no harm in giving him a crack and seeing how he does. After all, they're more or less doing fuck all else with him and Smackdown is hardly congested with enticing storylines that it might take airtime from.

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So its now a 5 way at Fastlane and its still so blindingly obvious AJ is winning I'm really not excited for it one bit.

Just sack off this PPV their really is no need for it and its just harming the build for Styles/Nakamura

Talking off which where on earth is Nakamura? its been 3 shows since his Rumble win and he has been in a Tag Match with AJ (which is what they should done at Fastlane if they mist have this event), last week he was featured for about 20 seconds backstage telling AJ he'll "Beat him at Wrestlemania" and this week I don't think he was even mentioned once.

Its baffling that 6 weeks out from Wrestlemania and he isn't even on the show at all!!! 

Its all well and good if he was The Rock or something but Since he came up last April he hasn't fully connected with the wider audience I think its fair to say and after he really looked like a star winning the Rumble and had the crowd fully behind him it looked like the perfect time to really push on with him and build some momentum on the way to Mania but no they've pushed him to the side in favour of this never ending Owens/Zayn/Bryan/Shane nonsense.     

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I've been thinking about the Wrestlemania match and have concluded that they don't need to and shouldn't have Nakamura win the Title. Why would they need to give him the title and the win, when they already have a massively over and talented champion. I mean, we're talking about "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles here! He should be the one walking out as champion. 

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