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Thanks so much for compiling this list LaGoosh, it has been a real treat to read over the last couple of weeks. I love The Wire and The Sopranos, so however this plays out, I've been happy to hear everyone's opinions of various shows on here. I do really think that Breaking Bad will hold up well on here eventually, but I'm backing The Sopranos for number one now. Either way, there's a few shows that I will definitely be trying out as a result of this thread, so I will be in your debt for a long while.

Edited by TysonSL
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Have some of that Loki





I can understand this though - it's happening right now, in the middle of its pomp, and it is fucking entertaining. I will definitely be watching the 3rd series at some point. I think I just read too much fantasy as a kid, I keep wishing they'd make a David Gemmell adaptation instead. Lots of killing and fucking in that.


What's left then? The Wire and Sopranos. Can't argue with that.

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I facking lav a bit of Game Of Thrones, and it certainly would have crept into my top ten had I not forgot it completely. I think I was in the midst of a Luther feeding frenzy at the time. No other series in this list has compelled me to plough through 5 massive books in a genre I have never had much interest in. In fact, I probably view it more as a set of books now rather than the telly.


Breaking Bad is incredible. I wonder where it would be on this list had we done this after it

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I remember when Graham Norton was presenting the best television show award at the BAFTAS and everyone kinda assumed that the Olympics would walk it and in the end it went to Game of Thrones. Norton had a whole "what the fuck" look on his face and proclaimed "even I watched the Olympics."


Game of Thrones is decent schlock. I haven't ever gotten into it like other people though. It has some moments of good acting and some pretty scenes but it's yet to grip me emotionally like it does other people. It's an impressive production achievement though.

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Not the order I'd like them in (The Wire doesn't do it for me) but I'd be interested in the points difference between them.

To put it in religious terms, The Sopranos was John The Baptist to The Wire's Christ.


The Sopranos is like The Kinks, they paved the way, were ace, but there are better bands that follows. However, you have to appreciate the trail they blazed.

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Not the order I'd like them in (The Wire doesn't do it for me) but I'd be interested in the points difference between them.


It was very close, with both shows getting almost equal number of votes but The Wire got more number 1 votes which pushed it to the top spot. For the first half of the votes Deadwood was actually number 1 but then it basically become Wire vs. Sopranos swapping back and forth until the deadline. Either or both were included in 50% of the votes.


I very much enjoyed putting this list together. Out of the shows on the list I haven't seen but now will give a go are: I, Claudius, Cracker, Friday Night Lights, Threads, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Entourage

Edited by LaGoosh
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Bunny Colvin and Mr.Prezbo are my two favourite Wire characters.Rawls comes a close third for being such an entertaining prick.


A new girl started in our unit about a month ago and inadvertently admitted to not liking The Wire,not only that but she also said it wasn't as good as Rookie fucking Blue.Any respect for her was instantly lost.

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Thanks! Yes I am off to LA in 5 hours.


I think with The Wire if someone tells me they don't like it I immediately think that it's because they are stupid and don't understand it. My mind honestly can't comprehend the thought of someone intelligent watching it and going "this is a bit shit".


One show that I love that I don't think got any votes is The Pacific. It's the sequel to Band Of Brothers and almost as good IMO. It's ace.

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