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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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  • Awards Moderator

Is there any explanation as to why Kidd and Cesaro wear Beats to their matches? Just seems completely pointless.

It's a weird continuation of Tyson's previous gimmick, where he was wearing headphones and ignoring Natalya's matches. Now Cesaro is wearing them because... ?

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They really should have kept Reigns away from the title for a while. It's a lose lose situation for him.

There is not much else for them to do with Reigns though at the moment, as is the state of the WWE roster.


He could be feuding/mixing it up with the likes of Sheamus, Barrett or Harper, but Harper is just another mid-carder now (trading wins and loses with everyone else in the mid-card), as is Barrett really, and Sheamus is having a weird arse-kissing feud with Ziggler.


Kane is another alternative, but no one want to see a Reigns/Kane match and Kane is "feuding" with Rollins.


Watching Raw made me notice more-so than ever how poor the roster is and how so many of the wrestlers are at the same mid-card or lower-card level.

R-Truth stands out like a sore thumb in the King of the Ring tournament and the the line-up for the tournament itself was very underwhelming.

The likes of Truth, Fandango, Rose, Axel, Stardust, Sandow and a few others just do not feel worth wasting time on Raw with them.

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This'll be Roman Reigns' 4th WWE title shot on PPV, I think. They should be careful about how many they have him lose. But as DJM says, the roster is all so stale at the moment that there's nothing else to do with him anyway. It's such a shame that Luke Harper's been beaten into midcard oblivion, he's good enough to be doing PPVs with Cena or Reigns. Although saying that, his inset promo on Raw was hideously bad.

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  • Paid Members

Anybody else pick up on the massive facepalm moment when Booker was comparing Neville to former KotR winner Owen Hart?


"Owen did not defy gravity". Indeed.

Booker tweeted an apology for that. I didn't realise until I saw that. He must have felt pretty shit when he realised what he'd just said.

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